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  1. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    LOL, I have had friends telling me lately "Maybe she isn't really pregnant" Umm... really? Have you seen her! LOL
  2. KLM

    PlayTime Minis 2015 Foals

    Congratulations on another cutie!
  3. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    I asked the vet about her "waxing" and was told that it is more than likely not "true waxing" more leakage from her laying down and putting pressure on her bag. Also the explanation to her getting up and having her bag smaller on one side after laying down. I really have no concern about...
  4. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    I forgot to take a side picture last night... sorry
  5. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    So, my calendar disappeared. On breeding dates, this is what I know. She lost her foal 2/20/14, breech birth. Vet put her on antibiotics and said to go ahead and breed her again. I did not breed her on her foal heat, or her next cycle to give her time to heal. I bred her on her second full cycle...
  6. KLM

    Maple Hollow Farms 2015 Foaling

    Gorgeous filly! Congratulations!!!
  7. KLM

    baby bump/bumps.....?

    We just had those crazy storms yesterday and the day before. I was dreading my mare would foal during them just because I was so sick and going out to the barn was a horrible experience for those not feeling like standing upright! My teenage son was doing most of the foal checks for me the past...
  8. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Sorry guys!!! I got the flu and have been out of commission. My internet at my house is very unreliable. AT&T says they are working on the tower. So, No update. For some strange reason her bag has gone way down. Still has milk, but a little bag. I have no clue what she is doing. I have to say...
  9. KLM

    Magic Marker 2015

    Wow! I know I said buckskin, but he sure looks bay. Like you said, that is an impossible outcome with a perlino stallion! I wonder how he will look next year? With that said though... hello legs!
  10. KLM

    New to minis, and mini pregnancy

    I would say you both look pregnant! lol
  11. KLM

    Magic Marker 2015

    Congratulations! My friend had told me that when the mare gets "dimples" on her teats you have less than 24 hours to go. I noticed your mare had them in the pics posted yesterday, so I was excited to see if it was true and Bam! it was!!! BTW, my guess is buckskin
  12. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    I believe she is painting spots and removing any extra pieces... like boy parts!
  13. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! My friend had THREE, count them 3!!! babies born last night. So not fair! (stomps foot) OK, little girl fit over... big sigh...
  14. KLM

    PlayTime Minis 2015 Foals

    ^^^ I agree. Its gonna be a hold on and pray king of year! But Rebecca, Central Cali, no real disasters. We have earthquakes, but not as many as the story books say. At least not in Central Cali.
  15. KLM

    PlayTime Minis 2015 Foals

    Beautiful California weather here, so you can always move to Cali! A little scary that we have had very little rain this year. Now praying for a mild summer to help the drought.
  16. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Sigh... No baby still. I think my mare may be the one that does stay pregnant forever. :/
  17. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Come on Bailey!!! Mama wants to sleep in her bed again!!!
  18. KLM

    Normal birth after breech birth?

    Ok, tail resistance is at zero, grumpiness is high. She stood in the shade yesterday with her head hanging low and just looked miserable. I could have sworn she would foal last night... But nope! She is waxed and had sticky dried milk on her tummy in front of her bag. Maybe today or tonight...
  19. KLM

    Magic Marker 2015

    So sorry for the loss of the foal, but good job on your due diligence saving mama. Hope your kitty gets better!