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  1. Lmequine

    Miniature Nationals

    I think that every year at Convention there is talk of making Shetland Congress a qualifying show. I know in the past (say ten years ago) there were not enough areas even offering ASPC classes for qualifying to be possible. Times have changed though with more and more clubs now offering ASPC...
  2. Lmequine

    Cedar Fields Last Foal

    Will PM some photos to you since I cannot get photos to upload to this site. The creamy/mealy color around the muzzle and underbelly is called pangare. "Wild bay" color most commonly refers to bays that their black points do not come much higher than they fetlocks and often times that will also...
  3. Lmequine

    Cedar Fields Last Foal

    I have heard his coloring referred to as "wild bay". I have a couple of Shetlands that are that shade of bay with the cream colored muzzle and underbelly.
  4. Lmequine

    A Very Sad Day

    So sorry to hear of the passing of Redboy. It is never easy to let the old ones go.... Through his get and grand get he will continue to influence the Miniature horse world.
  5. Lmequine

    AMHR 2010 Nationals Class Schedule, etc

    The AMHR Nationals information is now online at Just look under events and scroll down towards the bottom of the list.
  6. Lmequine

    ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Super gelding program

    Attached is the nomination form for the 2010 ASPC/AMHR/ASPR Super Gelding Program. You may nominate your gelding at anytime during the show season. More information about the program can be found at Point tabulation forms will be available hopefully by next week. Thanks...
  7. Lmequine

    Jim Curry

    Any news about Jim?
  8. Lmequine

    Jim Curry

    Thank you for the update!! We will continue to keep Jim in our thoughts and prayers.
  9. Lmequine

    She doesn't want to walk.

    1/4 gram bute morning and night for a mini the size of yours. It is imortant to give the bute to keep the inflammation down in the laminae of the hoof, inflammation equals permenant damage and the small doses of bute will really help the internal part of the hoof. Sometimes you will see a lot of...
  10. Lmequine

    we had Heavy snow here in Virginia !!!

    Those are beautiful photos. They give me chills just looking at them!
  11. Lmequine

    Just something silly...

    Now that gave me a good laugh! My Boxer used to always do things that put a smile on my face.
  12. Lmequine

    What is your show schedule for next year?

    Will do!
  13. Lmequine

    What is your show schedule for next year?

    Are you not going to the new show in Bryan, TX on April 30-May 2? It is going to offer both Shetland and Miniature classes.
  14. Lmequine

    Area III Deadline for postmarking your ballots

    Gary, Please do keep us updated!
  15. Lmequine

    National Area Show

    The AMHR/ASPC Area National Shows are single judged shows that are worth triple hall of fame and triple all-star points. They have a different required class list (more classes than some local shows) and futurity classes are offered for the Shetlands. Our ASPC/AMHR Club of North Texas will be...
  16. Lmequine


    My kickiest two foals prior to birth BOTH ended up being kicked so much from about 8 months along til foaling date that I named her "Here For The Party" because she wanted OUT!
  17. Lmequine

    What have seller done right? Not bad deals for a change!

    I was very pleased with the ponies that I bought at the Wa-Full Production sale in NE...the mares that I got from Paul and Chris Wait were in excellent shape and the paperwork could not have been in better order with breeder's certificates, applications and transfers for foals at side and...
  18. Lmequine

    2010 Show Schedule - PONY CLASSES ADDED!

    That is good news! I sure may try to haul a load of ponies to the Shelbyville show. It is only about 12 hours from here. I will keep an eye on the website for the showbill.
  19. Lmequine

    crayon box pictures

    Kim, What an informative site on fetal development in the miniature horse! Thank you for putting it online.
  20. Lmequine

    exmoor ponies

    Let me try another time to add the photo of Tammy driving her dartmoor gelding.... Okay, looks like I cannot get the photo uploaded. If you want to email me I will be happy to send you a photo and also give you Tammy's phone number so you can talk to her about dartmoor ponies!