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  1. Kim Rule

    Beavercreek CDE report (long)

    I think I can help with that! VSE= Very Small Equine In other words, minis! ADS= American Driving Society This is the organization that has created the rules that are used for many driving events. They promote driving horses safely in the United states. CDE= Combined Driving Event That's...
  2. Kim Rule

    Here's a new spin...

    Okay, chiming in here...If I had to pick ONE horse...out of my 4...that one would be Bilbo. We rescued him when he was 3. I broke him to drive the next year. I spent hours with this horse, and he learned that I was okay to trust. I made promises to that horse that I intend to keep. : A...
  3. Kim Rule

    Minis mystify me!

    Well, I took pictures tonight...I'll have to wait until my hubby gets home so I can get the cable for the camera. She doesn't have a pot belly, she's just WIDE!!! Starting tomorrow, I'll separate her out to feed her...Lisa, that's a good idea. Here's how feeding goes at my house: In the pen...
  4. Kim Rule

    Minis mystify me!

    I have a camera that I'm not sure how to use, but let me give it a shot...I'll try to post one either tonight or tomorrow... Kim R.
  5. Kim Rule

    Minis mystify me!

    LOL!! Laurie, you're right! I could see Bilbo as a mighty endurance horse! Okay, I'm interested...I should be feeding her more?? I just cut her back! I can feed her separately and take the BOSS out...I can see where that would be adding fat. The hay she's getting is good clean alfalfa...
  6. Kim Rule

    Minis mystify me!

    Okay, Wynnie is going very nicely in the cart now. I’m trying to condition her for a show in July…and I figure the best was to kill two birds with one stone (get her fit, and put miles on her) is to drive. She’s pudgy…I just finished walking and trotting her about 5 miles. She was puffing a...
  7. Kim Rule

    Great show in IDAHO!!!

    I put him back in the snaffle for the show, and he stayed light on the bit. It was great! I think he realized that he must have respect for that thing in his mouth! Kim R.
  8. Kim Rule

    Great show in IDAHO!!!

    Well, I could see that you guys were running your butts off!! The judges were fair and friendly, the staff was kind and patient...the only thing we were missing was a potluck! I'm looking forward to see the pictures... Kim R.
  9. Kim Rule

    Great show in IDAHO!!!

    Sorry, I was there alone with no camera...we'll have to depend on others for that. I know Pam's husband was running around wearing a camera for most of the day...maybe she has some?? Pam?? Are you recovered yet? Kim R
  10. Kim Rule

    Great show in IDAHO!!!

    The All Star Show that we had was SO much fun. It was a good turn out, and we had some spectators, too. I know that we alked to people who started out with "Oh, how cute!" and than found out that little horses are quite the athletes too! Horray for everyone who worked SO hard to make the show...
  11. Kim Rule

    Bits for showing?

    Well, Rats! Leia, I think you might be right. I may drive him in the liverpool for a week or so, and then switch back. It's a mullen mouth, so I think I have a mullen snaffle. I'll switch him back to that, and see what he does. How silly that we can't use a curb! I've seen horses with...
  12. Kim Rule

    Bits for showing?

    So Bilbo is being awfully forward when I drive him sometimes...He'll grab the snaffle, and move out, with me hauling as hard as I can to get him stopped. So today I drove in a Liverpool bit. The reins were on the top hole, right under the ring. He had a curb chain on. He did so much better...
  13. Kim Rule

    Can someone tell me something about this horse?

    It's the place across the street from the arena close to me...
  14. Kim Rule

    Can someone tell me something about this horse?

    No Lisa, it's not yours!! :bgrin There is a lady that is selling most of her minis, and he has this stallion. It might be Rolin...this guy is 18 years old, and he's a real gentleman. He moves pretty nice too... Kim R.
  15. Kim Rule

    Can someone tell me something about this horse?

    I have a neighbor that has an older stallion for sale. His owner said he's triple registered: AMHR, AMHA, WCHR. His name is Rollin Acres (Hills?) Red Head. He's a red and white medicine hat. He apparently throws a lot of black and white. I'd love a look up, or whatever you can tell me...
  16. Kim Rule

    What a morning!!!

    Mona, that's funny about your Anatolia!!! We have dogs too, and I prefer them to play with soft toys outside, so the horses won't find some way to hurt themselves! The soft grain bowls make wonderful toys for the horses. This red bowl was our old dog's and I thought it had been put away...
  17. Kim Rule

    What a morning!!!

    Okay, so there I was…in the semi-dark. It was 6:00am, and I was getting ready to feed my minis. I step outside, and immediately count noses. 1-2-3…where’s Wynnie? So I called her. She usually at least will appear, if not call out to me. Nothing. Oh crap! I look in the dark part of...
  18. Kim Rule

    A huge laugh... at ME

    Well dang...if I'd read this yesterday, I would have gone to the game with a camera!!! :o I would have watched, just to see the cheerleaders!!! :lol: I'll bet there will be pictures in the yearbook! Of course, then Lisa would have hunted me down!! Kim R.
  19. Kim Rule

    EVA Vaccination?

    I found an interesting looks like this is a vaccination for a horsey I'm wondering why my gelding needs it. I found a great is long, but what do you think??? It seems to have some good information. I may consider this vaccination for my mare that I want to...
  20. Kim Rule

    EVA Vaccination?

    Thanks Minim...I'll do some research...Is it carried by all horses? I just have a gelding and 3 mares...none of whom has ever been bred. Hmmm. I'll check into it more. I'm calling my vet today. Kim R.