Who else is not ready for Christmas?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Having trouble getting organized and getting myself together this year.

I keep getting side tracked and pulled in a million different directions.

However, I do have excuses and I think they are good.

1. My outside Christmas lights are still not hooked up and working yet.

The guys have to do that part. I already got shocked too many times trying.

2. I do not have my Christmas cards printed up because my printer died and I have to get a new one.

The computer store in town ran out and won't have any until sometime later this week.

3. The inside of my house is still not decorated. All the boxes of decorations are still sitting on the front

porch. I've been working a lot outside while the weather holds and waiting for a rainy day to work

here inside.

4. I have not done one bit of shopping yet and I have no list either.

Because of reasons #1. #2. and #3.

How'd I do and how bout you?

Time to freak
Ditto, Marty..........

Feel like crawling into my cocoon........Wake me when it's over.

[SIZE=12pt]well, i am trying to catch up...i do have my tree up but thats it as far as decorations. i did do a little shopping the last 2 days and got a few things wrapped and ready for the post tomorrow but still feel panicked, i have to take my Christmas card pictures still...i can't talk about it any more, my head is starting to whirl and my heart is racing...
Relax! Just enjoy the season for what it's supposed to be about and you'll see that it isn't stress or meltdowns, presents, decorations or cards.
Marty- right there with ya.

I am NEVER organized though. I try and get presents for family out of town first so I can mail out. But this year I have a brain block. They may get a present or an IOU. They are all adults so I don't feel too guilty any more.....They may get a card with some money. I was going to save my Tinker portrait for Mike for Christmas, but blew that....LOL!

We stopped decorating the house several years ago. We have decorated our barn for years now. For some very good reasons. Horses don't care if Christmas lights stay up until July....or decorations on the side of the barn. Neither do I. No rush to put up or take down. We spend more time in the barn anyway. I can go down there and sit and look at the lights and relax too.

We decided to put up a tree this year- new grandsons will do that to ya. I have boxes and boxes of decorations stored up (someone has retired to an island in the Pacific on me I am sure!) but only use 1-2 every year.

It is a HOLIDAY- not a race, so I am doing it that way....Ho Ho Ho!!!

If it gets done wonderful. If not, maybe there will be next year and I can get started in August (yah...RIGHT!)
Im having a hard time getting organized myself...I did get the inside of my house decorated saturday and have bought all of 3 gifts but, thats it!! I've got to get with it soon.
I don't have ANY presents done yet, usually I have them done, safe, packed away 'til Christmas by now.
My 2 older sisters are in collage, and we used to spend hours upon hours sewing, knitting, and making some pretty amazing jewelry together. Here's my little list (the abridged version) of what I still need to make- Still have to sew together 2 saddle pads, a mini quilt, finish a scarf, finish up a few paintings I am giving people, do a portrait of a horse for my friend, make 8-10 pairs of earings and a few necklaces then decide who gets what, and then I still have to visit Yankee Candle. This year, since my sisters will not be home until the day before Christmas Eve, I am in charge of baking ALL the cookies, argh! You should see us with our cookie-and-chocolate-making-bonanza, it's a sugary madhouse!!!!!
:DOH! (When I say we make cookies, I mean for solid days we make cookies, usually 5-7 different types, and hundreds).

When all the above is said and done it'll be a holly jolly Christmas!
Plus, I can always count on my horses to relieve the 'holiday stress'.
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I have some done. The tree is up has been since last week, my oldest went with me to get it and for the first time in years helped me decorate it, of course he's kinda held captive here, he totaled his car and so no way to leave except for me to drive him. Barn is done. Just a few lights outside this year. I usually have all my shopping done by now, I just started yesterday. Got a couple of things for the kids. Havent even thought of my baking, but its been warm here I like to do it when its cooler. Kathy
You're not alone Marty since I hand make most of my gifts some are done but some are in varying stages of done. I dont stress about it just do what I can but am a bit behind but when the day comes it is always wonderful somehow. I had to get the Secret Santa gift and the one going to our last years exchange student from Hungary done first and they are done and being mailed tomorrow only 2 days later than the deadline pretty good for me Outside is almost done still have to hang the horse stockings. Inside well thats another matter but with the storm we are having today will get chores done will go back to the sewing machine. Also did a bunch of ornaments for a craft fair so those were done for Saturday and guess they all sold to benefit grandchildrens school. I could never not do Christmas as long as I live and breathe I love doing it just sometimes not everything gets done thats all. It stayed warm here so the spirit didnt hit as soon this year.
I have not decorated, except to hang two stockings that my daughter made us. We found out our tree needs to be replaced but haven't started looking for a new one yet.

Our neighbors lit up thier entire yard...not just one neighbor but quite a few. We put up a motion sensor light....not Christmasy at all.

Shopping...don't have a list as I just don't know what to get anyone. I have the names but no ideas and not much ambition this year.

We bought our cabin in April and late in November, hubby's company downsized
and eliminated hubby's job....the reason we moved here. So he does have a job with the company
...just not sure he wants to stay with them in that job. It is not a job that we would have moved here for. He is looking at jobs back in Virginia. So we are not jolly this year and finding the Christmas spirit is number one on my agenda. But where or where did I leave it?
Aw, it's only December 3, you got plenty of time.

I have not done any decorating, but I have bought just a few gifts.

-Kristie Strange
I actually think I'm fighting depression and that is really my problem but I refuse to give into it.

I cannot do that to Dan so I am going to plunge head on it today if it kills me. I'm on it right now.
I am not ready for Xmas. Last year I had everything going good, decorations and the whole 9 yards... then I end up in the Hospital and Nursing home. Did not get to enjoy any of the holiday, nor did the family.

This year I just can't seem to get the joy of the holidays back.
Awww poor Marty

Atleast your trying to get things done, we do everything last minute around here. I will see you all at wal-mart midnight on Christmas eve and until then ...
Marty Because of your post with the video of your wonderful light show, you made me feel guilty so I started getting the decorations out but haven't put any up yet. Now here we are again
Well I have my secret santa gifts and hopefully will be able to get out of here tomorrow to mail them, the roads around here are closed right now and I have the gifts for my grandchildren but that's about it. I do have the soaps I made so I will be giving them to the girls at work etc but still have shopping to do
Thank you for being my guilty conscience

I've got my outside decorations out (did that a week ago), but haven't touched the inside!

I've got to put up my tree and try to get Christmasy here. I've gotten a few gifts but not near all. Too much horsey business to take care of instead of Christmas!
I am right there with ya girl! In fact, I'm sure glad someone else had the kahonas to post this, because I have been wallowing in self-pity. We packed up and moved out of the city on Friday, and my first day back was an ice storm. There have been delays on getting into the new house (a less than honest seller, but we found that out a bit too late), and as soon as I DO get in, I have to start tearing the place up. I so wanted to decorate it this year, but the decorations we bought are sitting on a hay rack with the rest of our stuff until this all gets straightened out. In the meantime I am living with...my grandmother. I was hoping to use some of the double security we put down for x-mas gifts, but the old landlord is trying to feed me different lines about why its return is being delayed. I have been offered a wonderful, salaried job with benefits (no more worrying about the horses breaking something on me and having to vet wrap it to a ruler!!), but they've delayed my start date, so I might be wrapping IOU's this year. It's not so bad though--my family and friends are happy to have me back, and I'm happy to be back among them. Since I haven't been able to do my own lights this year, it sure has been nice following your progress with yours Marty (even though I'm sure it's a headache).
I'm right there with you, and I have no excuses! I have done some shopping, and other than that, NOTHING! For me, Christmas is just not the same without the kids here anymore. Sure they come here for Christmas dinner etc., and open their gifts from us here, but it is just not the same excitement for me, knowing I had to get things done so the kids could enjoy everything leading up to Christmas too, not just Christmas day. Now, I really don't care.
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I'm so not ready! I still have to get gifts for Noah, my hubby, my parents, his parents, his mom's best friend and her daughter, his sister and her boyfriend, my brother and his girl friend, my foster brother and his son. I got all the secret snata gifts sent out on Saturday along with Marty's gift for her trees. We just stared decorating this past weekend, tree still not up, outside lights still not done.


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