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  1. Kim Rule

    Where can I get a wooden pack saddle?

    I'm looking for good, old fashioned, pack saddles. Does anyone know where I can get them mini sized? Kim R.
  2. Kim Rule

    My teenager-He's done it AGAIN!

    Well, he's had a 5 day suspension from school. They did a urine test and found only pot. Yes, I was a bit suspicious too. I know this sounds like more than pot...but the pot that is smoked now is not what it was when I was a kid. It's much more potent...But he did smoke 2 bowls, in about 1/2...
  3. Kim Rule

    My teenager-He's done it AGAIN!

    Had a big scare yesterday. I got a call at school...the school nurse had called 911 because my son was cold and clammy, white, and unresponsive. He was taken to the hospital. He apparently had been smoking pot during lunch! He apparently overdosed on it! :new_shocked: We had him tested...
  4. Kim Rule

    Show me your mutt! Um, I mean Designer Doggie??

    Oh, I'll need someone to help me with pictures...we have 2 of them is a designer dog! Ash is a Border Collie/Keeshond cross. Santa Clause brought him when my son was 8 years old. Santa didn't have any money that year : and found an ad for free puppies in the paper. He was a...
  5. Kim Rule

    Dog Tricks

    Hmmm, well, I'll have to get some pictures of Ash. He can sit and lie down, with voice or hand signals. He can also shake hands, roll over, and play dead. The cue for play dead is when I point my finger at him and say "BANG!" He just drops! It's pretty cute! Loki hasn't learned any...
  6. Kim Rule

    Need Prayers

    Oh Nila, I'm so sorry! I know how scary it is to go in for surgury, and have all those questions! You did the right thing, and I'm glad that the doctor took the time to answer your questions. I'm here if you need to got my number!!! : Kim R.
  7. Kim Rule

    Little America update

    When I was a child in the early 60's we lived outside of Big Rapids Michigan, by a dam. Across the busy highway from us was a National Forest. People would get big dogs from the pound, and take them out to the forest during deer hunting season. They would let the dogs loose, and the dogs...
  8. Kim Rule

    Please Congratulate our Doofus of the Month Winner!

    This has a slightly Laurel and Hardy flavor to it...hmmm, should we make a movie?? :lol: Kim R.
  9. Kim Rule

    I'm Back from California

    MA, We found someone's daughter from the park wanted to take the cat. She really was a pathetic thing. She is very overweight, and my mother was unable to pick her up to groom her for who knows how long. The poor thing has HUGE mats all over her. She'll have to be put out to cut them off...
  10. Kim Rule

    I'm Back from California

    Hi everybody...I got back late last night. I was going to go to work tomorrow, but I have a horrible cold, and I feel lousy. I am not sure I understand all of this, but I feel different somehow. Even home feels different. Mom never saw this home, I'm not sure why it feels different. I...
  11. Kim Rule

    Okay Friends, I need your help!

    I'm headed to bed now...getting ready for an early flight out. Thank you for all of your thoughts and means a lot to me. I'll be away from the Forum until Tuesday...and then I'll check in. I'm still in shock...I'm not sure how I will feel when I get home. Kim R.
  12. Kim Rule

    Okay Friends, I need your help!

    I'll give it a try...looking up vets in her area right now... Kim R.
  13. Kim Rule

    Okay Friends, I need your help!

    Well, I have my ticket. I'm flying out early tomorrow morning, and meeting 5 of my 6 siblings at the airport. We'll work at cleaning out Mom's little house, and finding a place for her cat. My 6th brother will drive in on Friday. I'll drive back on Monday with my brother. I still haven't...
  14. Kim Rule

    Okay Friends, I need your help!

    I am SO glad I came here to talk to all of you...This is one of those times that friends are an incredible thing to have. My husband is stuck in Portland. He tried to get a flight out tonight, so he could be with me, but he couldn't. He'll be home at 8 tomorrow morning. It feels so good to...
  15. Kim Rule

    Okay Friends, I need your help!

    I still can't believe it. I found out after work today. My dad called me, and told me as I was walking out to my car. Dad got the news in a round-about way...but he let us know as quick as he could. I nearly collapsed out there in the parking lot. I had to go inside to the school to settle...
  16. Kim Rule

    Need name help!!

    How about Happy Trails Lucky Voter? He sure is cute!!! Kim R.
  17. Kim Rule

    YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!! close call with my escape artist son

    When Kyle was that age, I put bells on his shoes! When the bells stopped, I knew that he was into someting! It worked ery well. One day the bells stopped, and I went looking for him. He was in his room reading a book!!! And I thought he was doing something naughty!!! : Oh well, kids...
  18. Kim Rule

    Amazing GAITS

    Minihorses4ever-"Big Lick" refers to the huge strides that the heavily shod show horses have. It is not unusual to have the hind foot overstep the front hoofprint by 36 inches or more! The lick refers to the overstride that the TWH's do. I have seen gingering in arabs, doping in racing, and...
  19. Kim Rule

    Scary Incident Today

    Horses can get into the darndest predicaments! I'm so glad you were there to make sure your boys didn't get hurt! Kim R.
  20. Kim Rule

    Can Shetlands fit??

    Susanne, I have a ford Astro van. I love's roomy enough for my horses. I wonder if yours has more headroom, though. Hmmm, I thin I'll look at the ad...that may be a possibility if it is only in Oregon...that's a doable least after May! Kim R