We need to sue AMHR and Lil Beginnings!

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JWC sr.

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Santa Fe Texas
Because I can't get any work done because Lil Beginnings ( Mary Lou in particular) provided the easy to follow links in the pinned post above and AMHR is doing such a great job with the national show!!!

All kidding aside thanks to both organizations for the last several days of enjoyment. It has been great and I can't stand it anymore. Cindy and I are leaving today to go up and watch the stallion classes etc. Thursday and Friday.

I can't wait to get there the classes have been large and so durn competitive it is scary.

Thanks again for doing what you do,
I would like to thank Mary Lou. I am LOVING watching the classes, especially the driving classes. Even my husband, nice guy but not horsey, got a kick out of watching(for a little while anyway)


I hear you!

After watching Destiny on Monday morning, I could hardly concentrate during my client appointments that followed and I've been checking in obsessively ever since.

It's ALL their fault
Lee is sneaking in some peaks at school
(he's a teacher)....... Then he gets home and the show is replacing his nap........ Next best thing to being there since Lee had to miss going this year because of surgery.. Keeps us in the loop. .............. The size of the picture is great! Thanks Mary Lou & AMHR!
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got scared for a moment..
The show sure has been enjoyable for me that spends way to much time working on the computer to begin with..

I hear the viewers of the on-line show is astounding.. and know the costs involved because of all the traffic.. so on behalf of LB, we donated to keep it going.. And next year we will have it again!!

I sure hope AMHA Worlds has the reception quality like this AMHR Nationals!!!
Mary Lou, as I posted in another thread, thank you for your support for the AMHR Nationals webcast. I have no idea how many veiwers are watching but it must be very high.
I find this fascinating, even if I do have to giggle at the "chicken dance"!!

Can anyone tell me which class is on now, I can't work out the time difference, and I can't understand the commentary- the sound quality is quite poor...(NOT complaining!!)
From what I heard this morning, there have been around 15,000 hits for the webcast, this is why we need to get those donations still coming into the AMHR National Show Office at 718-376-6040. And I hope you all don't get into too much trouble for watching at work.

Mark (from center ring)

Shame on you for watching this from work :DOH! :DOH!

I am doing the same darn thing

Class 209 is just concluding and the Central Standard Time is 10:52 A.M..

Hope that helps Rabbit
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I have been hooked on it for the last few days as well!!
I'm really enjoying the quality of the video stream and the sound. Mark....I' ve never seen you in action in person....but I'm really enjoying your announcing technique! I would love one day to be able to be in the show ring having you announcing. I'm finding it hard to break away from it and get things done! One of the neat things is recognizing forum members and watching them place and show...how awesome is that especially if you can't be there front and center.

Thanks Mary Lou for bringing it to the forum!
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Jane - I am sorry your sound is so bad - it is crystal clear here - and the way my speakers are set up I even get the feeling of the arena echo and the people in the stands "around me"... a dog barked in the audience last night and I said HUSH! as I thought it came from my border terrier snoozing under the desk...

But we should sue for contributing to unintentional equine negligence
... I was so intent on watching the driving classes early in the evening that I got lost in that little world - until one of the dogs poked me and I realized that it was dark and the horse were still outide - and needed to come in for their dinner.

I sure hope AMHA Worlds has the reception quality like this AMHR Nationals!!!
It will only be this good if it goes directly through the videographer's feed. Last year's was not as clear as this and the sound was not great... but who am I kidding - I was glued to it anyway...

Quality and technology improves every year, though...
I agree John, LOL I have it up right now- I'm on lunch right now, but wonder how long I can make it last?? The sound is excellent here too.
I haven't been able to watch on line (have not tried in 2 days) but we just got home from seeing it in person!

Many nice horses there!!

We've been hanging out with Magic (Lori) and having a good time for the past 2 days! I got to meet many nice people, and especially Lori Lancaster, and Adam Longman!

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