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  1. Voodoo

    I am June Cleaver

    Well I still live at home so it probably doesn't count, but no I'm really not. I do all the chores, bring in firewood, shoe the horses, keep the barn, corrals, arena etc..... in tip top shape. I am tidy in the house, but mom cooks all the meals, washes the dishes, dusts, vacuums, does laundry...
  2. Voodoo

    Phobias, Fears and Revulsions

    I have a fear of Coyotes and Wolves. Domestic dogs of any breed (even really agressive ones) don't bother me, but I can promise you that the wild dogs do. If I am on a horse out riding, no fear at all, but if I'm afoot I can barely keep from screaming and running. The only reason I can keep...
  3. Voodoo

    A Christmas gift idea...

    I agree to spend time with him. Maybe make a little booklet of IOU's that he can give to you when he wants something. Such as "Take you out to dinner" "Bring a movie and watch it this evening" "Come play a board game (or card game) of your choice" etc.......... They seem to love things...
  4. Voodoo

    Show Halter that i made

    Hey, I like it you did a really nice job. I work leather sometimes and it does take some patience and effort if you want it to come out really nice (like yours did).
  5. Voodoo

    OH ASHHHHHHLey!!!!!!!

    You know Marty I think we sure are a nosey bunch. Either that or I'm nosey and there are alot of Ashleys on this forum :lol: . A post that is addressed to Ashley and you get 80 something hits :new_rofl: sorry I just couldn't resist.
  6. Voodoo

    Just need to vent a little

    I'm sorry for everything you're going through. Just wishing you the best, and that no matter the time that is left to you and your Dad you make the most of it. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))
  7. Voodoo

    Only For Love

    You come up with some wonderful heart warming stories. Thanks for sharing them with us.
  8. Voodoo

    One Chance in a Million

    That was wonderful, thank you so much for sharing :
  9. Voodoo

    What is your worst Horsey Accident????

    Well now this is the kind of thing I can put my 2 cents worth in :bgrin . Lets see start say at 5 riding a horse that was probably too green for me to be on, but after begging Dad for hours he let me ride her around the arena at the rodeo before it started. All was well until some kids...
  10. Voodoo

    Lets see YOU!

    Oh Come on now Rabbit, you can't post and not put up a picture : I'll even go out on a limb and put up one or two of me :lol: These are older pictures of me, ready to go out. This is one I took of myself with my camera phone just a couple days ago
  11. Voodoo

    Who needs milk when you............

    Great pics thanks for sharing :aktion033: :
  12. Voodoo

    Just Sharing

    That was wonderful if more of us would live by those words the world would be a much better place to live. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Voodoo

    It's time to admit I have a problem....

    Oh they are all so cute, but they have this "if I put up with this maybe mom will leave me alone" look on thier little faces. I have to admit that I do it too, and mine don't like it either :bgrin
  14. Voodoo

    my horses are finally in my back yard!

    Great pics :aktion033: and it looks like you are building a wonderful home for all your minis :
  15. Voodoo

    Full size horse Vrs. mini, what's different?

    You've got some good advise so far. Some more things I would suggest is a dog proof (or at least as dog proof as you can get) fence for your little one. She will probably get lovesick for her friend, but if you spend time with her she will bond with you instead so you should be fine there...
  16. Voodoo

    sweet feed

    I agree with what has been said so far about any feed can be bad if used incorrectly. I have fed sweet feed as a treat for .............. well............ ever. Now that being said when I am using one of my performance horses (QH) hard thus giving them 3 + 1 gallon coffe cans of grain daily I...
  17. Voodoo

    We dun got us a UFO (pic too)

    I agree the "white thing" was scary. This is just funny, but hey an out of towner could qualify as an alien you know :
  18. Voodoo

    Need some support and prayers

    Prayers coming your way. I'm so sorry you are going through this, I hope all goes well for you. You are in such a tough situation right now.
  19. Voodoo

    OK, I'm officially insane.

    I love him, the ears are awesome : . Congratulations on your new purchase :aktion033:
  20. Voodoo

    New horse!!!

    Congratulations on your new additon :aktion033: He looks like a wonderful little guy, so sweet : I'm sure he'll love his new home.