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  1. Deborah B


    Yes your horse is adorable. By the way I love Great Danes.
  2. Deborah B

    NC Year of the Horse Mini Demos

    That is awesome good job East Coast mini club.
  3. Deborah B

    Spooker Show

    Our show season is over here. Wish we had another one in Oct. Sounds fun.
  4. Deborah B

    Heaven gained an angel this morning :(

    Sad news. Sorry for your loss.
  5. Deborah B

    "Equine Colic Relief"

    Nice to know I hope I don't need it but will get some in case. Thanks
  6. Deborah B

    new arrival

    lovely picture congratultions on a beauty of a foal.
  7. Deborah B

    Our Hula Girl

    Looks like a great time and love the hula horse.
  8. Deborah B

    San Diego Mini Horse Fun Group

    Sounds like a lot of fun. Plus you live in San Deigo. Lucky you.
  9. Deborah B

    Very proud of our "little" girls

    Congratultions Sounds exciting. My first show ring driving I was last in every class I entered. Had fun though and learned a lot. You did a whole lot better..
  10. Deborah B

    Please keep our Annie in your Prayers!

    It is a true labor of love to care for a sick horse in the winter. I am thinking of you and hope for a good outcome...
  11. Deborah B

    We WON!!!

    Amy That was a wonderful video. Thanks for the link! It really shows a bit about the 3 parts to a CDE. You guys look great and it does capture how much fun you are having!
  12. Deborah B

    We WON!!!

    Amy You both look great in the photos. Congratulations on your wins. Do you use the same cart in the marathon too?
  13. Deborah B

    The Deed is Done...

    Amy I just wanted to add the picture is priceless. I think it should be in a magazine or published.
  14. Deborah B

    First 2009 Foal for Crayonbox

    Wow Looks like a winner. Congratulations! I also want to say I love your website and the pages on foaling. This is very helpful to all us on mare stare. thank you.
  15. Deborah B

    AMHR Nationals From Pacific Northwest Costs???

    Great show lots of fun lots to see. You will also need International health certs and current coggins for all horse crossing the border. It is a long 2 or3 day drive from the Northwest so you want to consider where you are stopping along the way overnight both you and stables where you unload...
  16. Deborah B

    Tampa Trials ADT

    Very cool. You guys look great. Congratulations on your placings. The 40 degrees may be cold for you but it is hard to feel the chill ( it is hovering around ZERO here this morning!) Great photos thanks for the update on your event!
  17. Deborah B

    Leather Show Harness

    Can you tell me what was wrong with the fit of the new design of Mose Miller harness?When did they change the design and on which harness? I am harness shopping also for a 33"inch Shetland. I really like the look rounded blinkers so is this okay for single pleasure classes..
  18. Deborah B

    Your Under 34" ASPC / AMHR Horses

    We have 3 that are AMHR, ASPC and under. Bristol Pepito 100% Arenosa stallion and also AMHA Buckeye WCF Paposo Braveheart 33" 2 year old stallion 50% Arenosa And Establo Julia a 100% Arenosa mare also AMHA Kokanee Ranch
  19. Deborah B


    Not here yet! Checked today.
  20. Deborah B

    More and Better Pics of my new stallion

    He is awesome! Wow you should be excited...