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  1. S

    Breeding Question

    I usually stop breeding in late June. However, if there is a certian mare that I really want bred and hasn't got settled I would try an extra month. I defintelly don't want a July baby, too hot here.
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    stallions vs geldings

    Here, we sell all of our colts. We sell them as colts, but we give a gelding discount, and its a pretty big discount since I like to see them be gelded, and go on to good youth show homes. Or if I really feel like a colt needs to be gelded then I geld it as soon as I can. If they haven't been...
  3. S

    Your average hay price?????

    I just got some hay. It was around $7 a bale. Had to go quite a ways to get it, but very GOOD hay. Also wanted to say, at the beginning of Spring this year it was $10, so its gone down somewhat. Just hope we get some rain when we get some hay for Spring next year.
  4. S

    Bridle/Halter paths?

    If this is for a show I take it where the mane begins to the point of the shoulder. If this is just for home, take a ear back and clip to there.
  5. S

    Decideing when to retire a horse?

    I have one here that loves to jump when he was younger. We have done very well in Jumper. I showed him this year, and he's still good at it, but I feel like now he isn't doing it just for fun, he's doing it because its his job. So we have decided to give him a year off from showing next year...
  6. S

    Stallion breeding fees

    Was their any type of contract? Everyone, no matter what your doing in the horse business, even if your dealing with friends, please do a contract! Was their a LFG? If their wasn't than no, I would not give a refund. However I would be nice about it and say that next year she can bring her...
  7. S

    AMHA vs AMHR

    The one thing I really noticed a difference in AMHA vs AMHR, and people please don't yell when I say this, this is jmo, AMHA halter/driving look better in the ring. Now, don't get me wrong, AMHR has some awsome horses, both in halter and driving. I mostly show and breed AMHR anyways. But when I...
  8. S

    Bad Conformation,or what?

    I am wondering if this horse might have some dwarfy characteristics. I would defintelly geld him. He would make a nice gelding. Kay, she owns the colt, but is showing examples of both sire and dam to see what we truly got here.
  9. S

    Anything to make them not so pink?

    Yep the only thing to remeber if you clipping close to pink skin like horsefeather said, you have good chances of sunburn skin. Even the ones I haven't clipped at all this year, but have white blazes are pink at the ends of there nose. Just something to remeber. I do the exact same thing that...
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    Foal Help Please - STRONG Foal pulling badly on lead...

    If you do use a chain, put it under the chin, not over it. However, at this time of his age he will probably fight it. What I would do is instead of leading him while he is pulling, stop, grab on with two hands and yell "NO" and do a couple of sharp tugs. Once he settles down, pet him, and go...
  11. S

    Is this normal look for "new" momma

    I would switch this mares grain to a specific grain for broodmares. Like Omelane 300, specifically for broodmares and babies. She needs more grain right now. Regular pellets isn't enough nutrition, especially just 1 cup.
  12. S

    Outrageous Show Prices

    Fairs sometimes charge quite a bit too just get some money back. It costs quite a bit to put one of those things on.
  13. S

    Can I have some help

    Equine Jr. or Omelane 200. Omelane 200 is a sweet feed. I really, really like the Omelane grains. But the Equine feeds are good too. They are a complete feed. The Omelane has more fat too it, but the Jr. has a tiny bit more protein. Also like...
  14. S

    critique please

    Like some here that have mentioned its impossible to do a critique on this horse. He is too thin. I bet ya he is probably wormy too and I would try to get a test to see if he is or not. You might want to put him on a daily wormer. As for my yearlings they are still getting fed a Jr. type feed...
  15. S

    Heard a rumor today about Nutrena feeds

    Yes Farnam has made a mini/pony feed. I first saw them advertising it when I got the show bill to the AMHA World Show. They said go to their site for details and I did and there was nothing mentioned about it there : It is Platform. Now I was told recently by my Purina dealer that she got word...
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    Affordable rooms in Tulsa

    We called the Microtell last month to get a room, and they weren't full. BUT, you had to pay for the whole week stay of Nationals, and we aren't staying that long.
  17. S

    Weaning: when to do it?

    If this was my baby I wait till 4 months, so next month on the 28th. Now unless there is a possible health risk to the mare than I would do it sooner. Some people think the baby will be fine, its doing great now, but once you wean it early it will go down hill. I have a 3 month old baby now and...
  18. S

    Question on youth qualifying for Nationals

    I became interested in this question so I looked for my April Journal. Lad I read what it says where you read it. But I also found an insert to that rule on page 238 under 2006 Rulebook Supplement in the Special Section. It does say that youth must qualify in a youth class or classes. Just...
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    Reasonably priced harness

    I get mine from Mini Express. Very nice harness, both show and working and I even use my working one for shows and all. $250 is how much I got for my working one.
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    Just out of curiousity, is this common when judging shetlands?

    I was at an recent show, I mostly show miniatures but thought I would watch the classic halter class while I was there. The judges placed the miniature looking shetlands 1st place? Also the ones that were acting like, um idiots still place over the ones that acted decent. For one thing I don't...