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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2003
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Unfortuntly there is no prize for it to make it interesting. Those who get any of the answers right do deserve a big :aktion033: :bgrin ... Anyways here is the deal. I own four cats, each have their own unique personality. I will post a pic of each cat and post four personality descripitions. Your goal would be to match the personality/description with the cat. I figure I could pm the answers to those who are eager to know if they got it right instead of waiting for the results. Just let me know when you post your reply. BTW - Steph you know the answer to at least one of these so if you check this thread out you better get it right

Anyways for the personalites/description - gender left out due to being a bit of a giveaway with these guys

Cat 1: This cat was rescued from a collector. Unfortuntly in my area as long as cats have food/water there isn't much the SPCA/Animal Control would do. Is still very feral when it comes to strangers. Does not like men even the one that lives here
. Keeps its distance but does tolerate him. Does love to play with me though and has been known to bite the crap out of me to play. Loves to follow me around and talk. Makes known something is wanted even if its just some rubs. Is strictly an indoor cat due to me not wanting anything to happen to it.

Cat 2. This cat was a rescue. Was abandoned and had big issues with people. Meaning very bad aggresion. Is much better now but still is very fussy and makes it known to not mess with it. Can be very trusting though as can be picked up and held in weird positions and does not squirm or struggle. Loves to go outside and play. Though isnt too fond of other cats. Likes the cats that are here though and gets along with them well. Very friendly at times and can be a talker.

Cat 3. This cat also was a rescue. This one was given to me by a couple of teenagers. Was thin and very scared of people. Came around quickly though and is now sassy and healthy. Loves me to pieces and has seperation anxiety issues when I am gone too long. Even if it during the day anymore, guessing due to the pregnancy issue with me. Loved on me a lot last night when I came home because I was gone most of the afternoon/evening. Can be a grouch but is really sweet. This cat is also a bit of a talker but not as much as the other two. Definitly needs outside with or will try to trip you begging to get out. Gets limited outside time each day though as I love to snuggle with. Needs time away from the other cats though so does go off to the other bedroom to sleep at times.

Cat 4. My dad brought this cat home. Was caught at his job and brought home to me. Spent first several months feral but was given food from time to time until caught. Is a great hunter and makes sure I recieve the "prize". Is very cuddly now and demands to be held at night. Isnt much of a people cat but does deal with strangers. Affectionate and is an occasional talker but not enough to make a difference for anything. Competes with Cat #3 to snuggle with me and has been know to shove it out of the way. Pouts when doesnt get what it wants, ex. cuddling, outside time, speacial treast etc. Is playful and likes any other animals except prey. Does get some outside time, though unlike the other two indoor/outdoor kities, stays on the front porch or hunts under the trailer.

Okay those are the descriptions of each Cat here are the pics. Sorry there isnt a whole lot of detail because it is meant to be more of a guessing game then anything and too much info would give it away.

Cat Pic #1


Cat Pic #2


Cat Pic #3


Cat Pic #4

My guesses are:

Cat # 1 - Pic. #3

Cat # 2 - Pic. #1

Cat # 3 - Pic. #4

Cat # 4 - Pic. #2

Did I get any right?
What THOSE kitties??? None of them has any issues, they are all just fine :lol:
My guesses are:

Cat # 1 - Pic. #4

Cat # 2 - Pic. #3

Cat # 3 - Pic. #1

Cat # 4 - Pic. #2
My guess is:

pic 1/cat 2

pic 2/cat 3

pic 3/cat 1

pic 4/ cat 4

BTW...I usually guess everything wrong....lol
cat 1/pic 3

cat 2/pic 2

cat 3/pic 4

cat 4/pic 1

cute kitties!!

Cat 1 pic 3

cat 2 pic 2

cat 3 pic 1

cat 4 pic 4

Anyone get it right yet?
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