War on Christmas

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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December 12, 2005 3:03 AM


I wish I'd written this article. It is not just another list of gripes but

rather some very important thinking points on whether or not you want to

preserve ALL freedom of ALL religions. It's about making a personal choice

to be part of the solution rather than being a victim and therefore part of

the problem. I hope you get as much out of it as I did.

By Debbie Daniel

I'm on a "Merry Christmas" mission and I'm in full throttle. My little

yellow VW Beetle has turned into a Christmas billboard with Merry Christmas

written across the back window. Yes, I've decided to trek off to work

everyday on the public highways with a message that seems to offend people.

At stop lights, I even turn my music up a little louder, and to top it

off, I sing along with it. Don't I know that stopping at a red light to roll

my windows down only to share the joy of Christmas carols on public streets

is a No-No? Don't I fear the Christmas Gestapo and those who would have me

remove the written message from my car?

I'm sorry folks, but the only person I'm concerned about "offending"

during this Christmas season is the Lord himself. LEAVE THAT MANGER ALONE!

We've allowed the Baby Jesus to be kicked out of His lowly manger, and those

offended by Christmas are still not happy.

I refuse to let this happen. I'm going to do my part to make sure "Merry

Christmas" doesn't become extinct. Because like it or not, if the believers

in Christmas don't take a stand now, it's gone forever.

Listen folks, the Christian community has been underestimated before; we

will have to show ourselves again.

I walked into a Wendy's Restaurant the other day and was rather

exuberant with my "Merry Christmas" greeting to the manager. He didn't have

much of a response and I said, "Where's your Christmas spirit?" He said,

"We're not allowed to use the words "Merry Christmas" when greeting

customers. We can only say "Happy Holiday."

This morning I grabbed a quick breakfast at a Whataburger Restaurant. I

noticed there wasn't a single decoration in the store. I asked the manager

why they weren't decorated for Christmas. He told me the corporate

headquarters decided not to send any decorations to any of their stores, and

he didn't know why.

After I heard about all the Macy's and Federated Stores taking down

their Merry Christmas signs, the Target stores not allowing the Salvation

Army to "Ring the Christmas bells," and the many incidents of children,

choirs, and bands not allowed to play or sing Christmas carols, I realized

it was happening right here in my own little Texas town. How can this be?

Not Texas!

We do, however, have a store, Hobby Lobby, that plays nothing but

Christmas carols during the season. On Christmas Day they run a full page ad

in our local newspaper. That ad is not to promote the store, but uses the

entire page to tell the story of Jesus' birth. Now that's taking a stand. We

need to thank them.

When I saw a news report the other evening of children being taught new

words to a song we've sung for years - "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" - I

was saddened to hear "We Wish You a Splendid Holiday."

I know now that it's just a matter of time that the "Merry Christmas"

greetings will be gone. Look around your town. Notice the "Holiday"

greetings and not "Christmas." It's happening right before our very eyes.

Start singing the songs; go down the streets of America singing to your

heart's content. Get some of those wash-off markers that these kids use to

write on their car windows when they're rooting for their hometown football

team. It's easy to do, and if a torrential rain washes it off, write it on

there again.

We've got to get this message out. "Go Tell It On the Mountain . . .

that Jesus Christ is Born." Sing it, speak it, be a billboard for our Lord.

The story of this "Baby Jesus" alone has brought about more goodwill at

this time of year than any other day we celebrate. How can we sit back and

allow Him to be snuffed out of our lives?

Is it Jesus, or is it His followers that the "offended" don't like? What

kind of revulsion galvanizes one to campaign so vehemently against the mere

mention of His name, the mere singing of a carol, or the mere visual of a

sign that says "Merry Christmas?"

I can listen to my own boss at work use some of the vilest words and

follow up with, "Excuse my French." I may cringe inside at his darning of

God's name, but I tolerate it. So if you don't like me wishing you a "Merry

Christmas," I'll say, "Excuse my joy." You may cringe that I celebrate the

birth of Jesus, but just tolerate it.

I cannot be concerned that "Merry Christmas" offends you. If I'm not

careful, the day will come when saying I'm a Christian will offend you.

I'm offended that you're offended. How about that?

When we get to a point that we can no longer take part in a tradition we

hold dear, we have no choice; we either defend that tradition or we give it

up to those who say NO. That's it . . . period. So, which will it be? I'm

not giving up my "Merry Christmas" joy to anyone.

If I know of someone who celebrates another holiday during this time of

year, I will be glad to wish them whatever holiday they want. Just tell me

what it is and I'll shout it to the world and wish you a grand celebration.

Just give me Christmas. To you merchants: Stop being so hypocritical and

"filling your tills" on the back of Jesus! Who do you think is the symbol of

giving at this time of year? It was the wise men bringing gifts to the

newborn Christ-child.

You want your coffers full, but have ordered your employees to take down

all the Merry Christmas signs. If that's the case, I'll buy gifts at a place

that understands my joy.

If you're worried about offending someone, you just did. The most recent

Newsweek survey shows that 82% of Americans believe that Jesus is the Son of

God. So, in trying not to offend a few, you've offended many.

It's okay to jump into the "Merry Christmas" spirit when it fills your

cash register, but let's call it something else . . . and don't stop giving

. . . and don't stop buying. .. . we'll just change the name and you'll

never know the difference.

I know the difference and I'm feeling it greatly. It's hard not to be

aware that townships across our country have actually banned the singing of

Christmas carols because it might offend someone. And it's not just the

religious songs; it's the secular ones too. No more "Jingle Bells" or

"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" because they're associated with Christmas.

Boy, aren't we getting sensitive?

If we're not celebrating Christmas for the hope it gives with the birth

of our Savior . . . there is no hope!

I noticed a few years ago that we changed the name of Abraham Lincoln's

and George Washington's birthday so as to be all inclusive regarding the

Presidents. Hark, if we should recognize anyone as exceptional. Now it's

called Presidents' Day.

Well, if we're going to be so all inclusive, next month I'll have to

refer to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as Civil Rights Leaders' Day. We

don't want to exclude great Americans like Rosa Parks or Cesar Chavez, do

we? And to think that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton might be left out.

We might need to change Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Grandparents'

Day to All Parents' Day. Just lump them all together.

It sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? So what's the difference?

My freedom to celebrate Christmas in the tradition of the Christian

religion is as much my right as it is your right to be offended by it. So

what are we going to do? Did anyone hear me . . . what are we going to do?

Do we defend a person's right to go forward with a time tested tradition

(how about 2000 years?), or do we defend a person's right to end it all

because they're offended? As long as we live in this great land and have the

freedom to express ourselves and what we believe in, we will always offend


If we try to make everything right for everyone, we won't have anything

for anyone.

May you always have Christmas in your heart!

AMEN Robin

I was just asked this week why I decorate the way I do when no one can see the decorations from the Main road. I decorate the way I do because my heart is joyous during this season. MERRY CHRISTMAS
Robin I am not a Christian, and I am PROUD to not be a Christian!! I have absolutely NO problem with people celebrating the birth of a man who undoubtedly did good wherever he went and has had a lot of good (as well as bad) done in his name ever since. If our countries are going to ban Christmas as such, then just Who is going to go and tell all the Muslims they cannot celebrate Hussein's birthday, the day he died, the day he became a Martyr!!!

Hallooo...can you say World War Three????

So, it's OK to ban the use of religious beliefs so long as it won't cause a war??

Last time I looked I was living in a Democracy and I shall continue, in spite of my religious beliefs, to wish you


Amen. What a wonderful article.

Maybe people should stop spending their CHRISTmas money at these stores who don't want to offend anyone.

I remember a few years back, when the school I worked at decided not to let the kids wear their costumes to school for Halloween anymore. It was the devils holiday, some parents said. Gosh I thought it was just to get free candy from the nabes!

Now the kids can't even have holiday parties because some might be offended...seems weird since everyone goes to the same few CHRISTian churches around here!!!

Seems funny that our men and women are in another country fighting for their freedom, but our own freedom to celebrate is being hampered on a daily basis.

That was great. Thanks for sharing it. Definitely makes a person pause and consider the consequences. And, of course, being America (land that I love) we have to be concerned about "everyone else's" opinion.

Ummm... I wonder if that was your car I saw the other day with Merry Christmas written on the back window. Probably not, but maybe it was someone who read what you posted.
Michael was telling us of a discussion in school that the teachers are being told to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".........

I for one AM a Christian and have no problem sending the message about the Christ child. I do have a huge Nativity on my front lawn, and two inside the house.

I also do have a wreath on my truck, plus an ornament hanging from the rear view mirror. Going through Chattanooga on Sunday, there was Michael, true to form, hanging out the back window of the truck yelling Merry Christmas to the carolers that were along the side of the road. Good for him!


I got this one in an email too. I almost went out and put MERRY CHRISTMAS on my back window. This is one reason I hate to see people using the X-mas. It takes the Christ out of Christmas. Most folks say it is just a short cut.....yeah right. I for one will continue to wish a

My prob;em isn' with Christmas it's with Christians not realizing that freedom of religion means all religions not just Christianity I likehristmas music and Christmas cheer but I am noy Christian a nd I have as much right to celebrate my religion as Christians do.

Robin1 said:
December 12, 2005 3:03 AMSubject: COURTEOUS ASSERTIVENESS

I wish I'd written this article.  It is not just another list of gripes but

rather some very important thinking points on whether or not you want to

preserve ALL freedom of ALL religions.  It's about making a personal choice

to be part of the solution rather than being a victim and therefore part of

the problem.  I hope you get as much out of it as I did.

By Debbie Daniel

    I'm on a "Merry Christmas" mission and I'm in full throttle. My little

yellow VW Beetle has turned into a Christmas billboard with Merry Christmas

written across the back window. Yes, I've decided to trek off to work

everyday on the public highways with a message that seems to offend people.

    At stop lights, I even turn my music up a little louder, and to top it

off, I sing along with it. Don't I know that stopping at a red light to roll

my windows down only to share the joy of Christmas carols on public streets

is a No-No? Don't I fear the Christmas Gestapo and those who would have me

remove the written message from my car?

    I'm sorry folks, but the only person I'm concerned about "offending"

during this Christmas season is the Lord himself. LEAVE THAT MANGER ALONE!

We've allowed the Baby Jesus to be kicked out of His lowly manger, and those

offended by Christmas are still not happy.

    I refuse to let this happen. I'm going to do my part to make sure "Merry

Christmas" doesn't become extinct. Because like it or not, if the believers

in Christmas don't take a stand now, it's gone forever.

    Listen folks, the Christian community has been underestimated before; we

will have to show ourselves again.

    I walked into a Wendy's Restaurant the other day and was rather

exuberant with my "Merry Christmas" greeting to the manager. He didn't have

much of a response and I said, "Where's your Christmas spirit?" He said,

"We're not allowed to use the words "Merry Christmas" when greeting

customers. We can only say "Happy Holiday."

    This morning I grabbed a quick breakfast at a Whataburger Restaurant. I

noticed there wasn't a single decoration in the store. I asked the manager

why they weren't decorated for Christmas. He told me the corporate

headquarters decided not to send any decorations to any of their stores, and

he didn't know why.

    After I heard about all the Macy's and Federated Stores taking down

their Merry Christmas signs, the Target stores not allowing the Salvation

Army to "Ring the Christmas bells," and the many incidents of children,

choirs, and bands not allowed to play or sing Christmas carols, I realized

it was happening right here in my own little Texas town.  How can this be?

Not Texas!

    We do, however, have a store, Hobby Lobby, that plays nothing but

Christmas carols during the season. On Christmas Day they run a full page ad

in our local newspaper. That ad is not to promote the store, but uses the

entire page to tell the story of Jesus' birth. Now that's taking a stand. We

need to thank them.

    When I saw a news report the other evening of children being taught new

words to a song we've sung for years - "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" - I

was saddened to hear "We Wish You a Splendid Holiday."

    I know now that it's just a matter of time that the "Merry Christmas"

greetings will be gone. Look around your town. Notice the "Holiday"

greetings and not "Christmas." It's happening right before our very eyes.

    Start singing the songs; go down the streets of America singing to your

heart's content. Get some of those wash-off markers that these kids use to

write on their car windows when they're rooting for their hometown football

team. It's easy to do, and if a torrential rain washes it off, write it on

there again.

    We've got to get this message out. "Go Tell It On the Mountain . . .

that Jesus Christ is Born." Sing it, speak it, be a billboard for our Lord.

    The story of this "Baby Jesus" alone has brought about more goodwill at

this time of year than any other day we celebrate. How can we sit back and

allow Him to be snuffed out of our lives?

    Is it Jesus, or is it His followers that the "offended" don't like? What

kind of revulsion galvanizes one to campaign so vehemently against the mere

mention of His name, the mere singing of a carol, or the mere visual of a

sign that says "Merry Christmas?"

    I can listen to my own boss at work use some of the vilest words and

follow up with, "Excuse my French." I may cringe inside at his darning of

God's name, but I tolerate it. So if you don't like me wishing you a "Merry

Christmas," I'll say, "Excuse my joy." You may cringe that I celebrate the

birth of Jesus, but just tolerate it.

    I cannot be concerned that "Merry Christmas" offends you. If I'm not

careful, the day will come when saying I'm a Christian will offend you.

    I'm offended that you're offended. How about that?

    When we get to a point that we can no longer take part in a tradition we

hold dear, we have no choice; we either defend that tradition or we give it

up to those who say NO. That's it . . . period. So, which will it be?  I'm

not giving up my "Merry Christmas" joy to anyone.

If I know of someone who celebrates another holiday during this time of

year, I will be glad to wish them whatever holiday they want. Just tell me

what it is and I'll shout it to the world and wish you a grand celebration.

    Just give me Christmas. To you merchants: Stop being so hypocritical and

"filling your tills" on the back of Jesus! Who do you think is the symbol of

giving at this time of year? It was the wise men bringing gifts to the

newborn Christ-child.

    You want your coffers full, but have ordered your employees to take down

all the Merry Christmas signs. If that's the case, I'll buy gifts at a place

that understands my joy.

    If you're worried about offending someone, you just did. The most recent

Newsweek survey shows that 82% of Americans believe that Jesus is the Son of

God. So, in trying not to offend a few, you've offended many.

    It's okay to jump into the "Merry Christmas" spirit when it fills your

cash register, but let's call it something else . . . and don't stop giving

. . . and don't stop buying. .. . we'll just change the name and you'll

never know the difference.

    I know the difference and I'm feeling it greatly. It's hard not to be

aware that townships across our country have actually banned the singing of

Christmas carols because it might offend someone. And it's not just the

religious songs; it's the secular ones too. No more "Jingle Bells" or

"Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" because they're associated with Christmas.

Boy, aren't we getting sensitive?

    If we're not celebrating Christmas for the hope it gives with the birth

of our Savior . . . there is no hope!

    I noticed a few years ago that we changed the name of Abraham Lincoln's

and George Washington's birthday so as to be all inclusive regarding the

Presidents. Hark, if we should recognize anyone as exceptional. Now it's

called Presidents' Day.

    Well, if we're going to be so all inclusive, next month I'll have to

refer to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as Civil Rights Leaders' Day. We

don't want to exclude great Americans like Rosa Parks or Cesar Chavez, do

we? And to think that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton might be left out.

    We might need to change Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Grandparents'

Day to All Parents' Day. Just lump them all together.

    It sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? So what's the difference?

    My freedom to celebrate Christmas in the tradition of the Christian

religion is as much my right as it is your right to be offended by it. So

what are we going to do? Did anyone hear me . . . what are we going to do?

    Do we defend a person's right to go forward with a time tested tradition

(how about 2000 years?), or do we defend a person's right to end it all

because they're offended? As long as we live in this great land and have the

freedom to express ourselves and what we believe in, we will always offend


    If we try to make everything right for everyone, we won't have anything

for anyone.

    May you always have Christmas in your heart!



Cronwolf, you missed the point. Enjoy your holiday be as noisy about your holiday and what you belive as you wish you have the right to worship what ever you want to.

But give us the same right. I'm sorry that most cant see this. My mother in law and I had this fight several years ago if it is not "christian" it's bad in her eyes.

Dont make the mistake that all christians feel that way. As usual it the few rabbid folks that get the press. No matter what is being discussed.




But I'll stick with Christ

My prob;em isn' with Christmas it's with Christians not realizing that freedom of religion means all religions not just Christianity I likehristmas music and Christmas cheer but I am noy Christian a nd I have as much right to celebrate my religion as Christians do.
See this is just the point. The NON Christians are taking offense to Christians celebrating THEIR religion by saying we can't say Merry CHRISTmas. It IS a free country and we should be able to say anything we want. We don't go around telling you you can't worship a tree, or whatever you choose to worship. We don't tell anyone they can't say Happy Kwanza, or Hannakuh, or whatever.

I don't have a problem with other's celebrating their beliefs but I too should have the freedom to celebrate MY beliefs.

It's just like telling us we couldn't fly our American flags after 9/11 because "someone could be offended" WHO CARES! We have people that fought and died for the privilege of flying that flag.

Sorry, it just struck a nerve.

edited: posting the same time as Birdmomjb
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Oh my gosh, I LOVED the point about stores wanting you to spend your money buying Christmas gifts but they won't actually celebrate Christmas.

The part that bothers me is that this has turned from an INCLUSIVE, lets-not-forget-there-are-other-holidays kind of action into an EXCLUSIVE God-forbid-we-should-stifle-someone crusade. I AM NOT CHRISTIAN. I do not think we are all sinners and that we are only saved because Jesus died for us. I do believe he was a good man who did good/great works and deserves to be admired, emulated, and exulted. That is why I whole-heartedly celebrate the season whose main focus is the spirit of goodwill and peace. But it ticks me off that in a land where free speech is fought for to the point that pornography and foul language are supported in the courts, we cannot defend the right to celebrate kindness and joy.

If we try to make everything right for everyone, we won't have anything for anyone.
Amen, sister. Could we focus just for once on raising all voices on high and celebrating diversity as we claim to rather than cutting us all down to be equal in our having nothing? America is becoming ridiculous.


To my christian friends


to my jewish friends


to my pagan friends


to my ancestors


to everyone else


and to my atheist friends


Actually one of the conservative talk show hosts I listen to seems to agree with me.......we are not accepting everyone anymore we now are excluding everyone.......personally I think if someone in their exuberence wishes you a merry xmas and you take offense ..you really are a sad person and need to get a life..(apparently they do get a life as legislatures taking away all american freedoms
We don't tell anyone they can't say Happy Kwanza, or Hannakuh, or whatever. I don't have a problem with other's celebrating their beliefs but I too should have the freedom to celebrate MY beliefs.
Yes, THAT! That's what I meant!

...we are not accepting everyone anymore we now are excluding everyone...
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Hobbyhorse and runamuck

Robin I thnak you for clairfiying what you ment. I agree, it stinks when any side thinks the other cannot "just in case". Oh and I AM one that used x-mas as a shortcut, btw, the extra though that I am trying to cut out His name is just plain silly. I take No offense at all to writing or saying Christmas for crying out loud, I am simple lazy when it come to typing! I think Hobbyhorse took the words out of my mouth! Thank You And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All.

(P.S. when I was sending out my forum secret info, the thought Did occur to me to put holiday season in instead of christmas as I wanted to be sensitive... scary huh?)
The whole point is to include everyone, not to exclude anyone, including Christians. As with so many things, the idiots have twisted it all around.

It's stupid and wrong to tell people NOT to say merry Christmas, but please don't wrap this up in "angry white man" (the oh-so-pitiful abused majority) rhetoric. This does more disservice to Christmas than anything else.

How about wishing people [your personal holiday] AND Happy Holidays??? That way you honor your own beliefs AND pay respect to theirs.

Sadly, many of the ultra-conservative Christians act as if their own religion is the only one that matters, and think that they are denying their own beliefs if they honor the beliefs of another person (many proudly state that they truly believe this). This is so wrong, and a major reason why I don't call myself a Christian.

I have had bad experiences with hypocrital "Christians" since childhood. I get very uneasy at times, even hear on the board with certain subjects.

However, the point was that because some people "might" be offended our right to celebrate Christmas is vanishing. How many people took part in Christmas paqeants in school? How many sang Christmas carols in school and had Christmas parties in your classes? The children today are NOT allowed to do these things because it "might' offend someone. Yet they are teaching children about other religeons and to be accepting of them.

Our government buildings are no longer allowed to put up Christmas decorations. Some person who has been offended by the Ten Commandments sues and the courts take away a sculpture that has been in front of a courthouse for MANY years.

If you are offended, don't look!!

If you are offended by Christmas Carols, turn off the radio.

If you are offended by children haveing Christmas pageants in school, don't have your child participate.

I am sooooooo TIRED of trying NOT to offend someone.

People have taken the PC thing too far.

I am offended if you don't like me saying Merry Christmas.

I am offended if you don't like the Nativity scene out in front of the local church.

I am offended that Children can no longer go trick or treating and have Halloween parties at school because it is "evil".

I am offended that children can not sing Christmas carols in school.

I am offended by many more things but will stop here.

This is NOT just a Christian thing.

I do not go to church. I do not preach my beliefs to others.

I do not believe that only ONE religeon is right and if you aren't with them your going to he__. Oops, thats going back to my childhood again, but I still don't believe it.

This country was founded on the Right to be able to say and believe whatever you choose.

I am offended that that Right is being taken away. When and where will this all stop? If people don't speak up for their rights, soon no one will have any and we will be back in the dark ages with government telling us what we can and cannot say and believe.

There is an old saying that comes from the Arabian Nations, This is not a quote but as close as I can come.( Don't let the camel get its nose in the tent. If you let the nose in, the camel will push the rest of the way in.)

In other words, if you allow a little of your freedoms to be taken away, don't be surprised when you lose them all.

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Robin1 said:

This country was founded on the Right to be able to say and believe whatever you choose. 

I am offended that that Right is being taken away.  When and where will this all stop? If people don't speak up for their rights, soon no one will have any and we will be back in the dark ages with government telling us what we can and cannot say and believe.

In other words, if you allow a little of your freedoms to be taken away, don't be surprised when you lose them all.



Bravo here here
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susanne said:
The whole point is to include everyone, not to exclude anyone, including Christians. As with so many things, the idiots have twisted it all around.
It's stupid and wrong to tell people NOT to say merry Christmas, but please don't wrap this up in "angry white man" (the oh-so-pitiful abused majority) rhetoric. This does more disservice to Christmas than anything else.

How about wishing people [your personal holiday] AND Happy Holidays??? That way you honor your own beliefs AND pay respect to theirs.

Sadly, many of the ultra-conservative Christians act as if their own religion is the only one that matters, and think that they are denying their own beliefs if they honor the beliefs of another person (many proudly state that they truly believe this). This is so wrong, and a major reason why I don't call myself a Christian.


Susanne, I feel the same way.

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