If you really loved this little horse you would love him for himself, not just for what he could produce someday. I'm with MountainWaif:
...enjoy the little horse that he is, not worrying about what he could produce. He is the end product...he is perfection in his own little world!
WHY so many miniature horse owners (and other breeds/species too) seem to assume that each animal is valuable only for the next generation it can produce, I don't understand. When will you learn to love the one you're with??
: Argh, sorry, pet peeve.
And if you think he cares if he has children you're nuts! He's a baby himself, he has no longing for children in the future. Yes, some stallions can be loving fathers to their foals. But it is unlikely that your stallion would be allowed to run loose with his mares and he will likely never even know the foals have anything to do with him. How is this making his life more fulfilling than loving him for himself as a wonderful gelding?
Look, I know you're young and I understand where you're coming from, I really do. I hated gelding my horse and what's worse, he still thinks of himself as a stallion and was madder than heck about being gelded! I've never seen anything like it. But every other gelding I've ever owned has been perfectly happy that way and in fact much preferred babysitting foals to siring them and then being kept apart from them. Your little fellow will get studdy and nasty and be far more interested in mares than in you. Do you really want that? We don't keep them in the kind of natural environment a stallion could be happy in, unfortunately.
Yes, you can always take them off but you can't glue them back on. So keep him a stallion for now if you must but always be watching to see what he's growing into. And keep him away from his little girlfriend the minute he starts showing interest!
I agree with the others- post pictures.