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  1. Ferrah

    Bunny disaster

    Sorry about your bunnies. I breed Holland Lops which are notoriously hard to breed. Mini Lops are generally easier to breed than Holland Lops. When I breed my first time does I do sometimes lose the first litter. Sometimes the doe doesn't know what to do. She might not build a good enough...
  2. Ferrah

    Armstorng Show

    I took myself, and two girls (Sarah and Morgan) from our 4-H club to the Armstrong mini show and we had a LOT of fun. Sarah brought her own horse Glory and I borrowed Shadow from Spyder & Cinnabars breeder for Morgan and I to share. This was Sarah and Morgans first horse show. It wasn't my...
  3. Ferrah

    Faverit type of Sheen?

    I have been a die hard show sheen user since I started showing halter and riding QHs. I switched ot the Cowboy Magic Dust Control Shiner because I found it to work just the same as the Show Sheen and it is cheaper. For my riding horses I don't put show sheen on them for shows. I have a sheep...
  4. Ferrah

    What should she do?

    Thank you for all your advice. I have printed your replies for the girl. I think I will definately suggest upping the protien and getting a fecal count for worms, they could also check if she is pregnant...I guess you never know. Thank you very much. I think she will just have to go to this...
  5. Ferrah

    What should she do?

    She is two years old. The girl intially upped her feed intake because she came out of winter on the thinner side.
  6. Ferrah


    What is that green stuff coming from he rnose?
  7. Ferrah

    What should she do?

    A girl in our 4-H club is coming to a Miniature Horse show with us, we leave on Thursday. She took her horse off pasture two months ago. Following her vets instructions she dewormed her the month she brought her off pasture and again this month. She has been doing 20 minutes of trotting five...
  8. Ferrah

    Going to my first sanctioned show

    Yes we are going to the Armstrong BC show. Our stall decorations will be our NorthWest 4-H Club stall decorations (lots of light and dark blue!). This year we are only bringing two horses, but next year we plan to bring three or four. I'm the short one with black hair who will probably be...
  9. Ferrah

    Going to my first sanctioned show

    I am going to my first sanctioned show. The first day is AMHR showing the second and third day is AMHA showing. I am entered in showmanship. In AMHR do you do the half system or quarter system for showmanship? In AMHA is it halves or quarters? How complex are the showmanship patterns in...
  10. Ferrah

    Somebody murdered my son Michael tonite

    Marty & family, I can't find any words to describe what I want to say. Deepest sympathies and lots of prayers.
  11. Ferrah

    ANyone raise a bunny?

    I have successfully raised two wild rabbits. Usually by the time wild rabbits are old enough to run successfully on their own, their mother stops nursing them. I have had the most success raising wild rabbits like this: Having as little human contact as possible in a very large cage or large...
  12. Ferrah

    Some Pictures of Ferrah and I!

    Here is some pictures of Ferrah and I taken today. I can't believe how old she looks now...she is actually starting to look like she is 22. Try to ignore me in the picture...I look like a fool. Thanks for letting me share my baby!
  13. Ferrah

    Playing in the "pasture"

    I don't think I will be going to my first AMHA show at the end of the month. I got in contact with the AMHA, and since my two geldings still are not parent qualified, they cannot release their pending rgeistration numbers until they are. I don't think everything will be processed and in order...
  14. Ferrah

    I measured Spyder and Cinnabar

    I measured Spyder and at two years old he measures just barely under 34". I am not sure if he is done growing, but it has been about two months since I last measured him and he measured the same. I think he will measure over for AMHA. Cinnabar measures at 29 1/2" as a yearling. Do you think...
  15. Ferrah

    Filling in entry form for my first AMHA show

    I read through the online rulebook and in halter classes it talks about the height limits for certain ages, but it doesn't talk about it at all in performance classes. That did not help me very much! I would like to enter halter obstacle but I am still not sure if he is allowed to enter. I am...
  16. Ferrah

    Filling in entry form for my first AMHA show

    My two year old gelding is nearly 34" tall. Does this mean Spyder cannot enter in the show at all, or can he just not enter a halter class? Could he go in a color class? For the halter class for two year old geldings, the entry form doesn't show a height limit. So does this mean he can...
  17. Ferrah

    I'm Going to Have to Say Goodbye

    I certainly understand where he is coming from. We keep the manure in big black composting bins. I will definately do the things you have suggested. Somehow I don't feel right apologizing because of how he came at me like that...but my parents will probably make me anyways. On our block there...
  18. Ferrah

    I'm Going to Have to Say Goodbye

    I am fairly sure I am going to have to say goodbye to my two boys that I have worked so hard for. I got a job that I hate just so I could pay for them, their equipment and upkeep. Before I bought my boys I called the city bylaw officers so I could be sure that we were allowed to have horses in...
  19. Ferrah

    Another foal!!!!! It's a COLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would call him.... Snowberry!
  20. Ferrah

    Please Critque My Boys & My Technique..lots of questions! Please Help.

    I forgot to add that they do get 1/4 a cup of BOSS each morning and night. If I fed beet pulp to them would I then be able to feed them less hay? Is grazing for three to four hours a day going to hurt their condition also? I am going to be starting with showing them locally, then later on...