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  1. elauren27

    Herd bound cute duo. Any suggestions??

    Well, that is a thought. The trouble is we bought the pair sight unseen with another family, and the sweet one is theirs/ their daughters (my daughter's best friend). If I sell the jumpy one i'm all out of cute white ponies! But I will consider it if things continue to be a problem to work them...
  2. elauren27

    Herd bound cute duo. Any suggestions??

    Hmm... well i can put them i separate paddockks, but they will still be able to see each other, and DEFINITELY hear each other with all the whinnying Moonshine does!
  3. elauren27

    Herd bound cute duo. Any suggestions??

    Well, I do have another lovely mini, but he is not very concerned with him, he is a part of my full sized herd. They don't seem interested in him either. I have put them in with him one at a time, and the super needy guy just did his pacing and calling, and the less needy guy just said hi and...
  4. elauren27

    Herd bound cute duo. Any suggestions??

    Meet Moonmist and Moonshine! We recently acquired this pair. One is super friendly and chill* and happy to be mauled by 4 year olds. His only drawback is that he is OBSESSED with his buddy. He absolutely loses his mind if he is out of his sight, and can barely be led, because he is 100% focussed...
  5. elauren27

    Newbie shopping for mini driving bits (Canada)

    Thanks JuliaM! Sounds like we are in the same path! My little chunk lives with 3 full sized horses in NS. They are all pretty much living the life of pasture pets right now because I am so busy with kids and work, but I have great plans for them all 😄. I'm unfortunately not part of a barn or...
  6. elauren27

    Newbie shopping for mini driving bits (Canada)

    Okay thank you! I will check them out. It's taking so long to get things jist to start ground driving. By the time I get all the basics assembled we will be under a foot of snow! (Not that he minds the snow! 😀 )
  7. elauren27

    Newbie shopping for mini driving bits (Canada)

    Hello! This is my first post, but I've been reading this forum for over a year. I have a mini I would like to start driving. I'm a newbie, and he has been a chuckwagon racer previously. I have only used him for leadline with my daughter. I've been slowly trying to gather all of the items needed...