Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis
I am just curious to me and my untrained newbie eye when looking at horses on sites and in person there is usually a difference in the way the Moderns look and go compared to the Modern pleasures.. I know there is a difference or there wouldnt be two divisions
: BUT my question is
when discussing them would you just simply call them all Moderns... or are you specific about Modern and Modern pleasure?
Is it proper or not to lump them togther
Not sure if that makes sense but I guess my question is when looking to buy or sell and listing a horse or talking about it with someone do you simply say I have 5 moderns for sale or do you say I have 2 Moderns and 3 Modern pleasures
guess wondering what proper Modern etiquette was so as not to be outed as clueless from the beginning LOL

when discussing them would you just simply call them all Moderns... or are you specific about Modern and Modern pleasure?
Is it proper or not to lump them togther
Not sure if that makes sense but I guess my question is when looking to buy or sell and listing a horse or talking about it with someone do you simply say I have 5 moderns for sale or do you say I have 2 Moderns and 3 Modern pleasures
guess wondering what proper Modern etiquette was so as not to be outed as clueless from the beginning LOL

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