Here lately my blood sugar has been jumping up and down like crazy. It gets low a lot, so I've been watching it pretty regularly. I'm wondering how to get it to stay somewhat even. Today it's been anywhere between 28 and 148. I've been eating/snacking all day, trying to regulate it a little, but it still jumps. Is this normal? How can I help to even it out a little? I can eat something and an hour later it's down to 28, so I snack again. I'm going to get fat if this keeps up.
: Or am I just over reacting here? I'm sure some of you know more about this than I've been told.
I'm waiting on a medical card to come in the mail. As soon as it does (it pays our doc bills for us and they take it out of hubby's check), I'm heading straight to the doctor for a full check up :bgrin

I'm waiting on a medical card to come in the mail. As soon as it does (it pays our doc bills for us and they take it out of hubby's check), I'm heading straight to the doctor for a full check up :bgrin