New Foal Question????

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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My almost 3 week old filly has had weepy eyes. She also sneezes and I've associated this to her sniffing everything in sight! Could she have a cold?
I'd check two things --

One is, her eyelashes. Make sure they are all curling away from her eyes.

The second thing is -- is it dusty where you are? Or perhaps the stall bedding or her mom's hay has some dust in it? If not dust, are there trees that are blooming or seeding nearby?

I checked her eyelashes and all seems to be okay there. Not overly dusty stall...we used decomposed granite and it's very solid. The only other thing I can think of is the honeysuckle that's on their stall fence. Could she be allergic? What about when she's nursing...she could get dust from underneath mom's belly?
Actually, you may have hit on something. Your foal could be reacting to the mare's fur!

If you haven't, you might try shaving the mom's belly area.


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