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  1. Kim Rule

    Amazing GAITS

    I used to train and show plantation the first videos. (If I make a typo, it's because there is a cat sitting in front of my screen, trying to play with the smilies!) anyway... I saw what goes on behind the scenes in the TWH world. It was a crying shame. These are great horses...
  2. Kim Rule

    Can Shetlands fit??

    Oh Keeper...doesn't that bring memories flooding back!!! :lol: I have hauled up to a 38" horse in my van...but she JUST fit! If she had been a high-headed horse, it wouldn't have worked. We're thinking of eventually finding a shetland mare in the 40-44 inch range. I have seen full sized...
  3. Kim Rule

    Can Shetlands fit??

    My husband and I have plans in the future of adding a shetland or two to our herd. We also are looking at getting a miniature horse trailer. If we got the mini horse trailer, would shetlands fit inside it? I know they won't fit in our van!!! What is your experience with hauling shetlands and...
  4. Kim Rule

    Low blood sugar

    Okay folks, when I found out that I was hypoglycimic during the glucose tolerance test I got down to 26. I was very sick feeling, and woozy, and felt like passing out. I could not walk very well. The doctor and a couple of nurses rushed into the room I was in and got me to drink that icky...
  5. Kim Rule

    Asburger's Syndrome?

    US MOMS KICK BUTT!!! :aktion033:   Lisa, I know that you are not making light of the situation. Heck, one of the things that keeps me sane is when we all get together for our girls' night out!! At the time of the "alien incident" I thought the school was over reacting a bit myself. The...
  6. Kim Rule


    The breeder was a horse trainer named Dell. Loki has one blue eye, the other one is kind of a hazel color. I don't know if it will turn brown or not. He is getting sweeter and braver every day! He's doing very well with house breaking...and he actually tried to chase a cat today!!! (I...
  7. Kim Rule

    Asburger's Syndrome?

    Oh boy... Rory, The system is NOT perfect. I've seen some very scary files, and had them "appear" 3 months after the student started at my school. In order not to be sued, we hop to it RIGHT of the greatest problems I've seen is that the administration treats parents like...
  8. Kim Rule


    I caught him with my slipper today...he didn't destroy it, he just untied it...I verbally told him "Bad dog"...but he may be getting over the scardy least he's more confident around here. He was chasing Ash outside, trying to get him to play! Ash was not amused!!! :lol: Kim R.
  9. Kim Rule

    Asburger's Syndrome?

    Kim, in the United States, we have federal laws that govern how students with disabilities are taught and treated. students who need it get help, and this help is the responsibility of the school district. It gets most of the funding for special education from the federal government...however...
  10. Kim Rule


    Thanks Rory...I am starting to work with a trainer in a couple of weeks, we'll start with puppy classes, and then may go into some agility. I talked to Suzanne about his scardy cat behavior...and I think he's coming out of it a little. It will be interesting to see what kind of dog he turns...
  11. Kim Rule

    Asburger's Syndrome?

    Don't worry Rory, I'm looking into that, too. Because I work in the Special Education field, I understand the many sides that have been expressed in this thread. I appreciate the wide variety of views and experience I have seen here. I know it is ALL given with love and support, and that...
  12. Kim Rule


    Thanks Tammy!!! Kyle took those the first evening we had him...they're kind of dark, but you can see his adorable little face...Loki is getting more and more comfortable...he's even trying to get our older dog, Ash, to play....Ash is not amused! He's gone nose to nose with the cats, and wisely...
  13. Kim Rule


    I'm REALLY bad at pictures, so can someone help me with them? The pup's name is Loki...and he's doing very well with his housebreaking at the moment!!! No accidents....yet! Kim R.
  14. Kim Rule

    Asburger's Syndrome?

    Oh my goodness...where do I start!? Kay, thank you, you said what I was thinking. On the outside, my son looks just fine (okay, except for the goth-ish clothes) He also has no is hard to see joy, or sadness in his face or actions. He doesn't have ticks, but the knee is constantly...
  15. Kim Rule

    My beloved cat in dieing.......

    Many years ago I had to make that awful decision about my wonderful cat Stubby. He was 21 years old, and I had had him for 14 years. He was an alley cat that was looking for a retirement home, and he schmoozed his way into my house and heart. He went through so much with me. When I was...
  16. Kim Rule


    I have been resisting puppy lust for the LONGEST time! I have talked to dog breeders across the nation, and almost bought a couple of pups, but resisted because of shipping, or price, or the fact that my dryer and stove have a suicide pact! But, it finally got me! Last Thursday we went and...
  17. Kim Rule

    Asburger's Syndrome?

    Thanks every one. Kris and I have been struggling with this since we were married. I was struggling with it since Kyle was born. If Aspergers is what is going on, it would be a great relief to all of us. Okay, so he does things like...he has to be told SEVERAL times to do things that don't...
  18. Kim Rule

    Asburger's Syndrome?

    I have a teenage son who has been struggling with school for years. He is very smart (a verbal IQ of 130) but socially he is pretty inept. He is flunking his courses...and suffers from social anxiety. Yesterday he told me that he found an article about Asburger's Syndrome. It's a type of...
  19. Kim Rule

    Parents of high schoolers, does your child go to a big or small

    My son is in a very good high school, although it is big. He is not being very successful in it, mostly because of his lack of effort. I have been trying to get him into an alternative high school...on the outside it may be one of those places that the "bad kids go" however, it's more like a...
  20. Kim Rule

    Trail of Painted Ponies

    I got my first one this's called's the one with the zebras on it. I love it!! Kris is talking about building me a shelf for my future collection! Kim R.