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  1. Lmequine

    Strong Objection To Rule Change Proposal

    As this proposal was written in the agenda it only included hunter and jumper.
  2. Lmequine

    ASPC / AMHR Proposed Rule Changes

    Here is some more clarification from the current rule in our rulebook concerning shoeing miniatures: page 245 and 246: "No shod horses are allowed on the grounds of an AMHR show..." meaning they are not only banned for showing in any classes but are banned from even being on the show grounds...
  3. Lmequine

    Strong Objection To Rule Change Proposal

    I know that a good number of folks are right with you on this one. We have been discussing it all day long down here in Area V via private email and also on some of the forums. This rule change would 1) reduce the amount of fees collected for a show due to loss of entries, office, and stall...
  4. Lmequine

    Speaking of Convention, can we send a PROXY?

    It is also my understanding that you have to be at Convention in order to vote on proposals but maybe someone can for sure let us know that is the case? If you cannot attend Convention I would suggest that you let your area directors know your feelings on the proposed rule changes.
  5. Lmequine

    ASPC/AMHR Member/Non-Member/Transfer Fee's

    Good point. We all forget that the ASPC/AMHR is a not-for-profit organization and has to answer to rules and laws above our own association "rules".
  6. Lmequine

    What feeds do you prefer?

    I have been feeding Safe And Sound by Acco for a number of years now. Switched to that when Strategy became too pricey. I have been very happy with the results. Safe Choice is comparable and is made by Nutrena which will now be handled by Tractor Supply Co so available most everywhere. I do not...
  7. Lmequine

    ASPC / AMHR Proposed Rule Changes

    The current AMHR rule allows for Draft Miniatures to be shown shod. See page 265 letter F of the rulebook. The proposed rule change would add limitations on the shoeing because currently you can have pads or calks and it would allow those animals that are shown in draft driving to also compete...
  8. Lmequine

    Convention Schedule

    I am not against the amateur rule change as changing it will bring us in line with other associations. It was a neat perk while it lasted and it gave me the opportunity to let some amateur miniature horse exhibitors to handle a Shetland in a show to see if they liked the ponies. Those folks have...
  9. Lmequine

    Convention Schedule

    Any comments on the rule change to limit an exhibitor to handling only TWO horses in hunter and TWO horses in jumper? The way I read the proposed rule change it would apply to all open, amateur and youth exhibitors. For me, I see three problems with this rule change: 1) you are limiting the...
  10. Lmequine

    ASPC/AMHR Member/Non-Member/Transfer Fee's

    Thanks for the verification Amy!
  11. Lmequine

    Convention Schedule

    Thanks for the link! I would suggest that all ASPC/AMHR members take a look at the committee agendas. There are several rule changes submitted in the AMHR committee that will affect us that show as well as rule changes in the stewards committee that affect us that show. If you cannot attend...
  12. Lmequine

    great nationals

    Congratulations on a great show! I got to see your chariot run in the open class and it was awesome to see in person (and hear!). LOVED LOVED the plume on Tippy! That just really finished the look and it looked darn cool laid back while she was galloping!
  13. Lmequine

    We have a new National Champion!

    Congratulations on a great show! That Rio is the best....I talked to him everytime I went by his stall at the show!
  14. Lmequine


    Congratulations on an awesome show this year! As breeders, y'all have to be so proud of the accomplishment!
  15. Lmequine


    Acorns can be a real problem in any equine. My husband is a farrier and works with several vets, in the fall he sees many cases of founder/laminitis caused from horses and ponies eating acorns. Once a horse gets founder or laminitis, you are looking at dealing with a life long issue with their...
  16. Lmequine

    Reserve National Champion!!!!Dillon

    Woo Hoo! I came in the house from clipping just in time to see his whole class. SO glad we have the live video. Dillon and Toy looked great and I have to say he and Sherry were turned out very nicely in their matching outfits! Good thing no one was in the house or they would have thought I was...
  17. Lmequine

    Link to Live Video Feed for AMHR Nationals here

    I am also getting band width exceeded, try again later......frustrating!
  18. Lmequine

    Link to Live Video Feed for AMHR Nationals here

    Thanks for posting the link! I had been looking through various posts to try and find it! No problems running it here.
  19. Lmequine

    Good Luck at Nationals......

    Good luck Adam to you and your "kids"! I will be getting to Nationals on Sunday so will look forward to your updates during the youth portion of the show while I am still here at home.
  20. Lmequine

    Does anyone recognize these two names?

    Check out the website for Eldon McCall in IA. The addres is He probably has more Red Rock bred ponies than anyone. He uses the KL in the name of the offspring of his stallion Bright Eyed Rock C & M. Rock is out of a Red Rock mare. Bellevue Farm's website also has historical...