Recent content by Bennysmom

Miniature Horse Talk Forums

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  1. Bennysmom

    New here

    I have one mini in Central Florida. I love their personalities! Your herd sounds like a lot of fun. Laura
  2. Bennysmom

    Side rails for seat

    I need to replace my seat side rails on an Amish made cart. I thought of going through Mike's Mini Tack. Is there a better place? Laura
  3. Bennysmom

    the free Equus television network

    Thanks for sharing about the show. I'll have to look into it. Laura
  4. Bennysmom

    Happy Ponies

    They look like such sweet little ones!
  5. Bennysmom

    Happy New Year

    Happy new year!
  6. Bennysmom

    New Horse

    Your new horse is so adorable! It's a shame that people don't do right by their animals sometimes. He landed in the perfect place.
  7. Bennysmom

    Driving Discussion 2024

    What beautiful photos! I love seeing snow.
  8. Bennysmom

    New to mini horses

    Welcome from Florida. I have three riding horses, and just one mini. You'll love the minis! I absolutely adore mine. They have such big personalities.
  9. Bennysmom

    Returning Member

    Welcome back, I'm looking forward to learning from you!
  10. Bennysmom

    I’m Baaaaack!!!!

    Welcome back and nice to meet you!
  11. Bennysmom

    I Did a Thing...

    Congrats on the possible new purchase. Sounds like a cute little guy!
  12. Bennysmom


    Welcome to the group! It's a very friendly forum.
  13. Bennysmom

    Driving Discussion 2024

    I love that photo!
  14. Bennysmom

    First steps(or should that be hoof prints?)

    Sounds like a great day! I think you'll enjoy driving, it's different than riding, lots of fun.
  15. Bennysmom

    A new ‘hobby!’ (Obsession)

    Welcome from FL! They are too cute! Laura