We made it,,,ONE WEEK today,

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
I meant to say we, as you guys have helped me out so very much. Not only have you been there, but you have offered suggestions, sent emails, and have just been 100% supportive.

I know it is only a week, but man what a long week. I hope the 2nd week is easier, but if it is not, then we'll get through that as well.

I have learned so much, each and every day. About myself, and others.

Hey,,,,,,,,,did you know your truck will start even if you DON'T light a cigarette first? Gosh, I was so shocked.

Not only that, you can drive a truck/car too without smoking,,,,,,,,,,,,who'd of thunk!!!!!!!

Got lots to do this weekend,,,,,,with the Holidays,,,,,,,,and are putting up/on new addition to the barn after huge windstorm a few Fridays ago.

So I gotta enough to do to keep little white sticks out of my mouth.

I have not smoked since April 7....I learned you can....answer the phone.....read a book.....drive to Florida....be on the computer......eat food....and have a drink......big one....have stress and not give in...

You can do it....ask anyone who knows me....they will tell you I surprised the heck out of them.....its one day at a time.....
Ahhh that is SUPER and you can feel so good about building that will power! :aktion033: :aktion033: I happen to know just how wonderful it feels not to be controled by that cigarette. One thing I have found is that I no longer drink all the coffee I used to...the coffee and cics seemed to go together. Now it is lots of water and tea. Next week is going to be easier! Mary
:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: way to go Carolyn!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

hang in there, you can do it! just think of all that lovely money in your can

and the new mini you will be able to buy yourself
Yay! Glad to hear you are doing it!

My mom was a 2 pack a day smoker and she quit after my Andy arrived (he's sixteen now).

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

You can do it!!! :bgrin


Silversong Farm
Carolyn, and Angie I am so proud of you both!

Carolyn, the first two weeks are the worst, then it gets better. Every time you think about lighting up, picture your kids sitting by your hospital bed as you die from lung cancer or some other smoking related disease. I will never foget being with my Mom those last days. I quit Thanksgiving day 1987, a month after she died and never lit another. If I can do it, you sure can, I am not one with the best willpower. Hang in there!

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