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  1. C

    How Many of You Have Mini's on Small Property??

    I am so envious of those of you who have farms and ranches and acres of property. I live in a residential area on 1/2 acre. My minis are housed in 2 stalls, each being 16 x 18. Our plan when we bred our two mares was to keep one baby and sell the other. Well....having helped birth both...
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    How Soon Can I Clip My Foals?

    Thanks, I truly appreciate your input!
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    How Soon Can I Clip My Foals?

    My filly is 7 weeks old and really has a full-on thick coat. I live in Southern California and its now starting to climb up in to the 80's this week. :488: How old do you give your foals their first clip jobs? I've never done this before and could use some advice. I have a Wahl clipper, but...
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    Help, need advice & suggestions

    GEEZ! I haven't been on the forum since my colt was born 3 weeks ago and here I get on, wanting to post a question regarding ...this URGGG... SAME PROBLEM!!! Were all these little dudes born during a full moon or what?? My little guy also came out with his mouth ready to chomp on something...
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    Can you tell how tall your foal will mature to?

    Thank you! I just want to try these methods and see what happens!
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    Can you tell how tall your foal will mature to?

    I've read on several posts that people will measure the cannon bone and predict how tall the foal will mature to. Is this an accurate way to determine height? My filly, 5 1/2 weeks old, has short stubby legs and stocky body (quarter horse style) and my colt 2 weeks old has legs a mile long...
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    When Do Foals Stop Nursing???

    My filly born on March 30th, has been eating hay and grass for a couple of weeks now and nurses infrequently. Is this all normal? When do they stop nursing altogether?
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    At least you've come to the right place for information. I'm sure there will be a lot of replies. I'm somewhat of a beginner myself, so keep checking the post for replies. These people are a wonderful source of info. Good Luck!
  9. C

    Foal Questions....Now What Do I Do???

    I knew I could count on a few of you to offer up some words of wisdom! Thank you so much!! I'm sure I'm not the only newbie here that could use this info. There are so many great books and video's and foaling info, but not so much info on what to do AFTERWARDS! So again, thank you for your...
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    Foal Questions....Now What Do I Do???

    I'm probably ill-mannered for bumping my own post up, but I really need this questions answered. Any help out there for a newbie?
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    Foal Questions....Now What Do I Do???

    So after reading, researching and learning about the foaling process, I am now CLUELESS about where and how to begin training my 2 foals. I imprinted both on day 1 and forward. I put a halter on them on day 2. My filly is now 4 weeks old and my colt is 1 week old. 1. When and how do I start...
  12. C

    I Get The Bozo Award!!!

    Well, apparently I can help birth them, but I can't determine their sex! My husband will never ever let me hear the end of this one! My beautiful filly O'Micheals Little Finnegan, sire is Little Americas San Miguel, born on Tuesday :new_shocked: .....IS A COLT!!!! I was so embarrased when my...
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    Pics of my new Fillys

    Thanks for the help on posting pictures! First pic is of Cheyennes Quicksilver Isabella (Bella) Born on March 30th. This pic is of O'Michaels Little Finnegan (Finn) Born on early this morning, April 25th. This is a Little America's Filly...
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    How do you post a picture?

    I can't find where to post a picture. Any help out there?
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    How do you post a picture?

    I can't find where to post a picture. Any help out there?
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    WE HAD ANOTHER FILLY! Second and Last! Whew!

    Hopi had an adorable sorrel and white pinto with a perfect white spot on her bumm of the State of Nevada! O'Michael's Little Finnegan (Finn) was born at 2:30am early this morning. Her sire is Little America's San Miguel and she's ALL LEGS! Almost as tall as my 4 week old filly! Thank GOD...
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    What Color Do You Think We'll Get???

    :saludando: My mare is solid black and she was bred with a homozygous chestnut and white tobiano pinto. What Do You Think????
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    Help with Nipping Colt

    I've heard that you "flick" them on the hits. My little 3 week old filly's teeth are just coming out and she's mouthy on everything! It was cute when she didn't have teeth, but now we have to start disciplining. Look at how the Mom's discipline. They nip them on the rear end.
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    New Foal Question????

    I checked her eyelashes and all seems to be okay there. Not overly dusty stall...we used decomposed granite and it's very solid. The only other thing I can think of is the honeysuckle that's on their stall fence. Could she be allergic? What about when she's nursing...she could get dust from...
  20. C

    New Foal Question????

    My almost 3 week old filly has had weepy eyes. She also sneezes and I've associated this to her sniffing everything in sight! Could she have a cold?