Hey Al, the white thang dun ate me...........only you, would I let get away with that one~! You and your pretty little thong. :lol: But I'm ready........Beam me UP Al and take me away from all this!
I'm here, nothing big going on. I just got very overwhelemed with work. I have too many irons in the fire all at once and well, let's just say that I've bit off more than I can chew! I've got 9 loads of laundry still to fold in baskets all over my living room for days! Just not enough hours in the day. I'm writting again and for anyone that writes, they know that they have got to write while they can because we get that "writters block" going on. So between that and working, writting, and everything else I'm just flat out busy! I"ll be posting some new pics of Timmy on the front porch I took today. :aktion033: We got snowed in yestarday but so far, it's melting all away now. You guys are the best.