well my mare Quelly wentr into a full on spring "season" the moment she laid eyes on him...( I dont blame her, I nearly wet my pants too) so thats been interesting to say the least, we have ALL been squirted this week and last by Quelly. That has slowed down a lot, not so much kicking, squealing. Chico does not back down, I am not sure where he is in the pecking order , Quelly is still Alpha Mare, Blanco the 4 year old gelding rough houses with him so much that all my nails have been bitten off to the quick. He has quite a few bald patches on his face and neck ( just in time for our first show and " comming out " party , wont he look nice) The boys have settled down, and they are eating their hay together without fighting , or backing away. Quelly doesnt share her food with anyone , and her waist line prooves this. The 30 year old donkey, waived his nuetural Swiss flag the moment he saw Chico...so thankfully that is not an issue. All in all , I think its going to work out just fine. Thanks for asking .Hi Krissy! How is Utopia getting on with the other horses, I mean other than Pearl? Has he settled down some?