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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2005
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Here's a new spin.

What horse that you own would you not sell if someone offered you the sun and the moon to buy him/her. Show us some pics and tell us why.

Here's mine...

Ozymandias ( MiniV Midnight's Last Dance) is not for sale to anyone at any price. I loved him from the second I laid eyes on his as a day old foal at Miniature ventures. I will love him 'til the day we leave each other for life's next journey (God willing not planning that yet hehehe) I love all of my animals but my love for him almost hurts. It's a love that comes from deep down in my soul. I really believe that some animals can be your soul mates / spirit guides whatever you want to call them. I've owned dozens of horses throughout my life time but this little guy is in my heart to stay. Maybe in a previous life we were buddies
: .

Gosh I really MUST get some updated pictures !!!!


edited to say "Twoie" is here to stay forever too. She's one of those ones that sit's silently in your heart.
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I've actually got a few that are not for sale, regardless of price, and a few more I'd let go at only a price a crazy person would pay :bgrin About two years ago, I went though the little herd here and sold what I didn't see "using" and kept what I really liked for breeding, then added some other horses that are what I like. At this point, I am happy with each of the horses we own and don't really plan to turn loose of anyone.

The not for sale boy I will tell you about is my show gelding, Bacardi. He and I just totally click and he will do anything for me. He is also somewhat obsessed with me -- never stops watching me when I am within his view. He's a SON of Ima Boones Buckeroo Too ("BTU") and I think lots of his disposition comes from his famous father.

Bacardi's only been shown a couple time but always brings home the good ribbons and is easy to show and seems to really love it. One day, he will be trained to drive, too. He's truly a joy to own and like I have said a few times before, he's my favorite among favorites.

Little Kings BT Bacardi Gold
Jill, the love you have for your horses shows in your posts :bgrin It's easy to tell from what you say about them that they are more than special in your eyes. LOVE Bacardi's color BTW.
Here is mine, Reh's Oh Oh. Just a broodmare photo although she is multi Champion mare. She is a Bond Rollback daughter and I fell in love with her the day she was born. A friend is her breeder and I remember seeing her back in 1987 as a new baby and thinking, that is my dream mini. She wasn't for sale until she was 8 and even though she was BIG bucks for me, I had to have her. She will be here forever. I sold her once but the woman was kind enough to let me buy her back. At the time I only had room for a few minis and I was keeping her son as my main herd sire. As soon as she left I felt horrible so I bought her back in the next This is her at 19 just a couple days after she foaled.

I have a few I would never want to sell or dont forsee selling of course if something happened and I couldnt give them the type of home I feel they deserve they would go but these are the ones that are in my will for Raven to keep unless she opts not to.

My herd is now down to 11 minis now so we pretty much have done the thinning we needed to but the ones I would not want to part with

First our little gelding Casper (Marystown Hi Tech Echo) he is 29.50 in tall and a wonderful horse he can sit for 2+ years and take him out and just say side, back, pivot and he does it, he will jump his heart out, is a kick butt liberty horse and halters successfully as well. LAst year raven showed him to res Grand.

He is full of personality and I just love him


Next is our mare Looker she showed as a yearling and is going back out again this year (pretty much straight from the pasture) she is just wonderful to be around had one foal but has silent heats so for now we are keeping her open

here is is in a rough clip

Ruff N Tuffs Just One Look


Of course there is our wonderful 4 time National Champion (with Rolene Lundy in the cart) D.M. Dirty Dancer this mare is so pretty and has so much presence I just love looking out the window and seeing her-she is currently open with no immediate plans to breed her I dont care if she never foals or never sees the show ring again she is just amazing to be around


Of course our mare Woodland Acres Northern Magic a multiple top 10 halter horse and Res National champion (ok there was 3 in her youth class)
: She is aDiva maginified by 10

Actually the list goes on like I said we are down to 11 and each one here is here for very sentimintal reasons no matter what they look like or what they have won I just love to look out and see them , love there personalities and cant imagine it around here without them
In the years past we have sold the ones that just didn't fit personality wise,etc.

All of the ones in avatar are our keepers. I have a connection/huge bond with each of them(except the two new foals that I haven't met yet). I used to have an ex-friend that told me everything was for sale. Not true in my book. All the money in the world won't cure the heart ache from the loss of not having them in my life. It's amazing how you can see into an animals soul and just know what they are like and can pretty much predict their every move.

Our boy LBFs Commodity Blues is it for me. He has a wonderful personality, can be whatever you want him to be, the quiet trail driver, or fire breathing open horse. People who only know him as a show horse can't believe he is really a sweet, quiet boy. He is in his late teens, fat as a hog and seems happy. I may try to show him again next year. He really enjoys going to the shows. I tried him as a country horse, but that was a no go. As soon as he hit the ring, he knew what his job was and he just turned on with me telling him whoa, whoa, whoa.

Although I'd love to see her shown and shine in the spotlight,

she probably won't have that opportunity. It doesn't matter.

She shines for Michael right here at home, where the heart is.

Need I say more?

There are actually 2 that will not be going anywhere anytime soon! Their personalities are just unbelievable! The one I will tell you about is........of course........the one with spots! My yearling "Soggy Bottom I Spot Trouble". I have barely done anything with this boy, other than love him on a daily basis, and he continues to be more mature and level headed than my mature boys! The trust he has for me is unreal for a baby! I just love love love this boy, and I can't wait for the day he gets sent for training.

We have a yard full of company this weekend, Dave's family is here camping in our big back yard. Spot stands at the end of his pasture, begging to come out. Not yet really being exposed to groups of people, I pulled him out, and walked him over to the crowd. There is campers, tents flapping in the wind, tables, music, and a crackling fire going. He walks right up to each one of them, walking around a crowded table, with the awning poles and lines from the camper right next to him, and puts his little nose right up to their cheeks to give kisses. He is such a little lover, and talk about nosey! Then he stood next to me while I sat at the table, checking out exactly everything within his reach, to find out if it was edible or not. Later that day, a noisy icecream truck came down the road while we were walking. He walked right up to it, loud music and all, to see what it was! What a ham he is!

I have TWO...(can I do that???)

The first is Zorion, 22 years young and just the BEST, friendliest and most loving horse on this planet. I take him to nursing homes, on elevators and anywhere and he is so willing....I don`t have any pictures of him at the nursing homes online...(but I will fix that later) he is playing...


The second is Twister, my little 28.5" silver white stallion...he is going to be gelded this fall and then will be my showhorse, companion and all around best friend. Even as a stallion..he is great with people and kids. Just love these guys!!!



Well...Where I'm "getting" there with the heard I want... I have 2 young boys yet coming this year and they will hopefully be my (eventually) my 2 main herd sires.... but for the girls... My mares.... I love what I have especially one inparticular, RSB Cincerely Yours aka "Mia".... I got her from Tami a year or so ago.... and needless to say........ She has STOLE my heart! She is soo pretty and has outstanding foals... she is a forever & EVER mare and I also really like my other 2 broodmares that I plan to have forever homes for... and my one yearling filly, Windhaven Mittey Tiny Dancer, that was sitting 5th in the world honor roll standings a week or 2 ago with 13 pts in the Amature Jr.Mares Level1 class. I LOVE that filly and she also has forever home! I really like ALL my guys acutally but if I want to keep breeding and raising some nice show quality foals.... I know I have to make room for the next years foals... that's hard! There's one filly though from this year foals that I REALLY love, out of my Barakah stallion........she is NICE! (she's out of my Mia mare!).....
I gave this a lot of thought.........and I couldn't pick one or even 2...I love each one as if they where my children and of course you couldn't pick a favorite with your kids. So, I went with the one that would have the hardest time adjusting to a new home and that would be "LITTLE AMERICAS TEX BONITA".........her previous owners didn't like her called her the wild mare. 1st time I went to their farm looking for my 1st mini's, Bonita caught my eye and her owner said you don't want her you can't catch her. I did purchase her 5 year old daughter which was the only foal they had got from Bonita. I ended up spending a lot of time with the people I bought my 1st 3 from and still just had this connection to Bonita, I never had any problems walking up to her, I had never tried to catch her with a halter. They had said so many bad things about Bonita that by the time they started making me some really good offers on her I couldn't talk my husband into it. They had said that Bonita looked pregnant every year but they never found a foal...they didn't keep her up or watch her. Her owners at the time where not in good health. They also said she tries to steal the other mares foals and I watched her and I said she is not trying to steal them she is helping protect them. :eek:

One day we where over there switching stallions with them and I saw Bonita in a pen, running up and down as if to say please take me with you........I walked across the pasture to where she was penned and they had a halter on her dragging a lead rope so they could catch her and it had rubbed all the hair off her chest, my husband walked up behind me and I had tears rolling down and I said please lets take her home and we did and this is a picture of her 4 months after we brought her home with her 05 colt. She is so happy and the 1st one to come when I call to them.......I delivered her 05 colt and her 06 colt...she has a very thick bag and I am not sure they would have got out with out my help. So because Bonita loves me so much, (and of course I love her to pieces) and is so happy and would have trouble adjusting in a new home, she would be the last to go, If I should ever have to downsize.

I don't have one. The only one I had that I wouldn't sell for all the gold in the world passed away last November.

I love the horses I have now but there is just not that soul and spirit bond I shared with my shetland, Jamie. In fact, right now I only have one animal at all that I would never sell/rehome etc... and that is my dog Nigel. Everyone I have has a forever home here unless for some unforeseen future reason i am unable to properly care for them, in which case I would find them all good homes that COULD provide for them the way they deserve... except for my dog. I'd go hungry and barefoot before I'd part with that dog.
Well I would have to say Unquestionably Cute Jypsy Rose SPH. She is a yearling filly, registered AMHA/AMHR. She was my first live filly and whinnies at me when she sees me coming and whinnies when I leave. She follows me around without a leadrope and if I run she runs, if I stop she stops. I don't think she'll make 30". She has what is a called a puppy dog personality. Pictures can be seen on my website. I love this little girl. Second would have to be my husbands favourite mini, the AMHR mare, Cherokee Stables Ohso Dandy. That is his baby. Photos also can be seen on my website.
Of course, the reality of this hypothetical question is that...there CAN be a time in your life when you MUST sell all your horses to survive...I've been there! Back in 2003, I had 14 horses and except for a few colts I bred, the rest were there because I wanted them there and weren't going anywhere anytime soon...Bit, life happened and I HAD to start selling...first it was colts and mares, because I wasnt going to be breeding anytime soon. Then I sold most of the geldings. Originally I wasnt going to sell my stallion (planned and eventually did gelding him thinking he'd be a show gelding), a mare that was bred and I really liked this mare and my 1st Miniature ever, who was the ONE I thought I'd never sell. Financially, I was bottoming out, tring to board and feed thise horses and I was working so many hours (6 days/week) that I wasnt spending anytime with them and I definitely wasnt getting to any shows anytime 1st I sold the bred mare, then it was..ok, whoever sells 1st, I'll keep the last 1st Mini sold before my stallion! OK, I could keep ONE horse...but, no...I sold my truck to buy a car (gas was starting to go up) and I still didnt see me showing anytime I someone offered me a "package deal" on my stallion (gelding then), trailer and most of my "stuff" (now I kick myself, for not keeping a show cart!)...and I took it! Like I was financial...for survival. I was a single mom living on my own (broke up with partner in 2003, which started the whole mess).

So...I never say never...even if I had a favorite, because I ended up selling horses I never wanted to sell...and it was the hardest decision I ever made...

So, anyway, the answer to your hypothetical question is...for is "hypothetically"...ZZ.
I had a mare that I said would never be sold and had a permanent home until she left this earth. Unfortunately that day came sooner than I expected and she died last year due to a torn uterus.

Her name was I'm lovin Stuff, and she was just that. She was a very affectionate horse. A true babysitter.
I have three that will never be sold, for sure.

One is Misty my homozygous sorrel pinto mare bought from Marnie. I almost sold her not long after I bought her due to a major financial difficulty, but cancelled the sale. Misty will always stay no matter what, even if someday she can't make babies, it won't matter. I love her.

The other is a black pinto mare... Miss Mary. She is a great mom, and nursed an orphan colt I had a couple of years ago when I was very ill. I didn't know what I was going to do except keep the colt in my bedroom in a playpen next to my bed. But Miss Mary's milk came in after some domperidone and she accepted the colt as her own. I OWE Miss Mary big time.

The other is DArmonds American Gigolo. He is the kindest gelding ever, totally trustworthy and the 4 H kids adore him as I do. Plus those blue eyes of his slay me.

Of course life brings many changes. I live in fear that something will change and I won't be able to keep them... bad health, divorce etc. But These would be the last to go, and I would desperately try to keep them.

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There are three horses here that will never leave and its not because of what they have done its because of who they are. They ALWAYS give me everything and ALWAYS make me smile and thats far more important than the awards. They are Rolling Ridge Rum Runner aka Fred


Rolling Ridge Ravishing Rebekah aka Becky


and ERMF Special FX aka Shadow

Eash of these has there own distinct personality and each one is a treasure. Fred is just ,well Fred and will do anything for me and makes me laugh at myself. Becky gives 110% ALL the time and is so tuned to me. She is also Insulin Resistance. Shadow is our special needs child, yet he is the assistant trainer and puts anyone in line that needs it. He is truly a one family horse and hates being away from his household. I truly do not believe Shadow would survive anywhere else as he stresses big time whenever he has been away from us. Courtney also has a little gelding that I know she will never part with and as she is only 11 I think they both will be here for quite a while.
MCT The Wee Man

I wouldnt sell him if someone offered my 100,000. I feel so connected to this horse. When I first got him as a 2 year old we had to Coax him outside! he was terrified of evrything he was 2 and had never had a halter on. I worked with him whihc became so frustrating. We tried showing he flipped me over his back took off and dragged me .. all my 4H friends were leasing trained horses and winning and I would always place last. It was disappointing but I NEVER gave up on that little horse and 3 years later .. He went Grand Champion gelding last year and Reserve at another show. He always tries hard for me , he places in jumping obstacle and showmanship consistantly I can almost always count him to place he is a very good little show horse now. I had a reading done and the animal communicater said "he would die for me" and you know what I belive her
: We've been through alot and it wouldnt be fair to give him away . Its amazing how much you can love an animal and how they can love you back sincerley. It feels good to here people telling me the improvement in him is incredible. Little kids can work with him and theres a little 4H girl that loves this horse .

MCT The Wee Man




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Okay, chiming in here...If I had to pick ONE horse...out of my 4...that one would be Bilbo. We rescued him when he was 3. I broke him to drive the next year. I spent hours with this horse, and he learned that I was okay to trust. I made promises to that horse that I intend to keep.
: A trainer told me one time that she thought he'd do things for me he wouldn't consider doing for anyone else. Right now he's teaching a young lady the ropes. She'll show him in Blackfoot next month.

A person asked if I would sell him, and I replied "Bilbo and I have a deal...which ever one of us dies first, the other one will be shot and put the grave with them!" :new_2gunsfiring_v1: That's how much I love him.

Would I sell any of the others? Both my girls are special. I raised both from babies, and Wynnie is learning to be a driving horse. She will also be at Blackfoot. She is a one in a million gem, and I look forward to seeing what she would do in Halter.
: It would take A LOT of money to talk me out of her, but I suppose it MIGHT be possible. I know someone else could take her farther than I could. Maybe I'll give people a chance to do that with her babies, should I ever be able to breed her....YaYa would be the same. Samantha is Kris' horse, so I have no say with her.

Kim R.

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