I have wanted to breed minis since I was about 9. Today Hiawatha and Keegan did not disappoint! This little guy is just perfect. Pictures are terrible right now. First the flash wasnt working and then I felt terrible blinding him with it. The stall they are in doesnt have a light. Just a few fast shots for now. Hes just barely dried off. I will take more and post them with a name for him later.
this one I took with my cell phone
The blankie was a fantastic birthday gift from April (HafPints) THANKS APRIL!
Here he is with mom
Very sweet little guy. He has his dads white eyelashes
Here is his sire Sky Eye Keegan Hawk / KDS Short Stuff Stables Hawks Imagine That
Please excuse the swollen bug bite on his neck. Its long gone.
Well I hope you guys like him. I know I do! A new character to draw!
Closing in on a name but in the mean time here are some new pictures of him. We took him outside for a few minutes and much to his mothers dismay, he was everywhere! A playful and adventurous baby!
I have too many pics so I am going to post more on another page of this thread. Page two Im thinking. Check em out as they are very cute!
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