What's the craziest thing you have done to get a horse?

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Well, usually I just talk about the horse so much, that hubby buys it, just to shut me up!!!!!! Works every time, so far!!!!!!

Now I am trying to convince him about a shetland, but he's not falling for it......YET!!!!!!!!
Those are some awfully sweet husbands! ...except for your ex, Liz! ~~snork!!~~

Now, I would NEVER do anything like these stories... HOWEVER...I did enter into a couple of co-ownership deals in which the co-owner eventually owned just a few mane hairs...

You in the Hwy 30 contingent...ssshhhhh!!!!!
Hmm well i have always made the decision myself after of course running it by my father
. I'm so lucky to have a dad that like the horses and supports my decisions when it comes to them. However, if i show him a horse that i like that is in is ..say California i always get "that look" lol.

My horse buying rutine consists of me making my decision, then dad glances and asks how much and then says "he is pretty" and then we go from there
. Simple as that
When it comes to the horses I don't ask my husband for permission. It is my money I use. I have purchased/traded to better my herd. Though I do tell him if I can't buy such and such a horse then I will sell Dandy, which is his favourite mini mare. Just kidding.
No my husband is pretty good about the horses. I even gave him his own arabian mare to ride.
I do have to clarify...

I don't ask my husband's "permission" for anything....

However, we both discuss any major purchase, and horses certainly qualify as that.

Besides, since he is just as involved with them as I am, it would be terribly unfair not to include him on any such decision...otherwise, how could I ask him to go out with me to feed on a cold, rainy, windy night?
Oh, the fudging about the down payment reminded me, I do often "understate" the price of a horse... Only because we have our first mini who cost $500 and to Harvey, he's worth just as much as any of the others and vice versa. I'm not sure he'd appreciate why one could cost 10x or whatever. And I'd rather not hear "I don't think ________ is worth $__________" repeatedly. But, while I wouldn't call money "mine" and "his" (after all this time, it is OURS), but I do work really hard and I own a successful business that has nothing to do with horses.
I quit asking.. Hubby is getting too wise to that game, lol.

But the last mare I got ( many moons ago) was such a great deal that I ended up telling my husband that I would sell a more expensive mare to get her.. And in doing so I was actually gaining $1500.

Some how I could not gain his enthusiasm in this deal as he really wanted to see less horses.

in the end he did send the pay pal payment to the seller, Adding his note to the payment "I just want you to know that I am not happy about getting this horse!"

I thought for sure he would botch the sale when he told me that.

But later when I spoke to the seller,- I found out that she had a good laugh with her husband,- over that comment saying "Just what husband IS happy about getting a new horse?!"
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I love those stories!

When I decided that I wanted a Mini I told my hubby and waited for a response....

I was fully prepared for an argument...

Surprisingly he agreed....

But I was ready to compare the cost of my mini to his "13horses" that we pour money into every month...aka...his Motorcycle!

So, the day I picked up Stuart, my Mini, I mentioned getting another one and he just shrugged!

So, I am thinking Stuart will be getting a pasture-mate after I have him gelded!

It is true...they are addicting!
I do have to clarify...

I don't ask my husband's "permission" for anything....

However, we both discuss any major purchase, and horses certainly qualify as that.

Besides, since he is just as involved with them as I am, it would be terribly unfair not to include him on any such decision...otherwise, how could I ask him to go out with me to feed on a cold, rainy, windy night?

Same here, except that he isn;t that involved in them but gets a lot of enjoyment from them and loves to show off pictures and stories about them.

He and I are partners. I would never make a major decision without discussing it with him first and vice versa. Not about "getting permission", it is about being partners and making decisions together as couple.
Oh my!!!!! I would do the wasabi if my hubby would go for it!!!

I convinced mine, oh it wont be too expensive......their feed is only about X amount, hay X amount, they only need feet done every 6 weeks or so, ect ect.....

we had to hand clear our whole area, cut trees, dig out palmettos (which I swear are aleins from space!! not plants!!) all sorts of bushes.

Build our shelter, build our hay shelter, get giant round bales which we have to roll UP hill by our selves and then aim to get through the gate into the horse area and into the hay shelter. :DOH!

then we had to get 2 goats to help us clear more areas for the horses, then more fencing, now one is at a trainers lol!!!!

now I need to buile a round pen, but of course we have to clear first!! LOL!!!!

But he doesnt mind as they keep me sane, and are less expensive than a MD!
My horse was living at a stable that I started working at and I worked with him everyday for 2 years and then I STILL had to BEG. Then, I had to promise to pay at least half of the cost myself.
Well, my ex (notice I say ex) was a control freek and both of our incomes went into household and savings. Any money spent, I had to answer to him.

I had wanted a horse for years and he kept saying, maybe when we retire or I do not want to associate with those kind of people (yeah, he was a real jerk!!) :DOH!

I got fed up with it one day and opened up a checking acount in my name only. In there I put any dog money that I got. I still put my regular paycheck into the household account, but the dog money was now mine. I went out and bought a weanling Morgan colt. I did not even tell my husband about it, I had the horse at a boarding facility. I bought a couple of more Morgans and kept them all at that facility. Never told my husband about the horses, the new horse trailer or truck that I bought either (had those at a storage facility near the horses).

One day we got into another fight regarding his controll issues and I told him about the horses and my seperate checking acount. From that day on, he would go seaching for my check book and write down every little expenditure I had on the horses and then we would fight about that.

Needless to say, I had enough of him and was tired of being so controlled, so one day I came home and told him I had found a really nice hobby farm and oh, by the way, I am leaving you.

I raised Morgans for about 10 years and have been in Minis for 9 years. Sold my last Morgan 2 years ago. I never looked back and have never dated again either. My feeling is WHO NEEDS THEM!! (men that is)

Of course, if there were a relly nice, thoughtful, considerat guy out there........ but if they exhist, other women have them and would never let them go!!
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Great stories! My fiance is not a horse person at all! He likes to ride(don't ask why I have minis then!), but doesn't like the costs to feed, show, and keep horses. So my rule is: my money, my horses! Until our money is combined, there is not much he can do about it! He still was mad at me for a whole day when I told him I was bringing home a bred mare and that I was going to have to make a full days worth of a trip to bring it home!
Although with my first foal soon to be born, he is very serious about me either selling it or selling one of the others to keep it. He just keeps telling me that two is plenty and three is too much right now.

I figure I have ways around this!! I will just have to make sure I find a country home to live in so I don't have to pay board for 3 by the foal is of weaning age! :DOH! I may have my work cut out for me, but if this foal comes out a keeper like I think it will then I am sure I will manage to get the job done!!!!!
For my 40th B-day and my daughters 10th B-day, I told my husband we wanted a horse, He said" No we dont need a horse".

So everyday I was on the internet LOOKING at horses!

I did this for 2 months then I told him"I am going to look at a horse".

I went with a horsey friend, then came home and told him about it and how I thought this was the one!

He kept saying" we really dont need a horse do we"?

I called the guy that next day and bought Suman my thoroughbred.

I think my husband finally realized that I had set my mind to it so I WAS GETTING A HORSE!!

I of course I had to remind him of all the toys he has had over the years, trucks, car, kayaks, mountain bikes, canoes, guns, the list goes on and on!

Then 6 months later I bought Giddy my mini, not as much talking, I started looking on the internet again and went to see Giddy and came back saying this is the one again!!

He actually loves both our boys and loves on them and helps me with them, I knew he would , he is a major animal lover, he just had to wrap his mind around the fact it was a horse instead of a dog!

He doesnt think we NEED anymore horses but we shall see about that..
Luckly for me all I have to do is give the puppy dog eyes and I get my way.
I would eat wasabi in an instant if it gained me a horse!

Usually it goes something like this, after the details are worked out and I have the horse paid off (you'd be surprised how much stuff you consider worthless that sells for good money on ebay, LOL) I ask my husband, "how do you feel about taking a trip to.... next weekend?" He doesn't even ask why, he knows it is to pick up a horse. If he can't take off work, my father accompanies me. In the past, we have traveled between 8-12 hours one way to get specific horses. The worst thing I did was buy two fillies, not one, like I told him. I let it slip about 5 minutes before we got there, All he kept saying is,"You didn't , did you?"
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I love all these stories. Hubby has been pretty good about horses and I currently have 8 including a Clydesdale/belgian. tee hee. I had said that I thought that was enough until the wasabi! lol. He's fine with it really. He told me last night that I could have just bought the horse if I wanted it. lol. I did buy him a 135hp tractor with heated/airconditioned cab and a stereo system with my inheritance from my Grandma so he doesn't complain too much. Also, his new base cost $3000.00. lol. Now I am working on getting a secondd Great Dane and I think he is convinced! Don't you just love our hubbies!

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