What are the steps you take in driving a new horse or training one?

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Feb 25, 2019
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I was told Thunder drives. But I want to make sure no one gets hurt. I have harnessed him. Ground driven him. We have pulled things other than the wagon. Seems to be no problem. Is there anything else I'm missing or any other steps I should take before I hitch him to the wagon?
WOW! Sounds like he is coming along very nicely!!

What other things has he pulled? Have you ground driven him with travois? Or something similar? They say it’s a different feeling with “shafts” on both sides, that they can get claustrophobic.

The first time I hitch up I always wear a helmet just in case. Good luck! And post pics!!

ETA: And I try to have a helper the first time I get in the cart, just in case the horse wants to take off. I always make my horses back up when I get in the cart, instead of going forward. They don’t seem to be in much of rush to back up.🤣
When I start a new horse or a horse that is new to me, I not only do a lot of in hand work, but liberty work in the round pen. I want to make sure the horse knows that Whoa means stop immediately before I hitch. That way the chances of the horse running off are greatly minimized. I also teach them to keep to a trot and that cantering is not acceptable. Then I ground drive, introduce the horse to the cart, etc.
He sounds like a good horse. I'm sure you are going to have a lot of fun with him!
I bought one that drove, but only saw a video. The first time I hitched him, I ground drove him walking behind the cart. Then when I got in the cart I had my husband walk with us behind the cart, with his hands on, in case I needed an emergency brake. Walked and did a few transitions from walk to trot and back to walk. Since you got a wagon instead of a cart, I would suggest working him with the travois or some kind of shaft set up first.
Travois it is, we shall try that tomorrow and see how it goes. I have no plans of actually driving him in the cart anyway. I will be leading him. I'm not saying it won't ever happen just that it isn't really something I want to do. He has pretty good ground manners, a good whoa, and I will have a helper just in case.
When I start a new horse or a horse that is new to me, I not only do a lot of in hand work, but liberty work in the round pen. I want to make sure the horse knows that Whoa means stop immediately before I hitch. That way the chances of the horse running off are greatly minimized. I also teach them to keep to a trot and that cantering is not acceptable. Then I ground drive, introduce the horse to the cart, etc.
He sounds like a good horse. I'm sure you are going to have a lot of fun with him!

My process is very similar to @Edelweiss
LOTS of hand work. Lots of start and stops!!!
I also do a LOT of sacking in general, and always right before hitching. Gets the 'spook' out :cool:

I walk behind the cart until they are doing very well with all commands, directions changes, circling, and LOTS of start and stops. I want them to start only on Que, and stop when I say stop!

Then I put a rider on the cart to help them get used to the xtra weight, especially with stopping.

Then, helmet on, climb on, and....It usually always goes smoothly after all that :)

Sounds like a lot, but it's actually only a few sessions.

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