A Christmas gift idea...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Wilsonville, AL
Help! I really need some ideas for a Christmas gift for my grandfather. My problem is that he is in a nursing home this year. He is not a social man, he doesn't go to the functions unless a nurse or someone just makes him go. He is not happy that he's there but after almost a year, he is accepting it. He sits in his tiny little room and watches tv all day. I don't think he can see well enough to read much. He doesn't need any clothes and I refuse to get him socks and underwear for Christmas. I thought about making basket with some fruit, peanuts and cheese crackers, foods he likes. That's still pretty sad for a Christmas present. I keep him well supplied with current family photos in frames. So that's not an option either. Help!

Does anyone have any ideas of something I could do that might really make him smile?

Make a family video and watch it with him. Spend a day with him. I find that most people in homes like that don't need stuff, they need love and attention! Can you take him out for a drive or something? What about a trip home?
When my grandfather ended up in a nursing hime/rehab after being in the hospital I got him books on tape. He too has a hard time reading but did use the books on tape or CD. I can't think of anything else at the moment.

Make a family video and watch it with him. Spend a day with him. I find that most people in homes like that don't need stuff, they need love and attention! Can you take him out for a drive or something? What about a trip home?
I agree about needing the love! I live about thirty minutes from there and my mom and grandmother are even closer so he gets lots of visits from us. My parents brought him to our Thanksgiving dinner that was at my sister's house and they will do the same for Christmas breakfast which will be here at my house. But as for taking him to his home, I think that would be sad for him when it came time to go back to the nursing home. It's so depressing there...
I am planning on taking Peter, my mini horse, up to the nursing home and suprising him one day, but I as for a present that he can open on Christmas morning when everyone else is opening gifts, that's what I need help with...

I agree to spend time with him. Maybe make a little booklet of IOU's that he can give to you when he wants something. Such as "Take you out to dinner" "Bring a movie and watch it this evening" "Come play a board game (or card game) of your choice" etc.......... They seem to love things like that. I also think the little basket of food would be good.
Amanda I agree- audio books BUT get him the vouchers so he can tell you or go and choose, his own.
I don't know how this would be in a nursing home but I got both sets of grandparents a digital photo frame and added 150 pictures of my boys through there sweet little lives and you plug it in and it is a slide show. No matter what let him know he is loved
We are having the same kinda problem with my grandfather this year, except he isn't in a nursing home... he just watches TV all day. But, he doesn't need anything! He doesn't really DO anything. he watches CNN from the time he wakes up till he goes to bed with the exception of the local news at noon and dinnertime. He drives (but shouldn't) so we don't want to get him anything for his car. And he gets clothes for Christmas from my grandmother and aunts (not that he needs any). We give him candies and cookies, and I always find something homemade to fill his "christmas tin" that I bought him, usually home made candy or brittle. But I'd love to find something that wasn't food or clothes!

My Dad who is 92 is also in the nursing home - he sounds much like your grandfather and just stays in his room and watches TV - only goes out for his meals and is not much for socializing with other people.

We found the greatest thing for him - we got a basket and filled it with candy treats - we put a sign on it that says, "Please have a treat from Ray" He has it on his dresser and everytime someone comes in his room he gets this big smile and tells them to take a treat. The nurses and aids LOVE it - Dad feels so important and I really think it has been a wonderful thing all around. He seems to get LOTS of attention and it has just worked out greater then we could ever have imagined.

The biggest thing is keeping it supplied but we all pitch in and make sure there are plenty of treats in a variety-just simple things.

Good luck and I think it is wonderful that you are so caring and concerned about your grandfather!
The first thing I thought of was something I made my dad when he got really bad and had to sit all the time. I bought the softest softest fleece I could find. A nice pattern he'd love and cut the end edges in strips about 5" long then tie a knot at the top of each strip and pull tight. Now you have a lovely soft comforting lap blanket. Usually 2 yds is plenty and I know my dad used to sit and just stroke the blanket. It made me feel good. Just an idea.
Wow, there are really terrific ideas here. My mother-in-law is now in a home and these ideas are great. And Shannon, you are such a thoughtful gal. Pleasure to know you.
If you are a sewer make a rag quilt lap size.Bring in a game like scrabble or cards.There are some great ideas on here.
Here's my idea. If he likes the game Yahtzee, get him the electronic one. It can be multi-player, but since he likes to keep to himself, you can also play a one person game. Get him a little notebook and a pen and he can keep track of his scores, trying to outdo himself. I have seen them in WalMart and it is under $20. It is hand held and is probably about 3"x5".
[SIZE=10pt]What wonderful ideas! I especially like Kera's and Donna's. I need to come up with something yet for my grandmother who was just recently moved to a nursing home...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I just wanted to say thank you to everybody who took the time to share your ideas with me. They are all wonderful and I plan on using several of them. :aktion033: Thanks to y'all, my grandfather will be opening some gifts that he will be proud of and will treasure too.

[SIZE=12pt]Merry Christmas! Shannon :bgrin [/SIZE]

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