Faverit type of Sheen?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
There are just so many, Show Sheen, Laser sheen, Satin sheen ..the list goes on and on.

I like the Satin Sheen for after bath's to spray on them to keep them nice and clean and repell dust. It doesnt make them really wet like Show Sheen does when you spray it on them.

For before going into the show ring i like pepi. A little goes a long way and it smells really good, makes them look finished and the shine lasts longer.

So whats yours?

Leeana H.
I use laser sheen just like you do, to keep them clean after a bath before a show. I douse their bodies, legs, manes and tails in the stuff. That's what I've most often used mostly because I bought a big old conentrate bottle of it that's lasted me a long time.
I use Cowboy Magic Dust Control for after bathes, then in the showring I like to use Grand Champion and Pepi =) Pepi does smell really good, same with g.c, but they havent been making it as much lately i noticed, at least around here.
I'm a Show Sheen user from way back but it got so overpriced here I switched to Laser Sheen; then Bayer came out with their Mira hair polish & I really liked it, but it was discontinued (at least it's not available in the stores here any more) Last year I was using the Mane & Tail detangler--gives that silky feel without feeling like everything is coated in silicone!! This year I have discovered Healthy Hair Care's Moisturizer and that seems to be real nice stuff. It detangles manes nicely & seems to leave a nice shine on the coat. I bought just the small bottle to try, it was $16 and made quite a big batch (You mix it 1:8 with water). The big jug was either $55 or $75, I forget which--when I saw the price I gulped, but now that I tried the small bottle I realize that big jug would make a huge amount of product, so it's not such a bad price after all.
Gotta love Peppi!
: Show sheen is ok, but it leves them with that unnatural feel that I can't stand. Miracal Groom is great too. I love the way it helps pick up the dust and it gives them the shine with out the sticky, silicon feel.
A new thing I just found for manes and tails is Vetroline Detangler. You only use a tiny amount, and it feels greasy at first, but after you get it worked in it makes the hair feel great, works really well as a detangler, and I also think it is a color enhancer, it brings out the natural color in the mane and tail. It is great stuff!
I like ShowSheen, though I've used Cowboy Magic's shine product and it works just fine.

I got lucky and bought a bunch of show sheen when our feed store went out of business and relocated w/another owner, they sold their stock at 40% off, so I got the big gallon bottles to refill my spray bottles with.

Liz M.
Showsheen for 20 some years old habits die hard around here if they work and it's stock piled.
I used to use a hairspray for black people's hair, it was really shiny, but I didn't like at the end how it treated the horse's hair.

Now I just use Jeffers show sheen, not as shiny as the other one but I like it much better. I use it after I give them a bath, before I clip them, and before I go into the ring. Their hair has been the best condition in a long time.
I don't use the sheens anymore. I did last year and it just made my horses itchy. So all I do this year is feed BOSS, wash with cowboy magic, blanket, then at the show I spray their coat with Ultra finishing spray and their mane, tail, and facial features with Pepi. They look great. I don't like a horse that is overly shiny and greasy anyways.
I have been a die hard show sheen user since I started showing halter and riding QHs.

I switched ot the Cowboy Magic Dust Control Shiner because I found it to work just the same as the Show Sheen and it is cheaper.

For my riding horses I don't put show sheen on them for shows. I have a sheep fleece mitt that I use to polish their coat. The lanolin in the fleece really makes their coat shine without making them slick. I have to get a new sheepskin mitt every show season, but since I am in 4-H, it is easy for me to get access to a lot of sheep skins!
My horses are shinny enough they dont need anything for that. I do put show sheen on them after a bath but that is it.
We have used Laser Sheen for a number of years now and really like it. I HAVE to use Pepi for showing because it just smells soooo good! I've always wanted to try the Healthy Haircare products but they seem rather expensive - heard they work great though. I've also been wanting to try the Vetrolin line. I heard the green spot remover they have works wonders and that was from people with gray Arabians, one of the hardest colors to keep clean if you ask me!
I like the vetrolin line as well. It smells so good, like rootbeer! My mare has a really bad, strawlike tail because she has weird bathroom habits, and vetrolin is the only conditioner that makes it look and feel better.

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