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  1. Deborah B

    We recorded the AMHR National show on RFD-TV

    Add me to the list too I pm you as well. I would love to see the AMHR TV show Thanks Deb
  2. Deborah B

    AMHR Nationals...give up the details!

    Count us in! WHO are you taking? Rivenburghs Maria a 2 year old daughter of our own Bristol Pepito. WHAT classes or divisions will you be competing in? Showing in Ammy mares, futurity ammy mares and Annette of HHP Training Center is showing her in open. WHEN are you leaving? How far are you...
  3. Deborah B


    Rob He is really all that and a bag of chips!
  4. Deborah B

    Show us your....

    Our Stallion Scott Creek Monarch Afyre. His mane is almost down to his knees now.
  5. Deborah B

    Show us your horses with Arenosa bloodlines

    We love Arenosas here. This is Bristol Pepito, What makes him special is a pretty long list. He is triple reg. AMHA/ AMHR ASPC, a great show horse and National Champion. A 100% Arenosa pedigree. Conformation and charisma. Big thanks to Janet Hughes and Nancy Rivenbaugh for allowing Pete to...
  6. Deborah B

    Please keep friends and their stallion in your prayers!

    This is a heartbreaking thing and I wish for the good outcome, I am thankful for reminder on Boxwood and will double check anywhere I have my horses. Warmest thoughts & wishes to Booty and his human family.
  7. Deborah B

    Cheapest place to buy a pair of Double K's

    Another vote for Rob at The Clipper Barn. He has sold me my Double K clippers and my daughter her clippers. He will go the extra mile to help you with his products.
  8. Deborah B

    My Nationals Results............A TRUE ROADSTER HORSE

    Rob :aktion033: :aktion033: Okay Back to the happy thread. Wow best wishs to you and your bride to be! Target is a super nice horse and well deserved his placing at the Nationals.
  9. Deborah B

    tulsa show

    HI The National show is Sept 7th to 16th. Going on right now. You can see the results posted at they are update every day. Click on horse shows then AMHR results.
  10. Deborah B

    DESTINY's Nationals Results

    Fan task teek! Dreams do come true....sometimes
  11. Deborah B

    AMHR Nationals

    Thanks I am a very small town gal and even getting a horse to the Nationals is a dream.. I do remember touring some big time horse ranches and seeing those plaques on the wall. I thought they were for Top Ten placings..Maybe they were AMHA National wins or maybe the were for 1st place... Not...
  12. Deborah B

    National GRAND Champion Stallion Over

    WOW! Nice horse I see why he won.
  13. Deborah B

    Senior Champion Stallions at Nationals

    :aktion033: Yup Pretty big wins. Congratulations!! Also want to add that my pal Jessica M won the futurity 2 year Old Stallion/Gelding, 33" & Under. And if that is not enough Jr. Res. Champ Stallion, Under with her part Arenosa ESTABLO MARTINI ON THE ROCKS..
  14. Deborah B

    AMHR Nationals

    Thanks Andrea. I was clueless...Still am but I know a little more than I did. lol
  15. Deborah B

    AMHR Nationals

    I have never been to a Nationals. Hope to go next year. But I did send a horse this year. We have picked up 2 top 10's Yahoo!!!! Halter and halter Futurity. Do you get a sash, award plaque, or just a ribbon? I am trying to imagine my tack room loot. I talked to Annette yesterday but forgot to...
  16. Deborah B

    Buddy Videos Galore

    :saludando: Too cute. I love the video of Buddy running all around..Now do we have enough minis in our area to start a club? Deb in Fruitvale BC..
  17. Deborah B

    If you have a problem with my Journal Column................

    Rob I enjoy your column in the Journal very much. Please keep on writing it. Thanks!!!
  18. Deborah B

    Our most anticipated foal finally arrived!

    Nice Nice Nice! She is pretty as a picture!
  19. Deborah B

    is the only point in breeding to make money???

    My thoughts are I am hoping to breed a National Champion, does not matter if I have sold the horse to some one else or one I have kept.
  20. Deborah B

    Stall Maintenance

    I pick out the stalls every morning, my show horses are stalled only at night, they are turned out in a dry lot with a shelter during the day. I have matted stalls with shavings. I did put lime down under the stalls mats before I installed them, okay that was over a year ago, might need to take...