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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
Billy is doing some serious clicking when he moves. I was concerned about driving him, so took him to a different vet yesterday for possible xrays. She spent time with him, flexing, having her helper walk and trot him, and listening. She said xrays were not really necessary. He has some arthritis in the front legs. He is too heavy (I hate when vets say that to me!) and that is part of his problem. I mentioned I had started him on joint supplement and she agreed with that. So, off to the dry lot he goes.
I wish there was a "fat farm" nearby where I could send him for a month. Dry lot and exercise to get to a good weight. Massages, mud baths, personal trainer... I might have to send him once a year, but it would be worth it!
80 acres of beautiful pasture and I have to buy mediocre hay at $10 a bale...
Billy is doing some serious clicking when he moves. I was concerned about driving him, so took him to a different vet yesterday for possible xrays. She spent time with him, flexing, having her helper walk and trot him, and listening. She said xrays were not really necessary. He has some arthritis in the front legs. He is too heavy (I hate when vets say that to me!) and that is part of his problem. I mentioned I had started him on joint supplement and she agreed with that. So, off to the dry lot he goes.
I wish there was a "fat farm" nearby where I could send him for a month. Dry lot and exercise to get to a good weight. Massages, mud baths, personal trainer... I might have to send him once a year, but it would be worth it!
80 acres of beautiful pasture and I have to buy mediocre hay at $10 a bale...
Maybe you could find someone to cut your 80 acres for hay, probably on shares (so you keep half or so, they get half); you'd have hay and your 80 acres would be used. [If they are willing, perhaps give them a little bigger share, if they will stack it in the hay barn for you.] Due diligence to ensure you find someone good at putting up quality hay.
Perhaps a muzzle for Billy to slow down his consumption of grass.
Our 80 acres abuts small mountains in the Wichita Mountain range. Boulders kept this land from going under the plow 100 years ago. It has always been pasture. We built our house in this pasture. We did have this front area baled a few years ago, but the cost of operating the small baler at that time was more than buying hay. Now with the price of hay we may need to reconsider that!


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Do you like the new vet? She sounds pretty reasonable to deal with?
Have you ever climbed that hill behind your house or is it too treacherous?
I used to climb it when I was younger. There are a couple of routes. Amazing how that urge to scale the heights seems to disappear. I think about it now once in a while. There is a saddle further west between two of the mountains that I used to do often with Dapper Dan and with Midnight. Maybe I will take Billy up there for a small adventure. Pepper would like that too. I have a new lichen book, so I might take a few pictures to try to identify.
This vet I went to with Billy is one I took Dapper Dan to several years ago. She is the one that xrayed him and put him on Adequan. She remembered that, but did not suggest Adequan for Billy. I think I will call her and ask about it. She is rather abrupt and no-nonsense, so I didn't think of all the questions. I was so busy wrapping my brain around that horrible dry-lot-or-else sentence.
Also had to drive through a busy city to get there, which was a little nerve wracking with a trailer.
While there, we chatted with some quarter horse folks who had brought a filly in to have her feet done before a show. She had to be sedated to have her feet worked on. I thought it was a little odd that a horse going into a halter class would not have better manners.
I mentioned to my husband last night about possibly baling some of our grass, and he said "pay the $10 for the bales".
You live in a beautiful area Marsha!

You and Billy had an eventful day, and, as Dragon Hill says, good to know it is manageable.

I have one mini, Goldie, who had a serious bout with heaves about five years ago, and the vet recommended no hay and no pasture period, forevermore.

She gets a complete senior feed with no additional forage needed, but I do throw in hay cubes to keep her amused. She is doing well, and her weight is consistent.

Just another thought to throw at you! ;)
Your place is beautiful! I love the rocks. Halter horses don't seem to have manners anywhere you go. I've seen some in the stock horse world that I wouldn't go near, and I've seen a ton in the mini world. The minis are a little easier to manhandle though. When you have 1200 lbs of solidly muscled, high strung halter horse rearing and striking at you, you take it a little more seriously than the same behavior from 200lbs and 33 inches.
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Your place is so picturesque! I've thought about making a track for DJ, but upkeep would be a nightmare. So he wears a grazing muzzle and stays in a half acre paddock. I don't have a dry lot. The only way I could have a dry lot without constantly having to till/scrap, or grade, would be to pour concrete!
We did the parade yesterday with Billy. A disappointing venue as there were not that many spectators and we didn't get a lot of scary interaction--maybe that was a good thing.
Billy did super. He was alert, but interested. Lots of people petted him. I'm glad I only walked with him, as it was a very positive experience. I thought he would be like velcro, but he walked along on a loose lead as calm as a cucumber. I kept his decoration at a minimum so he would have less to worry about.
The lady who used to have the miniature Munchkin now has a large newfoundland dog she is training for therapy. Luna found all the water puddles and got her webbed feet comfortably wet. Dog, horse, and women walked nearly two miles (with me in my dress boots) so we were tuckered out by the time we got back.
Weather was perfect. Sunshine and 77 degrees.


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Billy wore the Cavello glitter boots. They don't fit as well as the Easy Boots or Equine Fusion. I would not want to drive with them. The closure looks like it would be really good, but there is something about them that don't fit just right. Billy stumbled a few times; I tried redoing the velcro and fastener, but it didn't seem to help. I believe the size is correct. Maybe he is just used to the others and these felt odd. But they look very nice for a parade!
Ha! Now Munchkins X-Mom knows how you feel…. I’m sure you stole the show and got ALL the attention with your beautiful Billy! ♥️♥️😍😍 dogs don’t get as much attention as horses 😜😜

Your home and hill is absolutely stunning, I bet you just love it there 💕
Well, her dog Luna did tricks the whole way, waving at people, and getting petted alot. We worked different sides of the street.;) But, yes, Billy did get a lot of attention! He enjoyed it. It was interesting to me to see him walk along so calmly, ears up, looking around, on the loose lead. On our walks at home he is sometimes silly, clingy, or grass-snatching. He was a little interested in the candy on the street, but over all he seemed to be enjoying the people and things going on around him.
We do love it here, but it's getting a little too much for my husband to maintain. We look on Zillow all the time for something else, but nothing is as nice as ours (in our price range). After this recent rain, the wild flowers are simply gorgeous. New ones opening every day.
Your parade with Billy sounds like a total success. Maybe Billy is a diva at heart and loves a crowd? 😊 He is a darling and the nursing home will love him!

About those dress boots….were they by any chance the gorgeous red boots you wore last hear in a parade (I think)? 😂 I remember deciding a pair like that belongs under my bed, then hubby fell off a ladder and my attention wandered!

But now I remember! 🤣

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