Hi All,
This new program is for EVERYONE and their GELDINGS! Cost is $20 to nominate your gelding into the program. It will start January 1st for next year. Leah Johnson who is on the committee will be handling the points for this program. For those of you that already keep track of the points for either your youth or if you are an amateur, they are going to use close to the same type of recording form. You get to pick a maximum of your 10 best judges (and they realize not every area will have 10 judges) but you get to pick your best judges and how you placed under those judges for this program. You can use the same judge twice providing that judge is judging at a different show. It's ALL of the classes that gelding will be going into from what I understand. The $20 that you pay is going towards awards as this program will have to be self supporting. I also understand there will be a high point gelding for all eight area's as well as a high point gelding overall (registry wide). This is for every division of our registry from A & B Miniatures, Classics, Foundations, Moderns, Modern Pleasure and Show Ponies.
I am for this program and will do my best to support it with the two geldings I have for 2010. Like any new program there will come some tweaking after the first year. You can't see what will or won't work until you come face to face with it. If you own more geldings but don't want to pay $20 on each one, then pick two or three of your very best ones, put them in the program and go from there and see how well you do.
Good Luck and looking forward to seeing who the winners will be next year.