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  1. Lmequine

    exmoor ponies

    I have a friend here in Texas that drives a team of dartmoor ponies in CDE competitions. She really likes them. Attached is a photo of her driving her dartmoor gelding. He has a very nice disposition and is larger than a Shetland.
  2. Lmequine

    New Super Gelding Program

    The gelding committee appreciates everyone's interest in the new gelding promotion program. The information about this program is attach in WORD to this post and is what has been approved by the BOD and the ASPC/AMHR office. If you cannot download it please let me know. The nomination forms will...
  3. Lmequine

    Financial info for Congress I just recieved

    Those are very good questions and I sure do not know the answers to them! Just checked the Journal and Dennis O'keefe is listed as the Committee Chair for finance. Seems like those would be good questions for him. I know that he is NOT good at answering emails but he is good about answering his...
  4. Lmequine

    Financial info for Congress I just recieved

    I called and talked to Joe at the ASPC/AMHR office this morning. ASPC/AMHR members are allowed to sit in and listen to the financial committee. It is like sitting in on a board member meeting, members can listen and take notes but it is not a question/answer session. Basically Joe said that he...
  5. Lmequine

    Financial info for Congress I just recieved

    Are we allowed to ask questions during the finance meeting or just observe?
  6. Lmequine

    What do you think*UPDATED***********

    She is a gray and white pinto. Her pinto pattern is tobiano.
  7. Lmequine

    Good Grief!! Poor Pony Has WHAT Sticking Out of Him?!? (Added Photos)

    I have dealt with several ponies that are sensitive about having shots. I use an 18 gauge needle no longer than 1 1/2 inches for penicillin (I use a 22 gauge that is 1 inch long for everything else). DO NOT thump on the neck before giving the injection and do not "pop" the needle in (this is the...
  8. Lmequine

    How do I describe this face marking?

    This is how I would also call the markings and you should also be sure to include (as mentioned above) the markings, if any, on the upper and lower lip and the blue eyes. Those lip markings are very good idenification along with color of eyes.
  9. Lmequine

    Question about AMHR

    Go to and click on FORMS ONLINE. There is a form found near the bottom of the list that has the procedure and cost for registering AMHA into AMHR.
  10. Lmequine

    High Hopes Miniature Horse Auction

    Congrats to Leesa! I really like the looks of the Red Baron stallion when I saw him on the sale website.
  11. Lmequine

    High Hopes Miniature Horse Auction

    Thanks for the prices! Overall really not too bad all things considered. Were there many people at the sale? I would like to get an idea of how many people go to this sale as potential bidders. Thanks!
  12. Lmequine

    Congress - Financial Woes

    Well said Jennifer!
  13. Lmequine

    hoof troubles - thrush and limping???

    There could be several things going on with your mare. Here is what my husband said, he is a AFA certified journeyman farrier and works closely with several vets: 1) if you can push and prod the frog area where the thrush is located and your mare does not act sensitive to having that done then...
  14. Lmequine

    High Hopes Miniature Horse Auction

    Thanks! Mark trimmed the feet on all of the weanlings that Polly sent to the sale and he said they were nice babies. $800 sounds like a decent price...that is the thing about a sale, got to have two people bidding against each other to raise the price. I always tell my consignors to know what...
  15. Lmequine

    High Hopes Miniature Horse Auction

    Just wonder if anyone on here attended the High Hopes Miniature horse sale on October 17 in Oklahoma? I was interested in the buyer turnout and prices. Thanks!
  16. Lmequine

    Oktoberfest Sale Results...

    Thank you for posting the prices and details of the horses sold!
  17. Lmequine

    Strong Objection To Rule Change Proposal

    I will add that on the jumping class with my ponies that are well trained, they are trained to take that first round slow and easy and they immediately know when we turn right back around and do the same course that they are to run full out. This also teaches them the difference between hunter...
  18. Lmequine

    If you could go to convention

    One question that I would like to know the answer/reason is WHY do Shetlands NOT get a hall of fame in obstacle in hand and liberty like the AMHR miniatures do?
  19. Lmequine

    Strong Objection To Rule Change Proposal

    I do not have a problem with the jumping being first round timed and only jump-offs for those with identical times and faults and I will vote for that proposal. Again, I do have a big problem with being limited to showing only two head in each division and will vote against it.
  20. Lmequine

    Something that would have been a good proposal for Convention

    I can understand maybe not wanting to hardship "unknown" mares or stallions but geldings? They should be allowed to hardship if they meet the size requirement. Before the registry was "closed" I sold a grade mini gelding to some people that were starting to show ASPC/AMHR. He was hardshipped...