Having professional pics taken and would like opinions

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Spirit is having "Liz" pics taken next week.
SO excited. But I'm wanting opinions on whether to clip him which will make him have that pink look or since he is pretty well slicked out just clean up his legs and head/ears and leave his body as is. He will have spots, like in the center of his chest between his legs and on his flank that will have slight swirlies due to the hair growing towards itself so does that look bad in pictures? I kind of like the way Janet (Limestone) leave her horses natural in their pics but I was thinking of sort of a compromise by doing his head and the backs of his legs. Will it be impossible to neatly blend from his head to his neck?

Would really appreciate any/all opinions. Thanks!
I prefer natural with a touch of clean up on fetlocks and of course whiskers if you can get them truly shed out well. That is so much work to get a nice tight coat. If you have that already that is what I would go with
Oh My goodness!! First of all CONGRATS on the Liz pictures!! I am sure you will be 100% satisified!!! I wish I could take our stallion for Liz pictures!! Maybe when she comes to Reeces in July

I think if he is shed out sleak on his own, it's so much more natural n beautiful!! NOT to mention SPIRIT is already handsome with NON-professional photos, so either way he will be amazing!!!!

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I've been around Polish Arabians too long but I like natural, aka European natural, which includes those gorgeous long whiskers and no bridlepath.
If the horse is in a grow-out stage where he looks more Mohawk than Majestic, do bridlepath, ears, whiskers, fetlocks, and leave him alone. It just depends on the horse himself and the style of his summer coat as to whether he'll look better clipped or natural. I've found a compromise with my gelding that works well in late summer- I clip him a couple times in the spring and once at the start of June but then I have three events in four weeks and don't have time to clip him between each one. I clip him right before the first event, he still looks good for the second one, and just before the third event I clip his entire head, his esophagus, between his legs and under his belly. Within a day or two it's grown out enough to blend but he looks both much more refined than he would in his natural coat and much deeper in color than he would clipped. I repeat this process in July and again in September (clipping right before breed shows and touching up sweat points before CDE's) and then he doesn't get as heavy a winter coat as well. Might work for you!

Can you show us any preview pix so we can see what he looks like natural?

When I had my "Liz" pics done of Tom I went natural..his coat is very tight. I just clip his head and legs to clean him up ..bathed him and I left off the goo. I too was very excited when I had his Liz pics done
When I had Jodie do my mares they were pulled from the pasture and cleaned up thats all and I thought they looked great...so if his coat is tight I would vote unclipped !!
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When I had my "Liz" pics done of Tom I went natural..his coat is very tight. I just clip his head and legs to clean him up ..bathed him and I left off the goo. I too was very excited when I had his Liz pics done
When I had Jodie do my mares they were pulled from the pasture and cleaned up thats all and I thought they looked great...so if his coat is tight I would vote unclipped !!

I love Tom's pics!!! Question...You (or whomever clipped him) did a GREAT job of getting his head done but leaving the hair on his neck, etc. Was it difficult to blend in from head to neck?
When I had my "Liz" pics done of Tom I went natural..his coat is very tight. I just clip his head and legs to clean him up ..bathed him and I left off the goo. I too was very excited when I had his Liz pics done
When I had Jodie do my mares they were pulled from the pasture and cleaned up thats all and I thought they looked great...so if his coat is tight I would vote unclipped !!

I love Tom's pics!!! Question...You (or whomever clipped him) did a GREAT job of getting his head done but leaving the hair on his neck, etc. Was it difficult to blend in from head to neck?

Thank you...I've had some very good teachers over the years
Blending can be an art I guess...but it did help that his coat was very tight..if you stood right next to him you could see it alittle bit. I clipped his face a few days before the shoot.. and when I was closer to the back of his jaw..behind the ears I clipped with the hair so that does help feather it so to speak..and by doing it a few days before you get some growth so it all should turn out good. Iknow I'm probably not explaining this very well
oh and I did it with a 10 blade..I think it cleans them up and still leaves a nice natural look..hope that helps some......Carrie
Hi Parmela, I vote for natural coat. Nothing else gets the highlights the way a naturally beautifull slick coat does. Our Liz pix of Cowboy and the Little House ones of Skipper were all in natural coat with just a good clean up and trim job. And straight 'out of the pasture' to boot! It had been many years since either of them had any conditioning of any kind. Even a hard to shine 'white' coat will have some highlights if the hair is natural.

I too like Janet's au natural shots!

Hi Parmela

I vote "go Natural" - if you go to my site, pretty much every horse on it is in natural coat - just cleaned up faces & fetlocks & redid bridle paths - they all shine like a clipped coat never will - of course a close up may not have the same "wow" factor as a professionally clipped horse, but I think my horses look pretty nice the way they are exhibited

I recently had pictures taken of my all white overo last month. I clipped him a few days before - because it is getting cold here and he had too much coat to go natural, and the pink did show up quite a bit, but i still really like them.

If given the chance id love the pink to not show at all though, so id go with a slick summer coat - but im happy with mine anyway.


Thank you all very much for the advice!

I spent some time just staring at him (oh, that was tough
) and I even took a couple of pics up close with my camera and then looked at them to see what I thought. Well, I was leaning toward clipping him after that, but decided to try my hand at it by starting under his jaw, behind the ears, etc. to see if I was going to be able to "blend" the hairs. My thought being if I'm not I've got 4 days to correct or do the overall clip. I really want his nose, eyes, chin, jaw and ears to be neatly done but I think I'd like to see his body natural. I'll finish tomorrow and see what I think. Maybe I'll take some pics at that stage and post them to see what folks think.

We'll see. I've got SO much to do before I leave on Monday. Gosh I wish I had more notice, but I'm pleased to get the pics so not complaining.

BTW, Charlotte, both of your stallions look amazing in their pics!

Anyssapark - your stallion is gorgeous
I think natural coat works if the coat is short and slick. Just a trim on the head and lower legs.

Here's a pic of a mare of mine from last summer. Redrock Neon Starlight. Taken in July, Starlight is in natural coat with just a trim.

I think natural coat works if the coat is short and slick. Just a trim on the head and lower legs.

Here's a pic of a mare of mine from last summer. Redrock Neon Starlight. Taken in July, Starlight is in natural coat with just a trim.



I don't know if I'm good enough with the clippers to do it, but that is EXACTLY the look I love! Clean muzzle, nostrils, eyes, ears but a nice coat on the body. Thanks for posting!

She's beautiful btw.
Anyssapark - your stallion is gorgeous

I guess you can start with the head and see how you go with the blending, if you dont like it - then keep on clipping!!!

Cant wait to see the pics!

Do you have any 7 blades? That would leave a bit more coat, but might be easier to blend with the clipped head if you cant get him to blend the otherway.
Liz pics!! WHOO HOOO!!

I think he would look best cleaned up and not all "pink". Spirit is a natural beauty, and no one can bring out that beauty in pics like Liz can!

Parm, the way things are as of today, it looks like we'll be there!

I think if I had a cremello horse that I was taking professional photos of, I would want him clipped. The clipping will show definition of muscle and body. I think Liz can get the "pink" out of the photo for you, she edits shadows, ears etc........plus their is face makeup you can use if needed.

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Last summer I did my very 1st professional farm shoot and I left all my horses somewhat natural with the exception of my foal. I cliped them a month 1/2 earlier and it grew out enough and left them looking their naural color and all I did was tuch up heads & bridle paths. I think they looked amazing!
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