Well-Known Member
On Thursday afternoon (around 4) I went to the barn to feed the girls. Willow was down and rolling. I thought...please, not again
I called a vet that was recommended to us by a person that had had a Clyde in the area have the same problem as Royal and treated it very differently and she lived. The vet suspected (hold on to your horses, Ontario people) Potomac Horse Fever. Over the last five years he's seen more and more of this kind of thing due to less reliance on pesticides etc. (it's carried by the mayfly/fishfly). The main course of treatment is tetracycline. So...on his hunch he gave her tetracycline IV and some banamine and was going to come in the morning. She perked up right away and started eating. In the morning, however, she was down and in a lot of pain again. More tetracycline, banamine, a huge bottle of electrolytes IV and God knows what else. Again, feeling better and ate some of her soaked timothy cubes. This is key, I believe to why she got better; we kept her comfortable and she always was eating (at least intermittently). Saturday came and he gave her more tetraycline. Throughout the day I'm also giving her electrolytes, pepto bismol, gastrogard, and banamine at night (IM). She's still eating but has watery diarrhea by this point. Last night she looked okay, but we still had to clean off her bum. By this point she has some big semi-solid piles of poo in her stall. Last night I loaded her with pepto, gastrogard, another shot of banamine, and electrolytes. I went in this morning and she had four completely normal poos, was bright-eyed, and pawing for her food
I was so ecstatic. The vet came this morning, gave her more tetracycline etc....He'll be back tomorrow for her last dose. But...we did it!!!!! We got her through this. I only wish we had done this for Royal.
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