What is it with people

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2004
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Shawnee, Oklahoma
It has been another busy week at the store where I work. We caught a man yesterday who stole a hat. He had purchased over $200 worth of other merchandise but stole a baseball cap.

Today we chased one over a block but he got away. The only good thing is if he stole what we think he did (condoms) at least he won't be passing his tendencies along to the next generation.

This evening, I stopped a woman with a purse full of sheets. Her boyfriend offered to pay for them but that didn't work, she went to jail.

I don't understand, we had an employee once (for a very short time) that told me she didn't think it was wrong to steal from a store but stealing from an individual was wrong. I explained to her that when there is a shoplifting problem, the costs are passed on to the honest customers. Therefore, the stealing from a store affected more people than stealing from one person.

I love working loss prevention, the highlight of my day is ruining a thief's day.

If a person shoplifts in the store where I work and we catch them, they not only go to jail, have to go to court, and have to pay restitution but also, we have their car impounded and removed from our lot.

The cap the guy stole cost him bond money, and will cost him restitution as well as impound fees to get his car back. This was all for a baseball cap. And what is worse, the idiot ruined the hat taking the security tag off of it, he ripped it enough to get the pin through.

Geeze! :no: What a world huh? Luckily we have many good people like you Mary!
I think with some people it is a compulsion rather than a need to get by, it's something they almost can't help, an addiction if you will.

For others it is a sign of other problems and certainly there are those that are just plain greedy and want anything they didnt' have to pay for.

I overhead a conversation the other day between a sheriff and another person and they were saying that these people with meth problems tend to steal anything, if they can make even pennies on the dollar, they will do so to try and get meth.

Liz M.
Sad isn't it?

With some it is a compulsion and a quick thrill, not a need for things at all, I actually know someone that I've discussed it with long after they got over it, it was a feeling of control and getting one "over" when they had no other control in life.

With some it's a feeling of being owed, why should they have to work for things like the rest of the poor schmucks out there

With some who knows, I still remember feeling just horrible seeing a little old lady being stopped outside a store for having slipped a small pack of OTC meds in her purse, made me want to cry, I really think in her case it was a matter of need, that one haunted me for days.

There is a mental illnes that compells some people to steal Cleptomania , they can't help it. with some It is the thrill. Unfortunally some do have to steal because they cannot afford even the necessites.
Thats terrible. Stealing rates right up there with lying, as far as I am concerned. No, lying you dont take anything that dont belong to you...but it can have the same effect, some ppeople will steal (or lie) just for attention and never stop to consider the outcome.
Because it is there & they could?????.............. Don't know why but those kinds of people have no guilty feelings afterwards apparently................. Few years back I heard a person say "if they did not want me to take it then they should not have left it there". This is someone in the miniature horse business so you know how they must think regarding business deals......................... Seems some people think if they can get away with it then that makes it ok.
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