[SIZE=14pt]It has been a long 28 hours since Mel and I have been dealing with our 18-year-old, Kewpie's Arina(Annie)Of Arenosa(Kewpie's El Monterry Of Arenosa x Kewpie's Ruby Of Arenosa by Kewpie Doll's Diablo)..It was about 9:00pm yesterday evening that Annie started to colic. We gave her banimine and walked her out until she seemed better...but as happens banimine can often mask what is really going on. I stayed awake all night checking on her and about 2:00 am she started to get worse again so called the vet...I decided against bringing her in at that time, but going instead to get another type of seditive. She was much better after that and by morning looked much better and eggerly ate a lite breakfast, but by 11am, we had her at the vet office. She(our vet) first checked her all out and said there was a bread size loaf which was pretty firmly in place just past her colon and into her she tubed her with water and stool softerner first, then we pushed 2 bags of IV fluid through her and then she tubed her again with water and oil and sent us home with 2 more bags of IV fluids and more seditives. She is in her stall tonight with 2 blankets on(6 degree above) and we gave her the other 2 IV fluids and more seditives. She has much more gut sounds and flatulence than before, but unless she starts to pass stool, her changes are NOT good.. this hour Mel is finally sleeping and she is doing okay, but still no stools. If she does well the rest of tonight we will take her back to our vet tomorrow morning and she will tube her again. But we also need to decide when enough is enough and we can't afford surgery. Even if we could afford it, we have decided that, that is NOT an option...
Please, Please pray for our Annie. Our Christmas wish is that she "WILL" past this blockage and recover
Here is Annie with her 2009 filly, Audrita
Thanks for listening and MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone

Please, Please pray for our Annie. Our Christmas wish is that she "WILL" past this blockage and recover

Here is Annie with her 2009 filly, Audrita
Thanks for listening and MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone
