If it is walking so slowly I wish the lady that took the pic would have went and yanked the pumpkin off it's head!!
Hubby and I saw a raccoon on a busy city street with a peanut butter jar stuck on its head. It must have gotten into someone's recycling bin. We stopped in the middle of the road and put our hazard lights on and were running around trying to get close to it. Finally my hubby got close enough to grab the p.b. jar and give it a yank and it came right off. The raccoon looked at him a bit dazed and then took off into the ravine beside the road. Everyone that had stopped to help started clapping and hubby got all embarassed.
Thats a real bummer for that dear, I feel bad for it but they really can be stupid. On the news last night, it showed that a buck had went through a glass window, it was in a store and trying to fight itself in a mirror!