trying to upload a photo

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Well, here it goes again, one more try at shrinking, resizing and uploading... hope it works. My master plan of Utopia and Pearl becomming buddies , has worked !!! Now the 2 of them can go to the shows together and the other 2 will stay back home ( different shows) with the Donkey .

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Hi Krissy! How is Utopia getting on with the other horses, I mean other than Pearl? Has he settled down some?
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Hi Krissy! How is Utopia getting on with the other horses, I mean other than Pearl? Has he settled down some?
well my mare Quelly wentr into a full on spring "season" the moment she laid eyes on him...( I dont blame her, I nearly wet my pants too) so thats been interesting to say the least, we have ALL been squirted this week and last by Quelly. That has slowed down a lot, not so much kicking, squealing. Chico does not back down, I am not sure where he is in the pecking order , Quelly is still Alpha Mare, Blanco the 4 year old gelding rough houses with him so much that all my nails have been bitten off to the quick. He has quite a few bald patches on his face and neck ( just in time for our first show and " comming out " party , wont he look nice) The boys have settled down, and they are eating their hay together without fighting , or backing away. Quelly doesnt share her food with anyone , and her waist line prooves this. The 30 year old donkey, waived his nuetural Swiss flag the moment he saw thankfully that is not an issue. All in all , I think its going to work out just fine. Thanks for asking .
It showed the photo before ...Arggggg you can see the same photo on my info page. sorry, i tried...I give up on the photos
Hi Krissy, the picture doesn't work for me either, but i already have the ones you sent me. Glad to hear Chico is settling down well. Will be in touch with you very soon as I'm now up at nights doing mare watching, so have time to catch up with all my mail work!


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