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  1. Lmequine

    Minis and now my first Shetland!

    Congrats on getting Amanda! She is a lovely mare and I am glad that she found a home where she will be used for more than just a broodmare. She is a perfect match and half sister to Code's Jewel VB, a Shetland mare that I trained under saddle after she was a teenager. Jewel has made a wonderful...
  2. Lmequine

    Do you prefer Modern or Classic and why?

    I like the American Shetland pony as a whole, all types but have to say that like like my foundation certified, modern hall of fame stallion the best! Confusing for the newcomers but he qualifies in bloodline as a foundation Shetland but is extreme in body type and was shown to his hall of fame...
  3. Lmequine

    What size are your mini stalls?

    I converted two of my 12 x 12 big horse stalls into 2 x 12 stalls and I use those for minis and weanling and yaerling Shetlands and they all do fine, even if they have to stay stalled due to bad weather. My stalls have wire dividers so they "appear" less confined and also the back wall is only 4...
  4. Lmequine

    Thinking about a Shetland

    If Jim Curry is near you or close enough where you can go visit then take the time to do so. He is a long time breeder, trainer and judge and is always happy to share information with people that want to learn more about Shetlands. Here is his website address: On his...
  5. Lmequine

    Another question for Adam or any judges :)

    Great reply Adam on Carin's three ponies. I know all three well and you and I see them same. Thanks for the judging clinic as it pertains to foundation ponies!
  6. Lmequine

    Shetland Convention info

    Thank you for the nice comments. I was lucky to have a very nice showstring for this season and to have ponies of all types showing. I too am starting to hear from other breeders and exhibitors that foundation ponies are not the way to go, they are too course and chunky and not the way the breed...
  7. Lmequine

    Collapsed Trachea

    I had a Shetland mare with a collasped trachea. She lived about two years after being diagnosed. She also made that weird honking nose when she breathed. She was not a candidate for a stint since the majority of the trach was involved. The heat of summer was the worst on her. I had her put down...
  8. Lmequine

    Shetland Convention info

    Last year there was also only two days between the World show and Congress according to the dates listed in the Journal.
  9. Lmequine

    Shetland Convention info

    Thanks for sharing your judging system with us Adam. I think by breaking down into points how you look at a pony that makes is easier for an exhibitor to know what is going through the judges mind. I show a good many foundation ponies. For the most part they do well. I have some that do push the...
  10. Lmequine

    Pony Breeders post your links! American Shetland Ponies, Training, Showing, Sales Located in Northeast Texas Thank you!
  11. Lmequine

    growing whole oats as grass

    Oats are commonly grown in this area mixed with Rye grass as winter pasture for cattle and horses. For horses they do need to be limited on the amount that they graze since both oats are rye grass are very lush and can cause laminitis problems in horses and ponies. Sort of the general rule we...
  12. Lmequine

    Double Trouble Farm

    Have you been able to get a hold of Tina yet? I am headed to her place on Tuesday. Maybe is a great girl. I hauled her to a show with me this summer to get her mini measurement done. It was her first time anywhere and she hauled and handled everything like a pro! I think that she liked the show...
  13. Lmequine

    POA question

    Kid O Tough is a great sire. I am sure that you would be pleased with any of his offspring!
  14. Lmequine

    Ok question for your Pony people about

    I call mine by each division they would be classified in, so yes, when I am doing ads I will have something listed as modern and some listed as modern pleasure. If I have one that is borderline it usually goes something like, he will show modern pleasure if you keep him barefoot with a short...
  15. Lmequine

    Classic breeders with Blue roans

    Lewis and Evelyn Hamilton from Davis City, IA. Phone number: 641-442-8222. Their ponies' prefix is LE. Not sure if Lewis is raising any ponies right now but he has brought some pretty roans to the North Texas Pony Sale in the past. He was not able to come to the sale this year. He is very well...
  16. Lmequine

    One way to encourage

    Down here we have youth that show in the modern jumping in hand and modern obstacle in hand and we always have several entries in the modern pleasure youth halter classes. I known several amateurs that would be in showmanship, jumping in hand, and obstacle in hand if the amateur class was...
  17. Lmequine

    Where would you look for a Classic Pony

    I have a client that has a 5 yr old classic gelding for sale. He rides western and english and can do barrel racing. He is HOF in jumping in hand and even a very small child can handle him in the class. He also does showmanship, obstacle in hand, multi-color and halter. He is a good leadline...
  18. Lmequine

    Congress Locations

    I have shown at the Lancaster Events Center for three years in a row now. IMO it is the nicest facility that I went to this year. As a person that stays in their trailer at Congress in Gordyville and has to use the "facilites" I can tell you that the showers are not very good and neither are the...
  19. Lmequine

    POA question

    The Santee ponies are great. I sold one earlier this year that made a great youth pony and she was 8 yrs old and had only been a broodmare up to that point in her life. Her new owner in Canada is riding her everywhere now and just loves her. Not so much a bloodline as a prefix also look for the...
  20. Lmequine

    Classic breeders with Blue roans

    I have a 1985 model true blue roan mare that has produced two bay roans and one dark chestnut roan for me. She came out of Don Chegwidden's herd several years ago. Also a nice blue roan weanling colt bred by Phyllis Hopwood sold at our North Texas sale earlier this month (the lady that bought...