New Super Gelding Program

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2009
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I am not sure why this has not been posted on this forum yet but a new Super Gelding program has been approved by the board . You can find the details here at this link

Super Gelding Program

This is the jist of the program hopefully it makes sense to everyone at this point it is a National award program not based on areas but that hopefully will change next year.
Anything we can do to promote geldings in our associations is a big plus to me. There are so many stallions out there that would make great show geldings and so many people overlook them when searching for a show horse. Which is a big mistake for the horses and the potential owners.

All I can say is thanks to the board of directors and the committee for setting this up. It should be fun this coming show year.
I saw that yesterday somewhere, and checked the site. There are no forms availible yet so I emailed them. I haven't heard back from them yet. What a great promotional idea. There is to many stallions out there as it is.
A big reason there are no forms on the website yet is that many ideas and processed need to be dealt with. Since we just got the approval at this year's convention, we will need to work things out. I am sure the forms and information will be up on the website as soon as possible. I was asked to be on the committee because we have a few geldings on the farm (15 with 3 more in the wings
) I will try to let you know when things move forward. I know that some are trying to get a meeting scheduled soon. I am really excited about this program--we really need to give people as much reason as possible to geld some minis and ponies.

I guess I am confused on that part. I was at Convention and this was presented to general membership as well as the BOD as is (printed on link) and approved as is so I am not clear as to how if this program is to start Dec 1st (our AMHR/ASPC show year) there are still changes to be made and things worked out without it being reapproved and re-presented again?

I am a huge gelding fan as well and out of 11 minis/ponies 8 are geldings or are set to be gelded over the winter
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I sure hope ALL I keeping an 09 colt, soon to be gelding for showing next year.

Also gelded one of my nice stallions a few weeks back.............hoping to show him next year too.
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Hi All,

This new program is for EVERYONE and their GELDINGS! Cost is $20 to nominate your gelding into the program. It will start January 1st for next year. Leah Johnson who is on the committee will be handling the points for this program. For those of you that already keep track of the points for either your youth or if you are an amateur, they are going to use close to the same type of recording form. You get to pick a maximum of your 10 best judges (and they realize not every area will have 10 judges) but you get to pick your best judges and how you placed under those judges for this program. You can use the same judge twice providing that judge is judging at a different show. It's ALL of the classes that gelding will be going into from what I understand. The $20 that you pay is going towards awards as this program will have to be self supporting. I also understand there will be a high point gelding for all eight area's as well as a high point gelding overall (registry wide). This is for every division of our registry from A & B Miniatures, Classics, Foundations, Moderns, Modern Pleasure and Show Ponies.

I am for this program and will do my best to support it with the two geldings I have for 2010. Like any new program there will come some tweaking after the first year. You can't see what will or won't work until you come face to face with it. If you own more geldings but don't want to pay $20 on each one, then pick two or three of your very best ones, put them in the program and go from there and see how well you do.

Good Luck and looking forward to seeing who the winners will be next year.

I wish we could market our geldings better. In reality average stallions are a dime a dozen and should be cheaper then a good gelding. I think we all do a dis-service to our geldings by pricing them so cheaply. A good solid all around gelding should be worth alot more then a couple thousand especially one who is trained in halter, driving, and in hand performance. On the other hand a avg colt really should be the one priced at about 1000 bucks or less especially one who has not had any solid training.

has always seemed a bit backwards to me and I am glad of course since I am a fan of an all around gelding and rarely sell my boys after putting years of work and time into them

I do think we are breeders and sellers are able to drive the market for geldings much higher if we stick to our guns
I agree Lisa, the miniature horse "breed" itself is a bit backwards when it comes to the biggies. Its hard to find a good AQHA performance gelding out there that could possibly be affordable, but when it comes to the minis its hard to sell them.

However I think we shall see in the future more people will be breeding less due to the economy and decide to enjoy their minis and start showing more, and that will be more show geldings IMO for families. It is really hard to find a good show gelding out there that can do it all because everyone wants too keep them, which is a good thing.

This is just one step for AMHR to become more gelding friendly, I think its great to make it so affordable for everyone. I was hoping to participate next year but may have to be in 2011 when my gelding Pyro turns 3.
The gelding committee appreciates everyone's interest in the new gelding promotion program. The information about this program is attach in WORD to this post and is what has been approved by the BOD and the ASPC/AMHR office. If you cannot download it please let me know. The nomination forms will be available in January 2010 along with the points form. It will be similar to what is used by the amateur program. That information will be available at

This program is open to all ASPC/AMHR/ASPR geldings. It is not related to the AMHR Super G program. You will nominate your geldings into this program for $20. Awards (checks) will be given to the high point all around halter and high point all around performance gelding in each DIVISION (not Area) of our Registry with the exception of the ASPR division which will award one all around high point winner. The divisions will be "A" miniatures, "B" miniatures, classic Shetlands, foundation Shetlands, modern Shetlands, modern pleasure Shetlands and ASPR. The points system is not based on hall of fame or all-star points but is based on number of entries in the classes and all rated classes will count other than group classes (like get of sire, produce of dam, etc). There will be one miniature gelding and one Shetland gelding that will be awarded Supreme all around gelding. You do not have to be nominated for the Supreme award and it is based on all-star points. It is all explained in the attachment. I will post and example of how the points, etc will work later on so that everyone is clear.



  • 2010SuperGeldingProgram.doc
    33 KB

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