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  1. Voodoo

    Just what IS the "SMALLEST" horse?

    Personally I don't see anything wrong with breeders going for the tiny horses, as long as they are using quality stock and getting nice well proportioned horses. I am a lover of the tiny ones and have even used them as driving horses. The only difference being that you may need to drive a team...
  2. Voodoo

    Is there such a thing as a pygmy horse?

    My guess would be that the show was somewhat uneducated in the mini horse world just as disneyhorse said. I know the little ones can jump very well and 24" isn't much for many of them. I have never heard a mini horse enthusiast call a small mini a pygmy, so I'd say it's just a way for them to...
  3. Voodoo

    Have you Elfed yourself yet?

    That is too funny :aktion033: I have been elfed, but I almost fell out of my chair laughing :lol: I love it!!!
  4. Voodoo

    Dont you wish--

    So true, and that goes for all of life as well. I wish everything could be far more simple than it really is these days. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
  5. Voodoo


    It looks great :aktion033: I agree that that corner appears to be custom made for the christmas tree to sit there : . The decorations are really pretty, so detailed.
  6. Voodoo

    A Christmas greeting..

    Merry Christmas to you and yours as well :
  7. Voodoo

    I have been asked to post these pictures

    Those are beautiful pillows : You all look wonderful singing and dancing as well :
  8. Voodoo

    My daughter went to homecoming, her first formal dance

    They look great together, your daughter is very pretty : . I'm glad to hear that they had a good time, don't worry about her growing up she is turning into a beautiful young lady
  9. Voodoo

    For you, Marty....

    That is beautiful, what a wonderful thing to do. I think it says plenty about how you feel about Marty and her family :
  10. Voodoo

    NHR Tattoo

    Congratulations it's very nice. What a nice present from your family : :
  11. Voodoo

    170 cattle fall through ice & drown

    Wow, that is one very sad and expensive way to learn that lesson for yourself :no: . I just hate seeing this kind of story, so darn sad. Thanks for sharing the warning with us though.
  12. Voodoo

    My depressing day

    I know the feeling there, had it happen on a couple of occassions. Not the end of the world, but it sure feels like it sometimes : . Maybe something better is lurking right around the corner. I found one of my best just that way, lost the one I thought I couldn't live without and saw the...
  13. Voodoo


    Congratulations :aktion033: no matter how big or small it is cool to have a pet of your very own. Can't wait for pics and then later some of her tricks :
  14. Voodoo

    We made it,,,ONE WEEK today,

    Way to go :aktion033: we're still here rooting for you.
  15. Voodoo

    Here's a gift suggestion for your horsey kid

    I'd even play some of those. If it has to do with horses I'm all about it, even if it means acting like a kid :bgrin I'm probably never going to grow up any way :
  16. Voodoo

    pet peeve

    Blonde moment : . I think people just forget to think sometimes, at least I know I do :
  17. Voodoo

    Cute Picture

    What a couple of cuties, sharing like that :
  18. Voodoo

    I LOVED YOU ENOUGH.........

    Marty thank you so much for sharing that : . The older I get (23 now) the more I see the truth in those words. I see so many of the times when I learned a hard (or what I thought was hard) lesson my parents could have prevented me from it, but I would have done it again and again, but by them...
  19. Voodoo

    Comparing Photos

    :new_rofl: I love it :aktion033: :
  20. Voodoo

    Friday morning non smoking update

    Congratulations I am happy for you. I don't know what you are going through first hand, but I commend you because I know it's hard. Keep up the good work and we'll always be here for you. I too love the idea of putting the money in a can :