What kind of work area or studio do you have?

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
I use the spare bedroom for my crafting. The bed is my work surface and the closet shelving is designed with drawers and shelves for my supplies. The down side is, when the room is needed for sleeping I have to put everything away! The kitchen has a big island I use for some messy indoor projects.

I also have a corner in our shop that is my work area. I have a big old workbench with a vice on it, a drill press, and nice storage for my iron and wood debris. It's weather dependent to work out there, but it is great to have it.

I am all over the property with my hobbies!
Sounds nice!!! and BIG!!!

I took over a little entry way room! LOL! it has no heat but I can plug a heater in if I need to! Made a sewing station out of a corner desk, pulled closet doors off so I could stick a dresser in there and made shelves to hold goodies. Work space is soooooo tiny but I make do. I hang things up on curtain rods with clothes pins so I can see how it's looking as I'm going. Or lay things on my bed if I need to. Right now My son has 3 huge bins of Legos he working on sorting and they are in there, but usually it's pretty clean.
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Marsha, the first 3 sentences is my story also, and my sewing machine table is in there, now has paint flecks decorating it,, and I also use the dining table for short periods.
I too use a spare room for my Art. But my Spinning wheel is kept in the front room... love looking at it. LOL

That is lovely Shari

I have stuff piled everywhere. My desk & everything is in the livingroom. I have an 8"x10" space on my desk to work on stuff but like right now, there's a CAT laying there! I dream of a room all my own!
I'm using our spare bedroom. There's plenty of space because there's no bed in there; I have a sleeper couch instead of a bed and honestly I don't think anyone is going to be here for a sleep over so its used as a den and tv room. I'm a bit organized when I make my cards.

I have two dressers where I keep my supplies. Every drawer has a purpose: patterned paper, solid paper, embossing, tape, ribbons, etc. And smaller items I use for bling is in little containers that I can see through.Its very important that I keep my supplies clean and protected.

I have a large conference table that I set up in there which gives me a very clean work surface. I make an assembly line on it. If I'm not organized, I'll have a big mess on my hands.
That is what I am lacking Marty, storage. Your set up sounds great. Didn't think about using a dresser, thanks for the idea!
I don't have a set place either for sewing. I have a spare bedroom and everytime I set it up for a sewing room, my son moves in for a month or so. I'm thinking of restarting that room all over so I can have a peaceful place to work. Didn't think of using my curtain rod to hang things from, great idea.

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