Mare colicky after giving antibiotics

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2022
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Hello everyone,
Today's post should have been about Aggie's successful CT scan and infected tooth removal, but after her first dose of antibiotics after getting home she started acting colicky within minutes. Constant tail swishing and the urge to roll and not stop. She's acting suddenly lethargic. We're talking less than 10 minutes after antibiotics. The facility apparently didn't feed them after they got back so she's hardly had anything to eat. Wouldn't even eat her favorite pellets when offered. This vet trip put me back over 4k and if she's getting colic I don't know what I'm going to do. Bannamine is on board and I'm currently walking her. If she worsens I'm calling the vet.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I would call the vet anyway. Though by now she may have had her second dose and be ok. They can have a reaction to antibiotics just like people do. Although it could be just the antibiotics on an empty stomach. I hope that's all it was.
What kind of antibiotics did you give her? Was it an IM injection or oral? Sulpha can be tough on a tummy, especially an empty one. Glad she started to feel better.
They're oral timethoprim. She gets 3 tablets. She loves the taste apparently because she took them with no issues last night. She's back to her perky old self this morning and chowing down her hay. I'll give her some pellets too before I give her her next dose today. She gets 3 tablets twice a day for 2 weeks.
They're oral timethoprim. She gets 3 tablets. She loves the taste apparently because she took them with no issues last night. She's back to her perky old self this morning and chowing down her hay. I'll give her some pellets too before I give her her next dose today. She gets 3 tablets twice a day for 2 weeks.
She's also taking phenylbuyazone once a day
This time I gave her a bowl of pellets and waited for her to finish half her hay, then gave the antibiotics in 5 minute intervals (and she's far more wary of them). No signs of discomfort and went back to eating. Checking temp twice a day per the vet and temp is good.
Ok, so it is a sulfa-based drug. That and Bute can be really rough on the tummy. You might want to consider supporting with some omeprazole (you can get tables from amazon and dose according to weight) and then pre and probiotics to get her digestive system back to functioning well after her antibiotics and bute.

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