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  1. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    She has a little edema in front of her udder...absolutely no bag to speak of. I feel her little bag "area" and it has a little puffiness, but definately nothing I would say is a bag, but more than normal and more than my other mares. All my mares are a little irritated that I keep feeling them...
  2. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Everyone who talks about the baby says "She"... I haven't had a feeling either way, but I did come up with a cute boy name... Now I need a girly name Daddy is "King Willie Willis" Mom is "PWF Buckeroos Babe" I put the two together for a boy - KLMs Buck King Bronko... say it fast.
  3. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Thank you, I LOVE Willie. He produces very leggy babies (even tho he is only 28" himself) The place where I send to foal out will put her under camera. And, nope, no "Nice" mares to turn out with her in the meantime. I do have a great gelding that I have dubbed the "babysitter" he protects...
  4. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Thank you, She certainly thinks so! She hates anything cuter than her, so I am a bit worried about when the baby is born. Hoping she will be a good mama.
  5. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Hi Renee' and thanks for the reply... A quiet older mare... LOL!!! All my mares are nuts! Just kidding, they aren't nuts, just all performance horses with big princess prima-donna attitudes that think they should all be up on pedestals. I have one experienced mare I can put out with her at...
  6. KLM

    Kandi Land Minis - "Babe" EDA -4/15ish, Maiden

    Hello all you Nursury Moms, Here I go... I have a maiden mare who is confirmed in foal. She went to the breeders 5/17/12 and was put in immediately with the stallion, stayed for two months and was sent home because she kept coming back into heat. Obviously something must have been wrong with...
  7. KLM


    Hi Everyone! First I want to thank everyone for their advise. I LOVE this forum because I know the answers are here... or will be here soon. A revelation came up and we found out Biggie is completely deaf in his left ear and partially deaf in his right. (Sadly I wish he was completely deaf as...
  8. KLM

    What should I do?

    Wow, she looks preggo to me. I would ask advise to the wonderful group of ladies in the "Nutty Nursury" They are pro's!!! Good Luck!
  9. KLM

    Anyone seen this before? Horse looks moldy PICS

    When I was in my early 20's I worked at a race horse farm. We had many, many chestnuts with spotted skin. It was not a disease or deficiency, it was more a trait. These horses were very well cared for, very well fed and given everything they could possibly need in the way of veterinary care and...
  10. KLM

    AMHA registration

    Here is the AMHA guide to hardship... only open thru this year. and the form:
  11. KLM

    Favorite Coat Colors

    I love a lot of colors and minis have just brought that out more for me. I had never heard of a PINTALOOSA before minis (Although I know now there are some in biggies) so I decided since I have the land and the funds... I want em all!!! The Collection so far includes: 2 black pintos 1 red...
  12. KLM

    Please help Black or clear hooves.??

    I have seen and done both.. My trainer and 4 judges suggested for me to do my mares feet black (My Avatar) Since she is black and white they informed me it gave her a "framed picture appearance" and was desireable. Prior to that show I was doing her feet clear. My Chestnut pinto with whote legs...
  13. KLM

    Splash Gene and Partial Deafness???

    I appreciate the replies. I am definately not giving up on this guy. One thing I have noticed going thru his pictures, He almost always has his head cocked to one side (like in the second picture) I know I am grasping here... just trying to figutre things out. He is a really smart horse and...
  14. KLM

    Splash Gene and Partial Deafness???

    OK, So yesterday I posted about my pinto gelding I was planning on showing this year and his wierd tenseness and ear issues. After discussion here and elsewhere the subject of him being a splash pinto came up and the possibility of deafness. Last night when I got home from work, I "tested" him...
  15. KLM


    MountainWoman, His times of tenseness are off and on and have been since I got him. To say I pulled him off the ceiling when I got him home for the first time would be an understatement. He is calm and relaxed during clipping UNTIL I get to his ears. Some days I can walk into his stall and he is...
  16. KLM


    For those in the Northern California area, NORCAL miniature horse club is hosting a schooling show at Ranchotel Horse Center in Vacacille this coming weekend, 3/16/2013. Entries are $4.99 per class for $30.00 for the whole day. All miniature horses 38" and under are welcome to attend. We will...
  17. KLM

    Miniature Horse Shows

    I'm also AOTE so I have to do all my own stunts... I mean work! But... One year I had my amazing little stallion in with a trainer. She was awesome and my horse looked great. But I have to say, for me it was very un-rewarding to just take the lead at the in gate and go in, show and collect my...
  18. KLM

    When is the best time to body clip?

    I only clip early the minis I am showing. On the others, I wait to see when the big horses have pretty much shed out to clip the rest of them. Then I know mother nature thinks its ok. Silly I know, but it works for me. I don't want them suffering because of the heat, or freezing because I want...
  19. KLM


    Hello All, and Happy March! With March brings the start of the show season for many of us. For me, I was planning on showing my gorgeous gelding in AMHA and AMHR shows this year. My goal was to show him as an "AMHA Super Amateur Gelding" meaning he shows halter, obstacle, hunter and driving...