Normal birth after breech birth?

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If you have the vet out. Ask them about mastitis. Its odd that she has been waxing that long. She looks slab sided.
I asked the vet about her "waxing" and was told that it is more than likely not "true waxing" more leakage from her laying down and putting pressure on her bag. Also the explanation to her getting up and having her bag smaller on one side after laying down.

I really have no concern about Mastitis. I worked for a TB breeding farm when I was younger and we dealt with several mares with mastitis. Bailey has zero signs of it. Her udder is not painful or hot and she has no fever. Thank you for the suggestion though, its good to cover all bases.

I will try to get a picture tonight. I only squeeze out about 2 drops to test. Up util now it has been a golden yellow, this time it was orange. Not streaky, just a solid sunny orange color. Totally weird. Just wondering if anyone has heard of that before.

I have no concerns of her not being pregnant. She is definitely pregnant. I have gone through 3 pregnancies with her before and she has progressed the same each time. She is easy to tell when she is in season and easy to tell when she is pregnant. Not to mention the obvious foal movement I have witnessed! I am most likely just a paranoid mama to be. This is the first mini mare I have foaled out on my own. I have always taken her and my others to a foaling barn in the past 4-6 weeks prior to their due dates.
Following your on going saga! Hope she foals soon. Never had "orange" milk from any of mine before - that's a new one.
Several mares will have leakage that dries and people think it's waxing. for 'waxing' think of candle wax and the way it looks.

It sounds like she's moving ahead just perfectly... and making everyone a little crazy.... just as she's supposed to!!!!!
Well, today's glamour shots... I don't think tonight is the night.

Maybe I am getting used to this!



With a mare this far long, we are at her mercy! Physically she looks pretty ready to go, so all you can do is be VERY attentive to her. She could drop and foal whenever she feels the time is right! Any signs that are not "perfect" for foaling can change in minutes, and so we watch and wait, and know she is doing beautifully, and so are you in caring for her! We'll be on alert, and drink more coffee!!!
I never noticed that perfect brown pattern on her back legs by her butt. Lol it kinda looks like she sat in a mud puddle :p
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Love the "sat in a mud puddle!"

Still no baby... no forward progress.
So, I think I mentioned this previously, but I lost my calendar from last year. The husband should not be allowed to clean up my office!

I specifically remember last fall saying she would be "due" around my birthday. That would have been 4/2.

Now this I do know. She lost her last foal 2/20/2014. It was a full term breech birth, very close to her due date. I never breed on the foal heat, and did not breed her on her first cycle after that because I wanted to give her more time to heal from the tearing caused by the breech birth. I bred her on her second cycle. I counted 28 days... (thinking human) so in reality it could be her 3rd cycle (21 days for horses) which would have made her 342 days on 4/8/2015... her second cycle would have had her at 342 days on 3/18/2015.

So... my educated guess... and I am using educated loosely and guess as a more accurate term for me... she is 347 days.
Oh yes, I'm so sorry you had to type all that out again! I forgot that your calander got thrown away... Surely she will have the baby soon! I'm going to guess that she's going to have a colt.
No worries, I didn't mind typing it all out. Getting down to the science of things made me feel a little less like banging my head against the wall.

I admit I feel a bit dumb on using a human 28 day calendar vs. The horse 21 day spread!

So for an update... She looks back to the dropped down tummy this morning. Maybe we are finally in the home stretch?

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