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  1. Cherokee Rose

    I am looking at getting two goats for milking

    Hi Mindy Montana !!! Sorry couldn't help myself I use to have a goat fedish infact I think goats make super pets!! I would have to say my favorite breed was the nubian....they are the Jersey of the milk goats....and I think 2 of them would produce more than enough milk for your famliy....the...
  2. Cherokee Rose

    Strong Hip

    Hi This is our Appy stallion Cowboy who I think has a wonderful hip and topline...
  3. Cherokee Rose

    More pix of Appy carriage driving!

    :aktion033: Karen I do enjoy your post on Appy and his accomplishments...he looks wonderful :aktion033:
  4. Cherokee Rose

    Casual shots of the two National Grands

    Both are just to nice for words............... : :
  5. Cherokee Rose

    My Secret...revealed

    Very Nice boy won't be able to stand yourself until he's old enough to breed lol!!! Ginny does have some stunning horses!!! My hats off to you and your new boy!!!
  6. Cherokee Rose

    Meet my new horses!

    What a very nice boy : I'm sure he will be a huge asset to your appy program "Congradulations" :aktion033:
  7. Cherokee Rose

    What a great Nationals for the spotties!

    :aktion033: Go Spotties :aktion033: Congradulations he is beautiful horse!!!
  8. Cherokee Rose

    history of Jandt's

    Ahh the Jandts horses !!! I have been to Joe's a few times I remember my first visit well....just getting into minis and I remember looking at all his horses and then seeing this stunning Appy stallion in a back corner of his yard....he totaling took my breath away up until then I had not seen...
  9. Cherokee Rose


    This is our snowcap mare....Splash
  10. Cherokee Rose

    Appaloosa Breeders

    First I would like to say Thank you to all of you who complimented "Cowboy"!! I have been fortunate as I have been able to own 2 of my dream horses...first was Tom A Hawk And then Cowboy : Lisa...Cowboy was 11 years old in the pictures.....I 've had him just over a year now so he's 12 ... I...
  11. Cherokee Rose

    Appaloosa Breeders

    Here's our buckskin leopard stallion "Cowboy"
  12. Cherokee Rose

    Mini Appaloosa halter horses ???

    Boy ears purked up on this one : I have been somewhat quietly working on just that Appys that can show halter!!! This dream started with Tom A Hawk our blanketed Appy stallion when Tom started his show career and mine we were showing against pinto and solid horse and beating...
  13. Cherokee Rose

    Washing and Clipping and Shooting, Oh My!

    Well Jean I know the feeling... but it's fun and you do learn a few things : Stunning boy you should be very proud of him... the pics are just stunning !!!!
  14. Cherokee Rose

    I took some pictures today...

    Nice pics Mindy : are them Elite sons?? And I just love your helper!!!
  15. Cherokee Rose

    Appys buckskins and other dilute appys

    Ok I'll play.....Buckskin and appy is one of my favorites : so I was more than thrilled when I was given the chance to buy this boy.....please meet "Cowboy" our buckskin leopard!!!
  16. Cherokee Rose

    My New Boy Arrives Today

    Congradulations on your new boy "Max"....I had the pleasure of helping Angie do the video for you I can say first hand he is a beautiful horse : and I know Angie hated to part with him.....she sent you one of her best..........Carrie
  17. Cherokee Rose

    First AMHR SANCTIONED Show in Europe

    I too was very excited to hear...that Angie was doing a AMHR show other there :aktion033: that girl does burn the midnight oil!!!!
  18. Cherokee Rose

    Introducing Appy's 1st California Girl!

    Karen all I can say is Stunning :aktion033: : I can't wait to see dried off pics should be very proud.......Congratulations..........Carrie
  19. Cherokee Rose new stallion! Westwind BTU Crown Prince Dun Blest

    Congratulations Mona :aktion033: :aktion033: very nice boy...and I'm glad you finally got him home!! Sounds like you needed the "Two Diva's Transport" they dig us because we deliver :bgrin Marcy and I would 've got that horse to Ya :aktion033:
  20. Cherokee Rose

    FINALLY........Completely Clipped!

    Love the color...anybody who knows me know I Love seeing spots :aktion033: