Whats with all the spitting???

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Southern, NJ
Seriously tho...I tried to sit down tonight and watch the White Sox vs. the Astros...and in each frame of the camera every darn time all the players did was spit!!!
Well I sat down with some cheese and crackers thinking since it's the playoffs this should be a good game...and actually found myself getting grosed out...whats up with that? Needless to say I threw in the towel and hastily walked away......and who says women don't "try" to get into sports? Heck I try...but thats downrite NASTY!!!

Edited to add......Anyone know who won the game?
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l think it's one of those macho guy things. l see a lot of teen boys lately have taken up spitting in public and in the parking lots. l think it's as gross as doggie poop in the parks was.
I agree. Very disgusting and not at all attractive behavior. I always use those moments as teaching tools for my 9yo son. I am molding him into the perfect husband material every woman would want.
most of those ball players chew tobacco to get that nicotine buzz. gotta spit somewhere (eeew gross) I know many guys who chew carry an empty soda can around with them for that purpose. even more gross than that, I am a cleaning lady and one day found somebody had spit in the elevator... on the carpet! eeeeeew. at least nobody has used it for a urinal (yet...) some men are just turkeys!
Yes that is true.. And they chew Chewing Tobacco,,not to be confused with Skoal or Copenhagen..which a person pretty much just puts between the lip and gum and sucks on it with out spitting..But Regular "Chewing Tobacco" is real leafy and creates lots of saliva, so one has to spit it out....But like Skoal and those "Cans Of Snuff) types does not create that much so no spitting is usually done, heck that way lots of people that do use the Can Products and Don't spit Don't have worms either.

USMCshamusmom said:
most of those ball players chew tobacco to get that nicotine buzz. gotta spit somewhere (eeew gross) I know many guys who chew carry an empty soda can around with them for that purpose. even more gross than that, I am a cleaning lady and one day found somebody had spit in the elevator... on the carpet! eeeeeew. at least nobody has used it for a urinal (yet...) some men are just turkeys!

They chew a lot here, nasty, disgusting, foul habit! At Wal Mart the men are bad about spitting where ever, especially in automotive and sporting goods, used to find their cups too. Made me SO mad to have to clean it up.
They chew a lot here, nasty, disgusting, foul habit! At Wal Mart the men are bad about spitting where ever, especially in automotive and sporting goods, used to find their cups too. Made me SO mad to have to clean it up.
Well this morning I found that I could watch the highlights on ESPN pretty much action play by play without having to get grosed out!!
Goooooo SOX!!!!

I noticed that alot of these guys were chewing gum, not tobacco tho....and when they spit it splattered!!!
(Hung onto their lips and they'd lick it off).....ok...I'm gonna go gag now!
I heard somewhere that they were asked to chew gum instead of tobacco "for the image". Since a lot of young boys like baseball, the pros were being encouraged to set a good example for them. Guess even though they may be chewing gum the "macho" thing to do is spit in a baseball game.
I have to say if I wanted to watch spitting, butt scratching and "bat and ball" re arranging
I could just watch the men I live with........I spend all my time trying to get the men I live with to stop...why oh why would I intentionally watch men on TV doing this......
yep neanderthals do still walk the earth and apparently they all play baseball

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