Very hard decision pertaining to work.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Well, my work has finally relized that this rotateing 3 shifts every two weeks is very unhealthy and is costing alot in health insurrance. Well the past few months they have been haveing meetings trying to figure out a new schedual. Come spring when everybody is back from lay off(about the end of april) the new shift plan will go in affect.

It will be days and afternoons rotating and straight grave yard. Me being the bottom dog didnt get much say and now for the rest of my life am stuck on straight graveyard(11pm-7am)

I like this shift, however it doesnt agree with me. First I need to talk with my doctor and see if she even thinks I should attempt it or if it will mess me up to much.

I have worked it for a month and a half before but after that I couldnt do it anymore. Its to hard sleeping in the daylight yet staying sane.

Anyway, I have two options.

The first one is to stay and stick it out for as long as I can with out jepordizeing my health anymore. THen trying to get the doc to work with work to come and see if I can get on another shift. Pending the doc even says its ok to work it.

Second option is to work it, and go to school part time at the same time. What I would go to school for is 2 years, but of coarse being I will be working full time as well it will take me longer to finish school. However in the end I would have a degree and can move on to something better then that place. SOmething better for my health and something I enjoy.

The down side to this is I would have to get rid of my puppies. It would not be fair to them for me to keep them, while working full time and school part time. I have had Mitzy almost a year now, and Jack a few months. There not something that I really wanna part with, but in this case I need to think about what would be best for them. I know my sister wants Mitzy, but she I wont let her have her with out takeing Jack. My rules with that would be that they have to stay together. THey are majorly bonded together and each whines if seperated from the other.

I think I could swing the bills and school, while still working. But again, this would all be depending on what the doc thinks.

Im really torn on what to do. I my gut tells me one thing and my heart another. I do 95% have my mind made up, but do have until later spring to decide.

Just wish that the options didnt weigh out so equal in good and bad.
Why can't you find another job? Life is way too short to screw up your health for even a few more dollars an hour. I would also jump at the chance of going to college and even someone with bad credit can get student loans. What would you enjoy doing with your life?
THe job pays well, ok really well. It supports all my bills, all my pets(9 horses, 4 hedgys and 2 dogs) plus gives me some to keep sticking away for property/school which ever I decided to do.

THe job is also flexible with college students and if what you are going to school for is at all related to the company, then they will pay for your schooling.
Oh, I see. Well, we can negate that your job will pay for your schooling if it is related, right? Or do you really want to stay in whatever industry that is? Is there a college nearby that you would even want to attend or will you have to relocate? I would look at it this way: a college education will more than likely always mean a better paying job for you no matter where you are. The job you have now is most likely just a job, even if it's paying better than most. Once you are done with school you can settle into your chosen career (what you really want to do) and then save for property. I would take advantage of being young and "carefree" while you can, even selling some of those horses to help pay tuition. I believe it will pay off in the long run with your health and happiness.

Just a thought...
Why can't you find another job? Life is way too short to screw up your health for even a few more dollars an hour. I would also jump at the chance of going to college and even someone with bad credit can get student loans. What would you enjoy doing with your life?
ah to be young.....paying the mortgage and feeding/housing kids often leads to having to work totally sucky jobs just because......I miss my younger days when I could just do something else.....right now I am so rock and a hard place it isn't funny.........I used to enjoy my job then they hired the "cow" I swear it takes alot to truly rub me so wrong that a person from work can follow me home....I am a work is work and home is home person...well after waking up and fuming more nights than I can count.........stupid job...stupid commute...stupid dumb cow......oh I cannot stand this person.....she is pushy loud, walks all over everyone, treats you like your stupid, totally a hitler hostile takeover person ahhhhhhhhh...but I have to make money to pay bills...and 10 hr jobs are tough to find

Ashley if you can wing it long enough to get through school I say do it.....after all it wouldn't be forever it would be helping you get to what you really want to do.......I keep reminding myself the same thing
"ah to be young.....paying the mortgage and feeding/housing kids often leads to having to work totally sucky jobs just because......" runamuk

No kidding! That's why I'm not having kids and love living on a boat. I can still have a few furry little ones to keep me company and even board a horse somewhere if I want to.
: Walking, riding a bike and using public transporation eliminates the need to own a car that would cost oodles in insurance and repairs. I'm not above working at a sucky job but won't stay for longer than is absolutely neccessary. Life really is too short...
Nikki, you live on a boat??? I've been to Prescott more times than I can count, I haven't spotted too many boats! :lol:

I'm just giving you a hard time
Smarty pants! :risa_suelos: Actually I'm currently unemployed, living in a triplex and planning my escape.
: I was grooming dogs until my boyfriend got into a serious car wreck in late October and I had to quit. Before that I was in Florida living on a 24' sailboat and before that I lived in Portland and Seattle on several different sailboats with a short dry spell when I lived in a home on five acres. Trying to keep the house (what I thought I had always wanted) almost killed me. As for the place I'm at now, well...
Ahhh...I couldn't get over the image of a big house boat parked next to a Seguaro (sp?) on a hill in Prescott. LOL! Didn't seem to fit right!
Sorry Ashley, I have no advice, but just wanted to say I sure wouldn't want to be in your shoes. I just could not handle having to work those hours, especially when you know there is no end in sight.
Hey now, who are you kidding? Up here in Preskitt we've got SHRUBS... err... *cough* PINES *cough*! This is afterall the "high country," don't you know.
: I just don't think the majority of the "seedy" people living here now know or even care what is really meant by HIGH...
Hmm, it sounds distressing to have those choices in front of you.

If you are 95% decided, perhaps a little bit of time will decide it 100%.

That would be tough to work those hours as Mona said, without a definite end and change in sight. I hope whatever happens there is in your best interest and you have your own best interest in mind and that's good.


I know having to say goodbye to the dogs would be rough, but if your sister had them, would there be a chance you could get them back at some point if not see them frequently? (not sure if that would be harder or easier).

My thoughts are with you,

I have been working the graveyard shift for 13 years......and....YOU NEVER GET USED TO IT.

If this job pays well, make a commitment to yourself that you will go to school..... then finish school....then change jobs.

I remember my first year at my job, i said that i would not stay for more than 1 year... WEll, here i am 13 years later.

Well, promotions happen and with that comes more money. Then you get to the point that it is hard to leave because of the pay.

But i will tell you that a graveyard shift is very, very hard on you. You never get enough sleep and of course when weekends come (if you are like me) you want to be a normal person and be awake in the daytime, so then your tired all weekend anyway. Then you stress because you know that you didn't get enough sleep over the weekend and that you will be paying for that monday night...

It really never gets any better,

You are young, but this shift will make you a old person very fast....

Your best bet is the schooling then get outta there!!!
Do what makes YOU happy Ashley.....that is all that matters.
There are ways to exist working a permanent graveyard shift. Many people on this type of shift actually divide their sleep into a pattern that allows for each afternoon to do all the things "normal people" have to do on weekends. By coming home and sleeping until noon they have from noon til 7:30pm each day to themselves. Then take a nap before going back into work. this allows them to be fresh, alert and able to do a safe days work. I know several people who would not have it any other way. But as some say its not for everybody.
:new_shocked: Ashley it takes your body about 6-7 mo. to adjust to the graveyard shift. But if that is what you always work you will adjust. As for school try to get a pell grant. its a gov. grant that pays for all of your college for about 2 years including books, I've had 2 friends get through nursing school using pells and working part time for living costs.
: You will be surprised at what you can do if you really want something. Maybe you can get someone to foster some of yourn critters untilk you get though school.
THe job pays well, ok really well. It supports all my bills, all my pets(9 horses, 4 hedgys and 2 dogs) plus gives me some to keep sticking away for property/school which ever I decided to do.

THe job is also flexible with college students and if what you are going to school for is at all related to the company, then they will pay for your schooling.
Well to me this would answer the question I would stick it out and have them help pay for your education
Hard choices!

I am not really any help at all but think going to school can be very helpful but it isn't always.

Sounds to me like you have a great job if it supports all of the above. Perhaps you should give the graveyard shift a year before you make any other decisions.

I went to college full time and worked full time. I enjoyed college and did well btu now I have loans to pay and I am a stay at home Mom

I am glad I went to college but I wouldn't rearrange my whole life to do it, just my experience.

College will be there in a few years too, sounds like you have a big workload as it is with fulltime work and 9 horses.... take your time and really go through your options and make sure whatever you choose to study is what you want to do for the rest of your life :eek: That was my mistake, I majored in Ecconomics!
Those hours totally bite and around when I was your age I was working really crappy hours like that for an airline. I hated it. Same problem though, the money and the benefits were really, really good. I did eventually leave for a job I enjoyed a lot more but was paid a lot less. When I was there I was working with people that had been working for the company SINCE BEFORE I WAS BORN. They were so bitter and old and sour and hated their jobs but couldn't leave because of their seniority and pay and benefits so just kept dragging themselves in day after day. I just couldn't see myself turning out like that.

For your situation, unfortunately you live in an area where a comparably paying job would be difficult to find without more education. I think stick it out for now, knowing it isn't forever and there is a light at the end of the tunnel, go to school and then armed with a degree look for something else that you would enjoy more. If they will help pay for school and be flexible on your hours, you can't beat that. I feel bad that you would have to give up your dogs though.

As far as your health goes, is there any chance your doctor might decide you CAN'T work those sort of hours and be willing to give a letter to your company? If you've been there for a while would that make it possible for them to have to accomodate you (and what your doctor says) and adjust your hours to something that your body can handle better? I think some people are ok with 3rd shift work and others just can't physically and mentally handle it.

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