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  1. Cherokee Rose

    bitless driving bridles

    Thank you all again for taking the time to reply to this...I've gotten some good advice. I do have a tendency to procede with caution on most things I do exspecialy with the horses. And Mryna you have some very valid points and...this most likely will not be something I will try unless like Mona...
  2. Cherokee Rose

    bitless driving bridles

    I Thank you all for..reining me in on this sorry I could'nt help myself!! And I do agree with you Myrna..that in riding you do have more contact with your horse...they just try to make it sound if your horse is well trained then a bit doesn't matter. I guess maybe if it sounds to good to be...
  3. Cherokee Rose

    bitless driving bridles

    Has anyone had any experince with using these...or any thoughts on them. I'm really thinking about trying one. I wasn't sure where to put this ..if I'm in the wrong spot please correct it for me
  4. Cherokee Rose

    help find Buttons

    Lavonne thanks for the update...I've been thinking of her all day.Tell her I'm praying for Buttons safe return and to hang in there.
  5. Cherokee Rose

    North Iowa Miniature horse sale

    Anyway i was wondering if anyone went to this and if they knew how it went with prices..just curious!
  6. Cherokee Rose

    Our first foal of the year!

    WOW WOW WOW !!!! Thats all I can say...I was just on your website wondering if there were any Cowboy babies..and I came here next and my heart just leaped!!! That Cowboy is a gold mine and I just knew you were the person for him...That filly is stuning
  7. Cherokee Rose

    Looking for a horse I sold

    I was wondering if someone on here owns or might know who owns Cherokee Rose Indy gelding...Thanks carrie
  8. Cherokee Rose

    Farm Websites - Who builds them?

    Mona...does mine has for years, she does wonderful work and she is very prompt. You can check out my website..if you looking for things done right in a timely manner Mona's your girl..
  9. Cherokee Rose

    Having a melt down

    I Just wanted to Thank You all again for taking the time to answer my does help so much !!! And also the for the compliments on my boy. karla..I do remember when you gelded your boy and now I do you must have felt...I do know at that time I evied and applauded your...
  10. Cherokee Rose

    Having a melt down

    Thank you all for your understanding replys..this has to be one of the toughest decsisions that I have had to make in awhile. Laurie...I don't think I could part with him to lease him's safe to he's my heart horse..and I want to keep close. I thought about running 1 mare with him but...
  11. Cherokee Rose

    Having a melt down

    I don't usually get on here and express my feelings ..but this time I'm just hoping I've made the right choice. Our stallion of many years Tom A Hawk I've decided to geld...I've made or trying to make the tough decision to stop breeding ..or least only having a foal here and which I...
  12. Cherokee Rose

    I can't believe she's gone...

    Mona....My heart just hurts for you and your husband...word's just come up so short when trying to express how sorry I am to read this..(((hugs)))she had a wonderful life with you.
  13. Cherokee Rose

    Having professional pics taken and would like opinions

    Thank you...I've had some very good teachers over the years Blending can be an art I guess...but it did help that his coat was very tight..if you stood right next to him you could see it alittle bit. I clipped his face a few days before the shoot.. and when I was closer to the back of his...
  14. Cherokee Rose

    Having professional pics taken and would like opinions

    When I had my "Liz" pics done of Tom I went natural..his coat is very tight. I just clip his head and legs to clean him up ..bathed him and I left off the goo. I too was very excited when I had his Liz pics done When I had Jodie do my mares they were pulled from the pasture and cleaned up thats...
  15. Cherokee Rose

    Filly #1 now

    Hi Laurie I just have to say all your babies a very nice...and I really like this you can't wait to clip her !! ........Carrie
  16. Cherokee Rose

    Foaling continues here....

    Sorry to hear of your makes you wonder why we do this :No- though I do have to say I really do like the little filly you had..what a doll
  17. Cherokee Rose

    Just wanted to introduce ourselves

    Hi Amanda It's good to see you on here ...I was just thinking of you and wondering how Miss Diva's doing..and wondering if you 2 are going to hit the show ring this year !! And I think your right about being hooked are showing all the signs of the addiction ..but thats ok you can...
  18. Cherokee Rose

    Information on the Jandts breeding (bloodline)

    Hi....I guess you could say I have been interested in the Jandts horses for several years..we bought our first one from Joe about 12 years ago...Jandts Chief Show Tom A Hawk. Some are diamonds in the rough and some are just simply breath taking..wonderful movers and seem to be very hardy. As...
  19. Cherokee Rose

    It's Christmas

    Well Lavern...maybe I should stop by and fix them some good o'le Biscuits and Gravey maybe that'll turn'em...
  20. Cherokee Rose

    Pelleted Bedding

    Thanks everyone for your insights..I see most of you do like the pelleted bedding and I'm finding I really do also...sometimes I just do things the same o'le way just because you think you should Maybe I should do more thinking.... outside the box !!