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  1. Warpony

    Dogs and Driving

    I hand walk my horses along the path I drive frequently. I take a long whip. When dogs run out while I am leading the horses if they get too close I whack them. Then I ground drive my minis along the same path and do the same thing. This trains the horse that I will protect them from dogs and...
  2. Warpony

    My take on the height situation..

    I agree with you. As an aside... I was discussing this with some friends of mine (big horse people) and you should hear what they have to say. We were already a joke to them, now they are laughing even harder. And my overseas friends who ARE miniature people? Sheesh. They want to know what...
  3. Warpony

    Reasons for Rule Change

    Exactly!! And I don't see why this is such a big deal. The horses are STILL THE SAME SIZE! The ONLY difference is that we are finally admitting that according to the horse people in the entire horse industry the world over they are an inch or two taller than we have been saying they are! This...
  4. Warpony

    AMHA is CLosing Their Books!! As well as a new Height rule change!!

    I agree completely. The change in the breed from 34" being the height limit to 36" being the limit would basically be a change ON PAPER ONLY. I wish both registries would change to top of withers and add an inch or two to the limit. I do not understand why they won't do that aside from the fact...
  5. Warpony

    AMHA Measurement Change

    I agree. I think they should both measure to top of withers like every single other horse registry on the planet and like it has been the standard for generations for virtually all horses... But I also think the height limit should be raised to compensate. Do a study and see what the difference...
  6. Warpony

    how to trin 8 month old foals for lead rope.

    I always use a butt rope as described above.
  7. Warpony

    I'm so confused!

    Everyone else seems to be helping with the advice so I just wanted to say that I think she is adorable. I love the white on her nose.
  8. Warpony

    What's the craziest thing you have done to get a horse?

    Same here, except that he isn;t that involved in them but gets a lot of enjoyment from them and loves to show off pictures and stories about them. He and I are partners. I would never make a major decision without discussing it with him first and vice versa. Not about "getting permission", it...
  9. Warpony

    What's the craziest thing you have done to get a horse?

    I did that with hot mustard for $5. I got ripped off. It wasn't just hot mustard, it was like "peel the paint off your car" hot mustard. My husband was VERY impressed and still brags about how tough I am to all his friends. The only thing I ever did was when my ex went behind my back and...
  10. Warpony

    safeguard or Ivermectin

    I use a wormer that targets what they are most likely to be infested with at the time I worm them, according to my vets instructions. She doesn't think it is really healthy to worm for things they are unlikely to have at certain times of the years, so we target what needs killin' when it needs...
  11. Warpony

    How do you (tactfully) ask

    well, since the person asking seems to be looking for a stallion to breed their mare to I would assume they already KNOW if she has had a dwarf or not. So that isn't really what is at issue here, IMO. No one even implied that the mare had nothing to do with it, only that they wanted this info...
  12. Warpony

    Gelding Questions.

    OK, I'm a huge fan of geldings. My gut reaction is usually GELDGELDGELD the sooner the better. But to be honest if I were you I would go ahead and show him as a colt this year and geld him in the off season. Which is odd, because normally I can't wait to have those things lopped off.
  13. Warpony

    Could my mare get pregnant by 1 1/2 yr old?

    I wouldn't be too terribly worried about problems related to the close breeding. While I generally believe that breeding that close should be reserved only for those with gads of experience and a strong understanding of the blood lines and genetics involved I think the chances of something going...
  14. Warpony

    Couple of questions on gelding...

    Thanks for the update. I remember how worried I was when I had my boy done.
  15. Warpony

    Couple of questions on gelding...

    I woke up this morning wondering how things turned out for you and your boy on Thursday. Just wondering how he came through it and if you managed to get by without too much worry.
  16. Warpony

    Cost of a gelding procedure

    This really varies far too much from vet to vet, region to region and state to state for anyone other than your vet to give you a solid and helpful answer. My vet does not do anything other than normal gelding procedures, she refers out for anything more. She said the vets she refers out to...
  17. Warpony

    Could my mare get pregnant by 1 1/2 yr old?

    About 20 years ago I bought a mare and gelding pair. They were mother and son. He was less than 2 years younger than she was. She got in foal at 9 months old, by a colt that was the same age. She had life long negative effects because of this, and died at an early age due to health issues...
  18. Warpony

    I missed the Dwarf discussion entirely

    I agree with this completely. Even to the point of it being my uneducated opinion that could be wrong. She IS very cute, though.
  19. Warpony

    Couple of questions on gelding...

    My vet has special flannel cloths for this. My funny little guy looked so silly with a pink flannel towel over his face. But it kept the dirt out of his eye while he was out.
  20. Warpony

    Couple of questions on gelding...

    My vet had me keep him alone in a stall over night to make sure he didn't over do it the first night, then told me to turn him out, and to work him twice a day for at least 15 minutes at a trot... longer if he wasn't moving around on his own between work outs. She gelded him outside on a flat...